2020 Metal Roofing Sheets Pros & Cons : Types, Myths, Facts, Installation


Metal roofing has become quite prominent these days when it comes to places that are prone to rapid temperature changes like hailstorms, heavy snowfall, scorching sunlight, rainfall, etc. These tin roofing sheets have become one of the fastest-growing segments in the house improvement industry.

There exist a lot of things people do not know about metal roofing. Hence, we are here with this article. We are going to make you aware of every single something related to metal roofing sheets like their various types, costing, installation, durability, etc.

If you are worried about how long does a metal roof lasts, then the answer is almost for a lifetime. The precise period can only be guessed or told after knowing which metal you are opting for. You will find all types of metal roofing sheets in the market ranging from cheap aluminum sheets to most durable steel sheets.

Metal Roofing Sheet Benefits

Metal roofs are more durable and have more life span than other types of roofing alternatives. As we all know, cemented ceilings tend to lose their grip or start getting powdered after a few years, whereas; wooden roofs might get attacked by termites, rain, and snow. Especially for places that experience extreme climatic conditions, metal roofs are the best option because they have several advantages in comparison to the others.

If you are worried about the metallic look of the sheets tampering the classic look of your house, then don’t worry because these sheets come in a wide variety and in different styles too. These metal sheets also come in different colors, which could match the hue of the exterior of your house, and it would be preferable to buy factory-painted sheets. Painting your own roof can be quite cumbersome.

When you go out in search of the best you will definitely find these five types of metal roofs for sure-

  • Copper – copper is like the oldest amongst the roofing metals, and its durability can last up to 200 years in places with average weather conditions. The thing about copper is that it is an incredibly soft metal; hence, it cannot be used in areas with adverse climatic conditions. Significant hailstorms can cause dents in a thin copper-tin roofing sheet.

People mostly do not prefer metal roof sheets for their homes because they think they create a lot of noise while we can assure you that a copper sheet is a quiet type.

  • Zinc – zinc has a fantastic ability to be molded into various shapes, and this advantage comes with durability. Its patina can cure the scratches and marks with time and can live up to 100 years. If you are an environment lover, then zinc is your metal because it is 100% recyclable and is considered a green material.

Zinc has a considerably lower melting point than other roofing metals. You might want to know how to doa zinc roof sheet because the installation of zinc requires expertise, and it is not at all a cheap

  • Stainless steel– as well are aware of the fact that steel is an element that is substantially used in construction works. Steel is an alloy, basically made up of iron mixed with other ingredients. It takes a lot of energy in the creation process of steel when compared to other metals like zinc. But when it comes to recyclable metals, steel can be found as the most recyclable one because the steel one uses are mostly a reused one and very rarely new.

It is quite a cheaper metal when compared to all other roofing metals like copper, aluminium, and zinc. There are three basic types of steel used for roofing purposes – galvanized, galvalume, and weathering steel.

  1. Galvanized steel – in this form of steel, a layer of zinc is used to protect the inner layer of steel, which eventually increases its lifespan. This is the most common form of steel used for roofing purposes, and also the zinc coating protects it from getting rusted.
  2. Galvalume steel – galvalume steel is very similar to galvanized steel the only difference being that rather than just using zinc to protect the steel, both aluminium and steel are used as a coating. Aluminium offers better protection to the surface from corrosion also than zinc but is prone to scratches and marks.
  3. Weathering steel – this type of steel was originally invented to be used in heavy construction works like to build bridges. Weathering steel has an outer layer of the steel itself which is coated to protect the inner layer from rusting. Because of its rusting characteristic, it is not used as a tin roofing sheet.
  • Aluminium – the best part about this metal is that it is resistant to salt corrosion; hence, it is useful for people living in coastal regions. Aluminium is actually a highly reactive metal and often reacts with changing climatic conditions. This metal can save your roof from corrosion because it reacts with oxygen present in the atmosphere and forms aluminium oxide, which protects the inner layers from rusting.

Aluminium metal roofing sheets are mostly used after the application of some coating because its natural patina is not at all appealing. You should only choose aluminium as your roofing material after checking your environmental conditions because it cannot be put on a shed during adverse climates.

  • Tin – tin is actually an element similar to that of zinc and copper but is rarely used roofing material. Tin was initially created for canning purposes, but later on, when people lacked materials to be used as snow guard lowes, they flattened tin and started using it as a roofing material.

It can also be called the DIY roofing material because it was converted into one by human’s creativity skills. Tin is no more used in the construction industry, so you might not want to use this type of metal roof.

Now that we have discussed in dethow long does a metal roof lastail the metals that can be used as a roofing material, we hope that you won’t find any problems while your metal. We hope that all the information regarding the various types of metal roofs provided to you helps in the protection of your house in a better way.

Still, now we would like to let you know about all the roof ridge vent pros cons, its efficiency, maintenance, environmental impacts, cost of installation, colors, styles, and about how long does a metal roof last. 

  • Cost of Installation

Installing a metal roof is not every contractor’s cup of tea; it requires considerable experience, knowledge, specialized tools, and equipment. If you intend to know the exact cost of installing a roof sheet, then you would have to contact a roofing contractor and tell him about the gauge of sheets, required roofing material, size, and structure of your building. The cost of installation also includes labor charges.

