Friday, May 3, 2024
Have you ever heard of an axolotl pet? No, it's not a mythical creature from a Harry Potter novel, although it might as well be with its whimsical appearance. These adorable and quirky creatures are real and becoming quite...
How long do Parakeets live -Welcome to the wonderful world of parakeets! These colourful and charismatic birds are a delight to watch with their playful antics and charming personalities. From their chatty chirps to their acrobatic feats, parakeets are...
Cannabidiol (CBD) oil for a feline is relatively new, with minimal clinical studies on the kitty. The substance derives from the species of the cannabis plant offering minimal amounts of THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), the psychoactive component responsible for the “high”...
Feline owners are well-aware of the weird behavior of their pets, but it doesn’t necessarily mean they understand their actions. It’s normal for cats to stare and follow their owners around the house, as well as hiss at them...
What is the Dog Grooming, and Who is The Groomer?  Dog grooming is the term used to refer to the dog's hygiene and cleaning process. This process is considered by the owner of the dogs to improve the appearance and...
Canadian Marble Fox might have caught your eye sometime or the other. With its stunning coat and unique markings, this beautiful creature has become increasingly popular in recent years. However, there's still plenty of mystery surrounding these elusive animals....
Baby platypus, also known as “puggles”, are among the cutest and cuddliest creatures on the planet. They may not be as widely known or celebrated as some of the other animals out there, but they still have a special...
Ugly Monkeys - Monkeys are some of the cutest, most adorable animals out there. But not all monkeys are created equal! From the trusty capuchin to the cheeky macaque, there's a wide range of primates in the wild that...
Baby Bat - Do you know that baby bat is among the cutest and most fascinating animals in the world? Yes, it’s true. Baby bats, also known as pups, have some features that make them unique and interesting. In...
Having low-maintenance pets is one of the most exciting things. It is a remarkable lifestyle change. Pets can be entertaining, but it can be quite challenging to have a pet if you are working. There are different pets with different...