Different ways people use 🙃 while flirting!

what does 🙃 mean

What does ðŸ™ƒ mean – You’ll likely spend the first few days of your ‘flirtation ship’ exchanging texts with your crush, whether you met in person or they sent you a pick-up line on Tinder. One of the worst parts of communicating through text is not knowing whether the other person is joking or serious. Thankfully, emoticons have been universally adopted for usage in text messages. Many people ask what does ðŸ™ƒ mean as it is one of the most used emojis on social media. 

Unlike actual words with a clear and distinct meaning, Emojis may be interpreted in various ways depending on the person using them. No dictionary can help you figure out the precise meaning of an emoji in the context of a flirtatious text message. 

This article will help with that. It will explain each possible interpretation in the context of a text message from a potential long-term partner. The fact that the smiley face emoji 🙃 is a smiling emoji despite its appearance may be easily overlooked. In contrast to frowning emojis like the unamused face emoji, the upside-down smiling emoji is always meant to portray a cheerful or amused mood. Let’s discuss the complete answer to the ” what does ðŸ™ƒ mean in detail. 

No one ever uses it to express genuine irritation with the recipient of their SMS. 

This emoji is often sent first when starting a new text conversation with someone they like. It lacks the audacity of, say, the purple devil emoji () or the warmth of the kissy-face emoji, but it nevertheless manages to be cheekily flirty. Here’s a rundown of all the possible ways your 🙃-🙃-using tester is trying to get your attention.

One that is dry or ironic

Dry humour or irony may be communicated using the smiley face emoji 🙃. The upside-down smiley is a valuable tool to indicate that one is joking without using over-the-top facial expressions (or emojis). Just what is “dry humor”? Simply put, it delivers humorous remarks without altering one’s facial expression or vocal inflexion. 

Dry or deadpan humour is characterized by expressing humorous or satirical things without hardly altering one’s bodily expression, in contrast to the exaggerated physicality of slapstick. Of course, one can never prove they aren’t changing their expression while messaging someone. If you want to know the answer to what does ðŸ™ƒ means, you are at the right place. 

To illustrate this point, let’s use the inverted emoji. 

When delivering a sarcastic remark, the expressionless face of the 🙃 is sometimes used as a stand-in. The laughing face is one of the most common emojis used in the first phases of romantic messaging. 

The fact that the smiley face emoji 🙃 is a smiling emoji despite its appearance may be easily overlooked. In contrast to frowning emojis like the unamused face emoji, the upside-down smiling emoji is always meant to portray a cheerful or amused mood. Keep reading to find more amusing answers to the question what does ðŸ™ƒ mean? 

No one ever uses it to express genuine irritation with the recipient of their SMS. 

This emoji is often sent first when starting a new text conversation with someone they like. It lacks the audacity of, say, the purple devil emoji () or the warmth of the kissy-face emoji, but it nevertheless manages to be cheekily flirty. People ask what does ðŸ™ƒ means because it is incredibly confusing for many people. Here’s a rundown of all the possible ways your 🙃-using text is trying to get your attention.

One that is dry or ironic

Dry humor or irony may be communicated using the 🙃. The upside-down smiley indicates that one is joking without using over-the-top facial expressions (or emojis). Just what is “dry humor”? Simply put, it delivers humorous remarks without altering one’s facial expression or vocal inflection. There are many different answers to what does  🙃 mean on the internet. 

Dry or deadpan humor is characterized by expressing humorous or satirical things without hardly altering one’s bodily expression, in contrast to the exaggerated physicality of slapstick. Of course, one can never prove they aren’t changing their expression while messaging someone.

To illustrate this point, let’s use the inverted emoji. 

When delivering a sarcastic remark, the smiley emoji’s expressionless face is sometimes used as a stand-in. The laughing face is one of the most common emojis used in the first phases of romantic messaging. 

A sense of shame

If the person you texted made a mistake or said something stupid, they could send you the upside-down smiley face  🙃 to express their embarrassment and lack of a comeback. 

The recipient of a “What’s up?” message from a new Tinder match who accidentally uses the incorrect name could respond with a fast “Oh wow. I apologize; I was thinking about Jane, not Jamie.

The monkey with its head turned upside down may be used in place of, or in addition to, the “see-no-evil” monkey. Often used to convey shame, this emoji is given a more flirtatious undertone. 


The is often used in online flirtation to convey embarrassment. This kind of awkwardness is usually harmless and endearing. When we’re nervous around someone we like and feel excited, we employ the inverted emoji to express our feelings. People want to know what does ðŸ™ƒ means because so many people use it nowadays. 

If your admirer is trying to figure out how far in advance to ask you out on a date, they can finish the text with some awkwardness since you know they want to ask you out. The character is often used when ending a compliment on a flirtatious note. A man who thinks you’re great because you stayed late at the office to assist him can conclude a text message with an inverted smile to signal his interest.   


The upside-down smiley denotes a more understated enjoyment than the traditional face with tears of joy emoji (), often known as the laughing-crying emoji, which has become the emoji of choice among millennials when relaying a humorous tale. 

