Tips and Tricks To Help Your Child Succeed at Online Learning

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It’s safe to say that the COVID-19 pandemic has really changed everything about our daily lives. Now that we are going about our lives (primarily) inside, it is time to adapt to our new environments, especially when it comes to learning virtually! Virtual learning is a whole new ballgame, and it can take some adjusting to get used to this “new normal.” Here are some tips that can ensure your child is successful at online learning.

Set up a routine.

It is all too easy to fall into laziness when it comes to virtual learning, especially since your child will be in the comfort of their own home all day. But it is incredibly important to have a routine when it comes to virtual learning, just like you do when your child goes to school in person. Being regimented is the key to starting their day off with a bang, so make sure they get up at the same time each day, head to the shower, get dressed in something other than pajamas, and have a good breakfast before signing on for the day. This way, they’ll be mentally prepared to turn their brains on and be engaged with their teachers.

Get organized and stay organized.

Just like you will want a routine every morning, your child will need to be organized to truly be successful at virtual learning. Start with creating an organized desk and work station so they can easily keep everything for school in one place. You’ll want a comfy chair, a computer with a large enough screen, color-coded supplies for each subject, and storage, storage, and more storage. A student should be able to move seamlessly from subject to subject without much disruption, so keeping all the materials close and easily accessible will make their days a lot easier.

Schedule breaks during the day.

Chances are, when your child is in their classroom, they do not spend each subject period learning and using their brain for every single minute. Teachers tend to schedule “brain breaks” during class to help the child reset and recharge, so implement them at home! These breaks don’t have to be super long — just a simple stand up and stretch break with suffice. So encourage your child to get up and move — such as a few jumping jacks, torso twists, and marching in place about every half an hour or so.

Choose a tutor for extra help.

Not every child will be able to fully adapt to virtual learning, and that is okay! In some cases, your child may need some extra educational support in a few subjects in order to keep up with their class and schedule. Working with a professional tutor will help to customize learning techniques for your child, especially if they do not have the option to be in an in-person classroom where they normally thrive. Plus, the tutoring is done online, which can be flexible according to both your schedule and the child’s school day. No matter the subject, there are plenty of options to choose; from history and reading to science and math online tutoring to help your child thrive.

Give positive feedback.

A big part of the school day includes your child getting positive reinforcement from their teachers. It is time for you to take on that role as well, so make it a habit of giving positive feedback whenever you can. If you are able too, look over their work, get included in their projects, and even give good grades a checkmark or a sticker. Small amounts of praise will go a long way.

With these easy tips and tricks in mind, your child will be embracing virtual learning in no time at all.