Cancer Fighting Diet- Foods To Prevent Cancer

cancer fighting foods

The risk of getting Cancer has been increasing day by day. Most of the kids in the USA are fighting a battle against Cancer. You should include these cancer-fighting foods in your daily meals. Here we have listed the foods to prevent Cancer.


Broccoli should be at the top of your cancer-fighting food list. Broccoli has a compound called Sulforaphane, which helps in minimizing the growth of cancer cells in the body and also prevents cancer from growing and spreading in the body.


Researchers found that people who consume more fish, especially salmon, have less risks of developing blood cancer. Fatty fishes have Omega-3 and Vitamin D, which helps in preventing endometrial cancer in women and others like Leukemia and Myeloma. Consume fatty fish at least twice a week.


Blueberries have antioxidants and anthocyanins which help in fighting against Cancer. Berries are proven to be great food in killing the cancer cells and help in boosting cancer therapy effectiveness. 


Kiwi fruit is a rich source of Vitamin c, Lutein, Vitamin E, Copper, and antioxidants, and is also one of the cancer fightings foods.


Apples are loaded with natural fibers, and an antioxidant called procyanidins kills the cancer cells in the body. The saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away” should be followed, and you should include apple in your cancer-fighting food list, to prevent Cancer. 


Avocado is rich in Monosaturated healthy fats, which helps the body in absorbing the cancer-fighting antioxidants, beta-carotene, and Lycopene.


Cabbage is a cruciferous vegetable. It contains plant chemicals like bioflavonoids, which help in suppressing the growth of tumor cells and fight against these radicals. People who consume cabbage religiously in their meals are less prone to Cancer. Cabbage also helps in preventing breast cancer, ovary, and uterus Cancer.