5 Things You Can Do to Lift Your Spirits This Month

life your spirit

It goes without saying that this year has been one for the record books. The world has been dealt with a whole variety of unprecedented issues for months now, and it makes sense that we are all a little tired and emotionally drained. But this doesn’t mean that you have to stay down in the dumps until there is a vaccine for COVID-19 — there are some easy ways you can lift your spirits in no time at all.

1. Buy yourself a piece of jewelry (or two).

Why wait for someone to bring you a present when you can simply treat yourself?

If you’ve been itching to pick up a new pair of earrings, necklace, or bracelet, we suggest you cave in and make that splurge on yourself. Consider buying something that was made just for you from a custom jeweler, as these pieces are one of a kind and will make any friend green with envy! Some jewelers specialize in only making one-of-a-kind pieces, such as Chinchar Maloney, a custom jewelry dealer based in Portland.

They have an impressive collection of custom jewelry, ranging from white gold pieces to yellow gold items, in addition to having gorgeous gemstones and birthstones to choose from. How nice would it be to pick up an initial necklace (a custom piece) from this incredible jeweler? Visit Chinchar Maloney to buy yourself some well-deserved bling-bling.

2. Speak with a therapist.

There are several stressors going on in the world right now that can affect your daily life. Sometimes, all you need is a trusted confidant that you can vent to. You’ll be delighted at the significant change you’ll see in your happiness after releasing all those bottled emotions and overwhelming thoughts!

Therapy is a great resource to use that will help improve your mental health and provide you with great coping skills. WithTherapy is a company that has a personalized therapy matching system. WithTherapy matches you with the best psychologist or therapist who can assist you with navigating through mental health issues, such as traumatic stress disorder, anxiety disorder, and similar disabilities. Ready to find your match made in heaven? Visit WithTherapy to get connected with a therapist.

3. Get creative.

It can be really easy to get overwhelmed by your thoughts and feelings when you are stuck at home during the quarantine. So use this time wisely and get creative. Throwing yourself into a project will not only distract you, but it can help you hone a brand new skill! However, we caution that you don’t make this creativity project into something competitive; You should do it just for you and you alone.


Your project should challenge you and make you feel accomplished and that your time was spent wisely. Some suggestions for a creative project include sewing a quilt, learning embroidery, painting, or sculpting clay.

4. Become a chef.


It is important that you stick to a healthy diet during quarantine, as healthy foods are not only good for you physically, but they can be great mood boosters! Pretend that you are on a cooking show and get creative with your recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Just make sure that you eat the rainbow when it comes to multiple fruits and veggies (meaning eating a variety of colors), add in some whole grains, and include foods that are rich in lean protein such as chicken and fish.

5. Practice daily gratitude.


Despite the global pandemic changing our daily lives, there is a lot to be thankful for every day. So it makes sense to focus on the positive aspects of your life to remind you what to be thankful for. Start your day with a simple gratitude exercise of writing down and saying aloud three things you are grateful for that morning. They can be big or small, and saying them will help to release serotonin, which is a feel-good chemical in your brain.

With these tips in mind, your quality of life will dramatically improve and you will be feeling uplifted in no time at all.