You would describe yourself as ” bemused ” after seeing something hilarious that left you wondering what happened. For instance, if a coworker at the office does something illogical, you may contact a friend or family member about it and conclude the message with an inverted smiley face. 

You may say, “A woman I work with just heated her yogurt in the microwave, thinking it was a mini-fridge.” If you’re having a flirtatious text conversation, you can express surprise at how reticent you and your potential partner are. 

When someone closes a funny anecdote with the 🙃, they want you to laugh with them. 


The upside-down smiley is used when the person you have a crush on wants to convey their enthusiasm for an upcoming date with you but is afraid of coming off too enthusiastic. The inverted smiley is a fantastic expression of joy. The inverted orientation represents innocent joy.  

Avoiding the temptation to reveal too much

Being subtle and secretive and avoiding straightforward answers is a tried-and-true method of flirting. If you leave your audience wanting more, they will return for more. Keeping the mystery and excitement alive might be wonderful in the early stages of a relationship by not sharing every detail of your life with the person you’ve been seeing. 

Why not put the person you’re seeing to work for the benefit of your business, seeing as how the honeymoon phase can’t continue forever? Many people have described the answer to what does  🙃  mean in detail. 

If the woman you’re seeing is constantly on the go and you want to make the most of your time together, or if the man you’re seeing is a single parent with little free time, they may use the 🙃 to create suspense in their text messages. 

A solid sign that the person you’re messaging is trying to flirt with you is if they use the inverted emoji, which is meant to imply shyness or coyness. 

Engaging in blatant flirtation

When it comes to flirting, boldness is the polar opposite of coyness. To be bold is to tease and make fun of someone publicly.   You may increase the romantic tension in your text exchanges with the person you adore by dropping subtle hints and making innuendo.

Flirting may be rather aggressive and competitive. You can’t afford to let your opponent win, or you’ll ruin the enjoyment for everyone. Professors of gender studies have shown that flirting works well as a negotiating tactic, which is no surprise. You have to protect yourself and tease back if the person you like teases you. Flirting is similar to a friendly debate.

You want to provoke an angry response without offending the person you adore, so you must find the sweet spot. A person who is being overtly flirty with you through text may utilize the upside-down smiling face to indicate that they are just attempting to pique your interest to start a romantic relationship. 


Someone may use the inverted emoji to indicate that they were seductive or loving with a snarky remark rather than trying to upset you. Around those we trust, we can let our sarcasm fly. It’s not nice for a man to call you dramatic, but if he can say it in jest, like, “You aren’t being dramatic at all,” it’ll probably go down better since you’ll know he’s not trying to hurt your feelings and secretly really likes you.  

Be wary of caustic messages that end with an upside-down smiley since sarcasm has been shown to strengthen relationships rapidly. They undeniably indicate that the person you’ve been messaging has feelings for you. 

Trying the Waters

Look, many emojis on today’s keyboards have been unofficially assigned definitions. It’s common knowledge that neither the aubergine nor the peach resembles its namesake fruit, and neither do water droplets. Therefore, grading emoticons for their flirting connotation or suggestiveness is a harmless option. However, it’s a great icebreaker.

The playful undertone makes it helpful in gauging potential romantic interest. Pay attention to the emojis someone uses if they ask for your number and you’re not sure whether they like you platonically or think you’re attractive. If they start by ending their messages with upside-down smileys, they typically want to gauge your reaction before going on to more overt emojis like the winking face or the smirking emoji. 


How does he intend to flirt by saying this?

When a man sends you the frowning face emoji, it’s a sign that he’s interested in pursuing a romantic relationship with you. He wouldn’t go beyond the generic smiley if his interest in you were spiritual. An indication of his interest in you is the usage of the emoji after a teasing or sarcastic remark. It takes more effort to determine the meaning of certain emojis than others. The conventional smiley face with happy eyes () and the slightly smiling face () are universally understood and may be sent to anybody from your granny to your boss without ambiguity. 

When a female says, “What do you mean?” what does she mean?

A woman uses an inverted emoji to be mysterious or play coy. It shows interest in pursuing a romantic relationship or flirting with you. When girls say this, it means they aren’t ready to share their thoughts and feelings with you fully, but they hope to be more forthcoming if you put in the effort.   Emojis are a great alternative to words when trying to convey subtle feelings, and every female has her unique style of using them. 

Girls have been socialized to avoid confrontation; they typically respond to a situation by avoiding it or responding in a coded manner. This propensity has evolved into an increased use of emojis as a means of concealment in today’s world of text-based communication. 


Some emojis might be interpreted in several ways. The inverted smiling face is a typical case in point. It’s hard to understand what it implies the first time you see it since it doesn’t seem like any real-world facial expression (unless you imagine someone performing a headstand). 

If a man sends you an inverted emoji, take it as a sign that he wants to take things to the next level by flirting with you and even asking you out. He uses sarcasm and dry humour to make your talk more cheerful and informal.

However, you may be confident that she is thinking about how to prepare for a first date with you if she sends you upside-down emoticons.   It’s a good indication if the lady you went out with sends you a text message at the night’s end saying how much she enjoyed spending time with you. Stated it indicates a successful first date. The above-listed portion completely explains what does ðŸ™ƒ mean in detail.