Saturday, May 18, 2024
 How long do girls with big foreheads live - There is no such thing as having a forehead that is too big, and having a large forehead is not a medical condition. Simply put, the skull size is proportionate....
We all were brought up with the saying – “early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise”. Although as a kid, we used to get an adequate amount of sleep. As we grew...
The foods you eat plays a big role in the health of your brain and including brain-boosting foods or supplements like fish oil capsules etc in your diet can support both long and short term function. From improving concentration...
Around 3.8 million minimally invasive cosmetic surgeries are carried out in the U.S. in a given year. The non-invasive aesthetic treatment market is also growing, enjoying a value of $4.6 billion in 2020 – as reported by Grand View Research....
It's hard to eat a healthy diet when you're so busy in life. You're working more than ever to pay the bills and trying to care for your family. That leads some people to ignore their health. Luckily, many people...
Play therapy offers a safe space for children. It helps build relationships through games and other fun activities. They also learn how to express their feelings without getting judged. Here are the other benefits of play therapy.  It helps children...
So, you’ve marked that dreaded day on your calendar and stocked up on tampons in true doomsday-prepper fashion. If Aunt Flo’s monthly visit is known to knock you off your feet and leave you bed-ridden for seven gut-wrenching days,...
No matter where you fall on the spectrum of stress management, no two individuals’ list of stressors looks exactly the same. While workplace mishaps can drain the batteries of some, others thrive in the face of a boardroom-meeting adrenaline...
Since vee fresh suppositories made such a big fuss among our readers, we could not help but wonder in what other affections could these capsules be useful for vaginal health. The answer will probably surprise you, but here it comes.  The food...
In case you're preparing to hit the work market – we have some advice: ensure your smile is fit as a fiddle.  It's a well known fact that your appearance can affect your vocation. The main trait? Your smile. Studies...