Baby Platypus: 5 Puggle Facts

baby platypus

Baby platypus, also known as “puggles”, are among the cutest and cuddliest creatures on the planet. They may not be as widely known or celebrated as some of the other animals out there, but they still have a special place in our hearts.

In this article, we’re going to focus on baby platypuses. We’ll share five amazing pictures that you can use for inspiration and five facts about them that will make you appreciate them even more. So get ready to see just how cute these little critters are. Let’s start

What is a baby platypus?

A baby platypus is a small, tailless egg-laying mammal of the family Ornithorhynchidae, found in eastern Australia. The baby platypus is an example of a monotreme, which is a mammal that lays eggs instead of giving birth to live young. Baby platypuses are born blind and hairless, and it takes them about 3-4 months to grow their adult coats. These unique creatures spend most of their time in the water, where they hunt for food using their sensitive bill.

What does a baby platypus look like?

A baby platypus looks like a small, furry mammal with a long, duck-like bill. Its body is covered in brown or black fur, and it has webbed feet for swimming. When born, a baby platypus is about the size of a jellybean, but it quickly grows to about half the size of its adult parents.

How big is a baby platypus?

Assuming you are referring to a newborn platypus, they are usually around 15cm-17cm long and weigh between 30-50 grams. They are born blind and hairless and will remain in their mother’s burrow for the first few months of their life until they are ready to venture out on their own.

Baby Platypus Can’t Swim

Though they are born in water, baby platypus puggles cannot swim. Their mother carries them in her beak to the bank, where they live in a burrow for the first few months of their lives. Puggles grow quickly and begin to swim at around four months old.

Male Baby Platypus Is Venomous

Male platypus babies are venomous. The venom is produced in the male’s spur, which is located on the back of the hind leg. Venom is used to defend itself from predators and to kill prey. The venom is also used in social interactions between males.

Baby Platypus Don’t Have Stomach

When a baby platypus is born, it doesn’t have a stomach. This may seem strange, but it’s actually not that uncommon for mammals. The reason why is because when they’re born, they’re unable to digest milk properly. Instead, their diet consists of small amounts of soft food that are easy to digest. Over time, their stomachs will develop and they’ll be able to eat more solid foods.

Baby Platypus Is Born With Temporary Teeth

When baby platypuses are born, they are actually born with a set of teeth. However, these teeth are only temporary and eventually fall out. All in all, a baby platypus will have around 80 temporary teeth during its lifetime.

Baby Platypus Is Born Hairless

Baby platypuses are born hairless and blind. Their eyes and ear openings are sealed shut. They are about the size of a jellybean when they are born. The mother platypus will carry her baby in her pouch for about six to eight weeks until the baby is big enough to fend for itself.


What is a baby platypus called?

A baby platypus is called a puggle. Puggles are born blind and hairless. They are about the size of a jellybean when they are born. Puggles stay with their mother for about four months before they go off on their own.

What does a baby platypus look like?

A baby platypus looks like a small, furry mammal with a long tail. It has a bill like a duck and webbed feet. Baby platypuses are born blind and deaf, and their fur is not yet waterproof.

How much does a baby platypus cost?

A baby platypus, also called a puggle, costs around $200. The price may vary depending on the breed and the location.


Baby platypuses are adorable creatures that look like a hybrid between a duck and an otter. We hope our puggle pictures, facts, and information has inspired you to learn more about them. They’re incredibly cute but can also be quite dangerous due to the venomous spikes on their hind feet. However, suppose you keep your distance and respect the wild nature of these animals. In that case, it’s possible to catch a glimpse of one in its natural habitat, which is definitely worth considering for those looking for unique wildlife encounters.