Walking 1 Hour a Day For a Month Results

Walking 1 hour a day for a month results

Walking 1 hour a day for a month results in positive changes to your body, including increased blood circulation, better sleep, and stress reduction. If you’re not used to regular exercise, you’ll probably give up after a while. But the desire for a shorter workout can be counterproductive; you might need to walk more to burn more calories. Occasionally, when some new study gets published on the benefits of walking and how it is recommended to do it for at least 30 minutes or even an hour a day, we are reminded of the importance of physical activity. With that in mind, let’s provide as much information as possible about one study that measured the effects of walking 1 hour per day for a month. The article will take a deeper look at walking, how it affects metabolism, and how it works out for weight loss

Factors that affect calorie burn:

Regarding how much you burn, there are two factors to consider: your weight and how you walk. While some walkers take strolls, others will power walk or even run. The intensity of your workout is going to impact its overall effectiveness. For example, when you run, your muscles require more oxygen-rich blood to help the heart pump harder and faster. So the more intense you get (think fast walking), your heart rate increases. A higher heart rate results in an elevated metabolism at all times during exercise – even after you’re done with your session. As a result, your body’s capacity to burn calories increases.

Other factors that affect calorie burn:

Your age, gender, and race can also affect the number of calories you burn while exercising. The more fit you are, the higher the intensity of your workout will leave you. If you’re over 35 years old, men in their 60s need to take it a little easier than if you’re young and healthy. As for women – try not to go too hard or fast when walking since it could still mess up your menstrual cycle.

Adding weights to your workout to burn more calories:

Even if you’re slightly overweight, adding weights to your workout can help your body slim down. Because of the increase in muscle mass, you’ll be able to burn more calories in the long run. While it may be tempting to bulk up by lifting heavy weights, avoid doing so since it could also cause long-term joint damage and contribute to the early onset of arthritis.

For those who don’t want to use weights, try using hand grips or ankle weights – they can provide excellent resistance. In terms of difficulty, this workout will probably be similar to what you’d experience when running at a moderate pace for 30 minutes straight.


Walking 1 hour a day for a month results can improve your metabolism and make you burn calories faster than if you had not made any changes. It is excellent news for anyone who’s overweight or has been thinking about getting into shape! The benefits of walking go beyond looks, too, since it boosts your mood, immune system, and cholesterol levels.