Elegant Bahay kubo Design Ideas

elegant bahay kubo design

Elegant bahay kubo design

If you’re searching for a cutting-edge variant of the conventional Bahay Kubo, this is your lucky day! In this blog entry, we will examine the expense of fabricating a cutting-edge Bahay Kubo and furnish you with certain tips on the most proficient method to create your undertaking, more reasons which you can see toward the finish of this blog entry.

The Bahay Kubo is one of the most illustrative and perceived symbols of the Philippines. The name of the crude Nipa cottage is based on the Spanish expression Cubo, meaning 3D square, likely given its rectangular shape, and Bahay is the Filipino word for house.

The top of the Bahay Kubo is generally made of nipa; however, the utilization of this material has a few disadvantages. Nipa can be effectively harmed by wind and water, so a GI sheet material can be selected. Some current cabins are a mix of cement, bamboo, and sawali.

One of the local houses in the Philippines with a slight bit of modernization. The conventional Kubo doesn’t utilize glass windows; it generally utilizes wide draw-up windows. The local house above utilizes glass windows; however, many items are made of bamboo. This feels reviving and enjoyable.

Ordinarily utilized by ocean-side hotels. Most hotels in the Philippines use “Kubo” as the house for travelers. Why? It isn’t normal in the city, and it generally feels like home to rest in a bamboo-made house. There is solace in awakening in a customary house.

A cutting-edge conventional house is made of substantial material for the ground surface, while walls are made of hardwood to get the well-being and security of the tenants.

Nipa needs upkeep, so more often than not, customary home sweethearts don’t involve the Nipa as a rooftop any longer; they involve a much more durable rooftop for simpler support.

This Bahay Kubo is made of Nipa for the rooftop and bamboo woods for the Kubo walls. With a dash of innovation, it utilizes sliding windows. It isn’t the typical house you see where the lounge room or visitor region is inside the house. The residing region is outside the house with an open perspective on nature. It’s ideal for rest time or hanging out.

This customary house with braces impeccably mixes the practice and culture of numerous Filipinos.

Old houses generally are made of brace posts for flood anticipation. The obscure space under the house can be utilized for work or capacity ( while possibly not on water ). More wind current in sweltering environments. Both expanded wind current form under the planks of flooring and expanded breeze from the slight height.

Nipa Huts are a living image of country life in the Philippines. The home of yesterday has changed and endured even until the present time. Bahay Kubos or  Nipa Huts are a symbol of Philippine provincial living.

The walls are frequently worked with bamboo poles or mats to permit the house to be cool in the sweltering summers and warm in the blustery season. They are as yet underlying a square shape and are usually kept open for light and coolness. 

The windows are enormous to assist with giving light and frequently are held open with a long bamboo bar to consider wind streams. This is the advanced Nipa cottage — a symbol that has been made due and adjusted over the long run.

How much does it cost to make Modern Bahay Kubo?

The cost of constructing a cutting-edge Bahay Kubo can fluctuate depending upon your area and the materials you pick. By and large, it costs around $3,000-$4,000 to construct a cutting-edge Bahay Kubo. Remember that this cost does exclude the expense of the land. Assuming you’re hoping to get a good deal on your task, we suggest utilizing neighborhood materials and work.

Types of Bahay Kubo:

Customary Bahay Kubo: These are the most widely recognized sort of Bahay Kubo and are regularly put together with bamboo, wood, and nipa leaves. They are normally based on braces and have a covered rooftop.

Contemporary Bahay Kubo: These are present-day forms of the customary Bahay Kubo and are normally made from cement, steel, and glass. They frequently have a more rectangular shape and a pitched rooftop.

What makes bahay kubo?

The Bahay Kubo is an exceptional lodging since it is regularly based on braces and has a covered rooftop. This plan assists with safeguarding against flooding areas of strength for and. The Bahay Kubo is likewise remarkable because it normally works out of nearby materials, like wood, bamboo, and nipa leaves.

What are the materials used to build Modern Bahay Kubo?

There is no one-size-fits-all response to this inquiry, as the best material to use in building the current Bahay Kubo will differ contingent upon your area and environment. Nonetheless, as a rule, we suggest utilizing nearby materials impervious to enduring and bother.


Current Bahay Kubo can make an incredible expansion to any home. In addition to the fact that they are one of a kind and jazzy, on the other hand, they’re eco-accommodating and can assist you with getting a good deal on your energy bills. On the off chance that you’re contemplating building a cutting-edge Bahay Kubo, we trust this blog entry has been useful. Make sure to utilize nearby materials and work for the most reasonable cost. Gratitude for perusing!