A Complete Guide For Providing Solace at The End of Life


Some individuals pass away quickly. They are here one minute and gone the next. Other individuals, however, linger for days, weeks, or months. During their decline, quality of life needs to be emphasized. Caregivers need to provide comfort to these people during their last days on earth.

GenerationCareInc.com provides care for individuals who cannot stay in their own homes or with loved ones. They treat every person residing within the facility with dignity while keeping them free of pain. The site offers information about providing care and comfort during this difficult time.

Physical Needs

A person’s physical needs must be cared for when they are terminally ill. People most often think of pain when a person is dying. While is it true the individual’s pain should be managed as much as possible, other considerations come into play at this time.

Caregivers must know when to provide medications and how to provide them. Some prescriptions need to be taken with food, while other medicines work best on an empty stomach. The patient’s skin may be irritated from lying in bed or they may struggle to eat and keep food down. A skilled hospice team will help caregivers address these challenges to improve the patient’s quality of life.

Have a doctor or nurse on call. If the patient needs something, they should be able to provide it. For example, additional pain medications might be needed, which only a doctor can prescribe. Having these professionals in place, even when the individual is no longer actively being treated, will make it easier to obtain what the patient needs quickly.

Emotional Needs

A person who knows they are dying may become anxious or depressed. Medications may be prescribed to help address these conditions, and the person might benefit from seeing a counselor. Speak with the person to learn how they can be helped.

Physical contact is important to many individuals when they are dying. Other people may wish to have music playing quietly in the background. It is often nice to read to the person, as they may not have the energy to read themselves. Find what the person enjoys and try to provide it for them. Doing so will make their final days easier.

At times, the best thing a person can do for a terminal patient is to sit with them. If they want to talk, let them. The things they share during these talks will be treasured when they are gone, so don’t pass up this opportunity to listen to their stories and advice.

Spiritual Needs

Many people turn to their faith when they realize they are dying. Ensure they have someone to talk to from their religious community. They may also want to listen to spiritual music or read from the Bible. Help them with whatever they need in terms of their spiritual health, even if this is doing nothing more than making a call to their religious leader.

A hospice team or facility is of great help during this difficult time. The professionals working in hospice are trained to deal with terminally ill patients and their families. They become a great resource to everyone who loves the individual. With the help of these professionals, it becomes easier to accept the impending loss of the loved one while coming to grips with what this will mean for those who are left behind. Speak to a hospice provider today for more information.