  • Colors and Styles

There are basically just two types of metal roofs when it comes to style – vertical panels and interlocking shingles. When it comes to colors, there are more than hundreds of varieties ranging from basic, premium to customized. When compared to asphalt shingles, there is a lot of variety in colors for metal roofing sheets in the market. There are many types of modern styles of metal shingles in the market, which are mere imitations of clay tile, traditional asphalt shingles, etc.

  • Longevity

Now to answer the main and most important question, ‘How long does a metal roof last?’ It actually depends on the installation, if you have got your roofing sheets installed properly then you sure don’t have to worry about them again in your lifetime. If you have installed the best quality product for your building like metal tiles and standing seams, then your coming generations are ready to go without any troubles.

In case you would want some precise information then, zinc and copper sheets mostly last up to a hundred years while aluminium and steel sheets last up to 50 years and even longer. Metal sheets have a comparatively longer life span than typical asphalt roofing sheets.

tin roofing sheets

When you invest on a metal sheet rather than on asphalt shingles, then you are treating yourself with a lifetime investment wherein you are saving yourself a lot of money from the costly future replacements. You also get a warranty of almost 30-50 years from manufacturers, but it varies from company to company. Well, this is one amongst the best benefits of metal roofing, isn’t it?

  • Efficiency

Metal sheets have the capability to reflect back heat into the atmosphere, which means summers would be less scorching for you inside your homes. The disadvantages of zinc and copper are that they are the least energy-efficient metals in this case because they absorb and store heat due to their dark colors. But they are considered much cooler and greener than the asphalt shingles.

If you live in cold regions or hot regions, then these sheets help you save a lot of energy concerning heating and cooling devices used inside homes based on the strapping system of about 4 inches planted in between the metal sheet and plywood.

  • Environmental Impacts

Metal sheets, as mentioned earlier, are greener compared to asphalt sheets, consume lesser resources during formation, and contain no petroleum by-products. When you buy a new metal sheet for yourself, you can be assured that they already contain 30-60% recycled content and are subject to 100% recyclability.

These metal sheets are capable of being recycled without facing any degradation in their material quality, protecting the earth from all kinds of environmental problems.

  • Maintenance

One of the benefits of metal roofing is that they do not require any type of maintenance, and they can simply be cleaned with the help of water. In case you want to change the look of your roof sheet, then you might choose to re-paint the sheets, which is entirely optional. Metal roofs with fasteners mostly require the re-tightening of their fasteners every 10-15 years.

How to do roof Installation

Myths are part and parcel of human life, and now that we have seen all kinds of metal roofing pros and cons, we ought to look into this matter too. Similarly, there are a lot of myths about metal roofing sheets spread about in the construction industry.

You just have to have proper knowledge about the facts these myths are tampering with, and there you go; you would not have to worry at all. As you all know, there are specific metal roofing pros and cons which, when dealt with by humans, have turned into some dangerous myths. But how would you know about them all? Well, don’t worry at all because we are here to clear all your doubts regarding them, we will state all the exact facts regarding the myths.

  1. Metal roofs are loud

There is this most famous myth that metal roofings are extremely noisy, which is not correct. People often suggest that metal roofings can be outrageously noisy during heavy storms, hailstorms, and heavy rainfall. This is not at all true because when the experts install these metal sheets, they do not let them hang around instead of fastening them tightly to the roof deck.

And if you feel that your metal roofing is still noisy, then you could add layers of asphalt shingles beneath it so that the noise that reaches you is comparatively less.

  1. Metal roofing sheets increase the chances of lightning strikes

This myth is floating about most probably because of the scientifically proven fact that metals conduct electricity. Yes, they do conduct electricity, but who said they attract electricity? See the difference? Metal roofs prove to be way better than other types of roofing options like wood because they are not at all combustible.

Your metal roof will actually help your home in striking away the lightning supposed to hit you; hence, being one of the best options of roofing. Benefits of metal roofing, you see!

  1. Metal roofs can be dented by hail

Metal roofing has been proven as the best type of roofing for regions prone to hailstorms. This roofing type is utterly resilient to fire, winds of 100 miles per hour, hail and other adverse weather conditions. Metal shingles stand less chance of getting dented by hailstorms even if the size of hail equals a golf ball.

And guess what? Showcasing metal roofing pros and cons, these great sheets do not only withstand them but also do not give up their excellent performance.

  1. One cannot walk on a metal roof

While it is quite suggestible to take all kinds of precautions while walking over the roof, it can also be said that walking over your metal roofing is completely safe. You just have to be careful, know how to balance yourself on top of the roofing, and take care of the fact that you do not cause any damage.

You might think that metal is a slippery material. Hence, there are chances of you getting imbalanced, which can be checked by wearing appropriate shoes. Keep a note of wearing shoes with good traction and rubber soles for better grip.

  1. Rusting

This is also one of the most prominent ones. Metal roofing has been chosen by people for decades without facing the issue of rust. As we have mentioned earlier, new metal roofing sheets are galvanized, which means they have a coating of alloys over them, which protects the inner steel from rusting.

Also, these metal roofing sheets are painted before installation, which means double protection. The paint and alloy coating makes it entirely rust-proof for decades.