8 Healthy Foods and Travelling Tips For Beginner Backpackers

healthy tips for backpackers

Are you planning to go on a long trip? Are you a solo traveler and searching for the beginners’ tips for traveling and healthy foods to take along? Then, you are in the right place. This article contains essential traveling tips that beginner travelers must take care of and include in their list. 

These tips are suggested by experienced travelers who love to share their experience with others and share some important tips that beginner travelers should take care of.

Healthy Traveling Tips For Backpackers

It is most important to keep your health good at the time of travel. One must stay healthy so that when coming back, you should not remain lying on the bed but do your important chores that were left behind.

You should keep care of some important health habits and tips that you should follow while traveling. Here are some important healthy traveling tips for beginners suggested by the experienced travelers that one should take care of during traveling.

Sleep Tight For Enough Hours

Taking a good amount of sleep to keep your body healthy and help in repairing the damaged tissues. Sleep is important to repair the cellular damages, balance the immune system, and boost brain functionality.

Thus getting enough sleep during traveling like for about 7-8 hours can ensure your body functioning at optimal levels.

Sleeping keeps backpackers or travelers away from any injuries and keeps their mood fresh and joyous.

Eat Healthy and Real Food

Processed foods may be tantalizing for you, but they contain lots of sugar, unhealthy carbs, fats, and low in essential nutrients.

Such processed foods may lead to stomach infections and lower immune system. Thus eating real and healthy nutritious food during traveling is crucial. You can check below the healthy and easily portable food ideas that you can eat during traveling.  

Drink Enough Water

It is the same important to drink plenty of water as you keep care of eating healthy and nutritious foods. Staying hydrated during traveling keeps your skin, hair, and overall body health good.

There are various other benefits of drinking water during backpacking: to keep digestive system good, stay healthy brain functions, keep the immune system good, and boost your athletic ability.

As backpackers carry heavy packs on their back and expend energy during trekking or traveling, drinking plenty of water helps in staying immuned and energetic.

One can use UV light purifiers, charcoals filtration, and boiling methods to filter water like lakes and rivers water may contain harmful elements and can cause infection.

Avoid Drinking Alcohol

Backpackers or travelers should avoid drinking alcohol during traveling. Alcohol leads to dehydration and slows down the reflexes may increase the risk of a dangerous situation.

Alcohol has negative impacts on the body like reducing the immune system, lower brain functionality, weakening the body’s defense system, and increases the risk of illness.

Moreover, alcohol bottles are heavy to carry and can break, thus it is safe not to take such items while traveling.

8 Best Healthy Food Ideas For Beginner Backpackers or Travelers

Here comes the bonus. The below listed foods can be carried easily as well as do not increase the weight of your backpack. These foods help you in keeping you healthy and immuned, as well as keep your digestive system working well.

Backpack these food items in your bag and enjoy your traveling journey. Even this list contains such foods that can be followed by vegan diet travelers too.

  1. Instant Oats

healthy foods for backpackers

Rather than eating any processed and packaged meals, instant oats can be a part of your meals. Experienced travelers suggest that instant oats are the healthiest meal option during traveling as they are easy to make as well as save your money too.

Oats are packed with fibers, magnesium, manganese, vitamin B, and healthy carbs that give your body a complete dose of nutrition.

You can buy instant oats that do not contain added sugar and artificial ingredients; instead, use your own spices to enhance the taste.

  1. Protein or Granola Bars

protein bars for healthy traveling foods

To repair muscle damages caused during traveling, backpackers must take along protein bars to repair the damage. Backpackers also need to consume quality protein to keep their immune systems well.

One of the greatest benefits of protein bars is that they are easily portable and boost your energy instantly. Protein or Granola bars are the high source of protein and other essential nutrients that one must need during traveling.

You can buy one that contains less sugar and preservatives.

  1. Dried Vegetables and Fruits Chips

dried fruits backpackers foods tips

Potato chips are highly processed contain lots of unhealthy fats, carbs, and sodium that is disrupt the digestive system and increases blood pressure levels

Instead, you can take along dried fruits and vegetable chips like dried strawberry chips, orange, apples, kiwi, kale, or of your choice.

  1. Seeds and Nuts

Seeds and nuts are a high source of essential nutrients, healthy fats, minerals, fiber, and protein that is an excellent option for increasing immunity. These are portable and convenient that does not increase the weight of your backpack. Experienced travelers suggest that they are a great snack option that is rich in nutrients and help in increasing the immunity at the same time.

Cashews, walnuts, chia seeds, almonds, sunflower seeds, and pumpkin seeds are one of the greatest options to carry in your backpack.

  1. Powdered Milk

You can’t take dairy milk packets along in your backpack as they may get spilled and spoil all the other things in your backpack. You can take along powdered milk instead. Powdered milk is also loaded with calcium, potassium, phosphorus, protein, and vitamins as like dairy milk.

Moreover, powdered milk can be proven to be a great source of calories that keeps them energized and immunized.

  1. Hard Cheese

Travelers can use hard cheese to add some flavor to their meals as well as add protein and healthy fats. Unlike soft cheese, hard cheese like pecorino romano, parmesan, and aged cheddar cheese are low in moisture content and inhibit bacterial growth.

  1. Whole Grains

The whole is portable and shelf-stable, which is the perfect food option for travelers to take along. Whole grains like quinoa, buckwheat, oats, and farro contain powerful and healthy nutrients, complex carbs, fibers, protein, minerals, and vitamins.

Backpackers can consume whole grains at any time of the day and make a great delicious dish for themselves during traveling.

  1. Foil Packed Beans

foiled beans healthy traveling food

As you may know, beans are loaded with high amounts of protein, magnesium, fiber, zinc, iron, vitamin 

B and selenium, which makes them the option of a great meal for backpackers or travelers. Moreover, beans do not require any refrigerator that makes them a great traveler choice.

Canned beans can add weight to your backpack, instead, you can take beans in foil packing that are lightweight and easily compressible.

Chickpeas, kidney beans, and black beans are the best that add nutrition as well as taste in your meals.