Can You Own A Sable Pet?

sable pet

Can sable pet be considered good pets? Not! Sables are undomesticated creatures and do not adapt well to domestic life. Owners will face many challenges when trying to house-train them. Moreover, their particular temperament makes them unsuitable for everyone. This article delves into the knowledge of having a sable pet.

Is It Legal to Own a Sable?

The legality of owning a sable pet varies by state. In some states, such as California, Hawaii, and New York City, it is illegal to own any type of exotic sable pet, including sables. 

In other states, such as Texas and Wisconsin, sables are legal to own with a permit. And in still other states, such as Colorado and Oregon, there are no specific laws regarding sable ownership.

If you are considering owning a sable, it is important to check the laws in your state to ensure it is legal. You should also be aware that sable animal is wild and can be difficult to care for. 

They require a lot of space, exercise, and stimulation and can be aggressive if not completely socialized.

Here is a list of some states where it is legal to own a sable with a permit:

  • Alaska
  • Arkansas
  • Colorado
  • Idaho
  • Kentucky
  • Maine
  • Michigan
  • Minnesota
  • Montana
  • New Hampshire
  • North Dakota
  • Oregon
  • South Dakota
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Wisconsin

Sables Aren’t Domesticated

Sables are not domesticated animals. Wild animals have been kept in captivity for centuries but have not been bred for generations to be docile and easy to handle. 

As a result, sables can be unpredictable and aggressive, and they are not suitable for most people as sable pet.

If you are considering owning a sable, it is important to research and understand the challenges of caring for a wild animal. 

Sables require a lot of space, exercise, and stimulation, and they can be destructive if they are not properly trained. They also have sharp teeth and claws, and they can be dangerous if they feel threatened.

If you are looking for a sable pet that is affectionate, a sable pet is not the right choice for you. However, if you are looking for a challenge and willing to take the time and effort to care for a wild sable animal, it can be a rewarding sable pet.

They’re Crepuscular and Nocturnal

Apart from their breeding season, sables are mainly crepuscular and nocturnal animals. Approximately 72% of their active hours occur during twilight, 18% at night, and 10% during the day. 

Therefore, twilight becomes the primary time when your sable will be most active and ready for interaction.

In their natural habitat, sables retreat to their dens during inactive periods. In a domestic setting, they would prefer to seek shelter in a man-made den or kennel instead of engaging in interactions for most of the day.

Sables Scent Mark

Sables use scent marking as their main mode of communication, owing to their highly developed olfactory sense, characteristic of the Mustelidae family. 

They possess scent glands in the rear of their abdomen, which they utilize to mark their territory, signal their readiness for reproduction and other social purposes.

If you have experience with ferrets, it can give you an impression of the odour you might encounter while keeping a sable. The smell can be reasonably contained within a space.

However, if you let your sable roam freely throughout your home, anticipate the musky scent to permeate your entire house.

Sables Can be Aggressive

Sables can be aggressive. They are wild animals with a natural instinct to defend themselves. They may lash out with their sharp teeth and claws if they feel threatened. Sables can also be territorial and may become aggressive if they feel their territory is being invaded.

If the allure of adopting a sable comes from its irresistibly soft and cuddly appearance, it’s essential to reconsider due to its unpredictable nature. Snuggling up with a sable may not be feasible. Instead, you’ll need to handle it strategically to prevent its teeth from puncturing your skin.

They’re Wildly Unpredictable

Sables are wildly unpredictable because they are wild sable animals. They have not been domesticated like dogs or cats, and they do not have the same temperament or behavioural patterns. Sables are also very intelligent and curious animals, which can make them even more unpredictable.

Sables move around your home like energetic Tiggers, jumping and having fun wherever they want.

Are There Sables for Sale?

Yes, sables are for sale in some parts of the world. However, it is essential to note that sables are wild animals and can be difficult to care for. They require a lot of space, exercise, and stimulation and can be aggressive if not properly socialized.

If you are considering buying a sable, it is essential to do your research and ensure that you are prepared to provide the proper care for this wild animal. You should also check the laws in your area to ensure that owning a sable is legal.

The price of a sable can vary depending on the age, sex, and fur quality of the sable. However, you can expect to pay anywhere from $1,000 to $5,000 for a sable.


1. How are sable pets?

Sables are wild animals and are not typically domesticated. They can be trained but still have a strong prey drive and may bite or chew. They are also very active and require a lot of space and attention. 

2. What is the size of a sable pet?

Sables are about the size of a ferret, ranging from 32 to 51 centimetres (13 to 20 inches) long, excluding the tail. They weigh about 0.9 to 1.8 kilograms (2 to 4 pounds).