10 Best Vegan and Vegetarian High Protein Snacks

high protein snacks

Looking for the high protein snacks that are superbly healthy and can be eaten during evening snacks. This post contains high protein snacks for vegan and vegetarian followers that can easily be made and portable along with people at their office.

In this busy life schedule, taking time for making proper meals whenever the hunger hits you is impossible. Thus, it is better to have some snacks with yourself that are high in protein and  other essential nutrients.

Many store bought products contain refined carbs, unhealthy fats and added sugar that cause more harm than benefits to your health. It is better to make your own batch of healthy and high protein snacks that can be eaten by vegan as vegetarian diet followers.

Vegan and Vegetarian High Protein Snacks

1. Nuts and Dried Fruits Trail Mix

healthy foods for travelers

Dried fruits and nuts combination is called Trail Mix, that can also be combined with grains and chocolate. Trail mix is a great source of protein, contains 8 grams of protein within 40 grams.

One can increase the amounts of protein by adding almonds, cashews, walnuts and pistachios, that are higher in protein. 

2. Veggies with Yogurt Dipping

Veggies are a good option for snacks and contain lots of essential vitamins and nutrients. However, veggies are not high in protein but contain lots of minerals and antioxidants. So if you want to increase protein intake you can pair them with curd or yogurt dipping.

Yogurt dip is made by combining them with herbs and flavorings, like dill, lemon juice, or any other aromatic herbs. In order to increase more  protein, it’s best to choose Greek yogurt that contains almost double protein amount then regular curd or yogurt. 

3. Energy Bites With No-Baking

Energy bites are amazingly delicious and high protein vegan snacks can be  made by combining some healthy fat and carbs ingredients, like nut butter, seeds, and oats. After combining them one makes small size or bite size balls.

The best thing about these energy balls are that you don’t need to do any baking and can make them within 10 minutes. One can also prepare an advanced batch of these energy balls so that you have already prepared a snack whenever the hunger bothers you.

These are proven to be one of the best healthy evening snacks that are high in protein and other essential nutrients.

4. Chickpeas

Chickpeas are a type of legume  with high amounts of essential nutrients and protein. Chickpeas are also good source fiber and healthy carbs.

A half-cup of chickpeas serving which is 82 grams can contain 7.5 grams protein and 6 grams fiber, with lots of other essential vitamins and minerals. They are rich in folate, iron,copper, manganese, magnesium, and phosphorus, 

Also the studies show that combination of these nutrients and fiber in chickpeas can help in lowering the risk of several chronic diseases like heart disease, type 2 diabetes and cancer.

Thus, these are one of the best healthy protein snacks for health conscious people that can also be intake by vegan and vegetarian followers.

5. Apple and Peanut Butter

Apple Slices and peanut butter make a best fruit and nut butter combination and can be best mood boosting evening snack. They both taste amazing together as well as a healthy combination which is nutrient-dense also. 

This is the best snack option for both health conscious and sweet tooth people, as peanut butter is high in protein with sweetness of apples, providing so many health benefits.

Apple contains lots of fiber and antioxidants that help in improving gut health and lower the risk of heart diseases. Whereas peanut butter has helps in increasing good cholesterol level (HDL) and decrease bad cholesterol levels (LDL) and triglycerides 

Medium apple slices with a full tablespoon of unsweetened and natural peanut butter gives you four grams of protein, vitamin C and potassium. 


6. Granola and Protein Bars

Protein and Granola bars are one of the best and convenient ways to intake a good amount of quality protein as an evening snack.

It is better to make them at home by yourself as they are much healthier than those buying from the stores. Protein and Granola bars bought from the outside may often contain high amounts of added sugar, preservatives, artificial flavors, and unhealthy unnecessary ingredients.

One can easily make their own protein and granola bars just by mixing their favorite nuts, seeds and natural sweetener like dates and have their own batch of protein source.


7. Chia Seeds Smoothie

Chia seeds smoothies and pudding have become buzz these days among the health conscious people. Chia seeds puddings are super healthy and delicious with so many nutrient content. 

20 grams of Chia seeds contain four grams of protein, and other essential nutrients like calcium, manganese, and phosphorus. Moreover, chia seeds are also known for their high omega-3 fatty acid content, which makes them vegan and a natural source of omega-3.

One can easily make chia seeds pudding by soaking them in milk until it gets pudding like consistency. You can add you favorite flavor to it like vanilla, cocoa or strawberry.

8. Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Roasted pumpkin seeds are a great option for evening snacks by so many health conscious people. Pumpkin seeds are rich in high-quality protein and other essential nutrients. 20 grams of pumpkin seeds contains five grams of protein, zinc, magnesium, fiber, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. 

Pumpkin seeds also contain antioxidants like carotenoids and vitamin E that can help in fight against chronic diseases.  

One can also add pumpkin seeds in smoothies, shakes, and meals to enhance the protein intake. 

9. Protein Smoothies and Shakes

Consuming protein from the plant based sources is a good option, however, shakes and smoothies make protein intake easy and tastier. Taking protein shakes as an evening snack helps in removing tiredness as well as make you feel energized.  

One can make protein shakes using whey protein, pea protein, and soy protein and can add some cocoa nibs to the shaker for enhancing the taste.

10. Nut Butter

Nut butter is a perfect choice when you are looking for something that is creamy and delicious both. They are easily portable and can make quick recipes out of it. Nut butter is high in protein, healthy fats, vitamin E, phosphorus, minerals, B vitamins, and magnesium.

Peanut butter is the most common nut butter in the market, however, you can find almond butter, cashew butter and walnut butter from the stores. They are available with flavors also so you have various options to find your favorite one.