13 steps to creating a magical spa ritual


Starting to feel that your energy levels are getting depleted and you need to take action to reduce your stress level?  Why not take some time out to pamper yourself with some me-time? Follow these simple steps for a delicious at-home spa ritual to restore and revitalize.

  1. Plan your retreat

Before any trip to a quality spas, there’s always the excitement of planning and preparing.  So, in good time, block out a couple of hours, inform anyone who may be likely to disturb you that you’re going ‘off-line’ for a while.  Make sure the kids will be kept entertained in another part of the house. 

  1. Warm the treatment rooms.

Most of the time, you’ll be in the bathroom and bedroom, so before you start, make sure that they’re nice and toasty. 

  1. Start the music

As you prepare to wind down, make sure you have your favorite relaxing music playing softly in the background. A portable speaker will be useful in keeping the mood as you move between rooms. Having a waterproof speaker from MusicCritic might sound too much as a setup, but a spa is a place that is often not well lit for the mood. You might trip while carrying things, including the speaker, and things can happen. You can be at peace placing your speakers in places where it can get wet too

  1. Lighting

Help your body to understand it’s time to wind down with soft lighting. If the glare of your overhead bathroom light is too strong then switch it off and just use several tea lights to create a softer ambiance. Don’t forget the lighting as you move from room to room- keep it gentle so you can transition from space to space without breaking the serene mood you’re creating.

  1. Prepare a tea station

An essential part of any spa ritual is the rest and rehydration after your treatment. Before you start, set up a station with herbal tea, water, or fruit juice so it’s ready whenever you are. Add to the sense of occasion by using your best cups or glasses on your favorite tray.

  1. Gather your products

Prepare everything you’re going to need. Cleansers, shampoos, face packs, luxury body wash, exfoliating gloves, massage oils, and whatever else you’re going to want on hand.

  1. Run your bath

Now, it’s time to run a deep, warm bath.  Hot enough to ease the tension out of tired muscles and relax an aching back, but not too hot to be comfortable. You’re not trying to shock your body in any way. While the tub is filling, cleanse your face and apply whichever mask is right for your skin type.

  1. Put on your face mask

There are so many different types of masks to choose from. Decide whether you want to apply one to wash off after your ritual, or whether you’re going to leave it on all night. Of course, this will depend on what time of day it is and what you’re going to be doing after your pamper session!

  1. Soak and enjoy

Finally, finally, the time has come to step into the tub, sink down, and luxuriate in that delicious warmth.  Allow the water and bath products time to work their magic.  Close your eyes (use an eye-mask if you have one), tune into the music, and focus on the rise and fall of your breathing. Top up with more hot water if the temperature drops before you’re ready to emerge

  1.  Exfoliate

Before you step out, prepare your skin for the next stage of the ritual by using your exfoliation mitt to remove dead skin cells and give your inner glow a chance to emerge.  There are plenty of natural products you can use as DIY alternatives to commercial scrubs.

  1. Wrap yourself 

One out, wrap yourself tightly in the towels and robe your prepared earlier. Although your rooms will be warm, you want to avoid cooling down.

  1. A delicious massage on warm skin

Once you’ve removed most of the moisture from your skin, it’s time for that next essential of a spa visit- a massage with oil. If you have relaxing aromatherapy products, they’re an ideal choice. Work the oil into the open pores of your warm skin, using long, firm strokes, and your thirsty skin will absorb it in no time. Then wrap yourself in dry towels and your robe. If you need to remove your face mask, rinse it off with tepid water and apply your most nourishing products.

  1. Relax and rehydrate

Now for the final step.  Take yourself to your bed or a comfy chair, pour your drink. Enjoy that wonderful feeling of calm and relaxation.  After that, it’s up to you – prepare for a night on the town, or prepare to get under the covers for a delicious and restful sleep.