foods to avoid while taking cellcept

FOODS TO AVOID WHILE TAKING CELLCEPT : A popularly prescribed drug called Cellcept (Mycophenolate Mofetil) treats autoimmune illnesses and prevents organ transplant rejection. It operates by reducing immunological function, which increases the risk of infection for the body.

It’s crucial to stay away from specific foods that may interact with Cellcept or exacerbate its adverse effects to reduce the risk of infections along with other potential side effects. In this article, we’ll examine some foods to avoid while taking Cellcept and discuss the rationale behind these suggestions.

To improve general health and immunological function while using CellCept, it’s crucial to keep a diet that is healthy and balanced. Speaking with a medical professional or certified dietitian for individualized nutritional advice is advised. Make sure you adhere to these instructions to maximize CellCept’s efficiency and reduce any potential food interactions.

Relationships with Cellcept

UGT1A9 is an enzyme that breaks down cells in the liver & intestines. The absorption, distribution, and removal of Cellcept from the body can be altered by certain foods and medications that can have an impact on this enzyme’s function.

As an illustration, certain medications, such as proton pump inhibitors, or PPIs, utilized for the treatment of acid reflux can decrease UGT1A9 function and raise the level in the blood of Cellcept, which can have toxic effects and adverse side effects such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea.

On the other side, some meals, such as grapefruit and its juice, might increase UGT1A9 activity and decrease cell count blood levels, which can lessen the drug’s effectiveness. 

Foods that could exacerbate Cellcept adverse effects

Anemia, leukopenia, thrombocytopenia, gastrointestinal problems (nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea), and reactions to the skin (rash, itching) are just a few of the side effects that Cellcept might produce. Some meals may make these adverse effects worse or hinder the metabolism of Cellcept, decreasing the drug’s effectiveness. The following foods should be avoided or consumed in moderation when taking Cellcept:

Dairy Items

Dairy products that give calcium and magnesium can bind to Cellcept in the intestines to decrease its absorption. Dairy products should be avoided or consumed at least two hours apart from Cellcept.

Food that contains high-fat

Food that contains high fat in someone’s diet can make it harder for Cellcept to be digested and absorbed, delaying the start of its effects and decreasing its potency. It is advised to avoid or consume them in moderation. Examples of such meals include fried foods, fatty meats, cheese, and cream.

Foods that may make immunosuppression worse

The increased susceptibility to infections brought on by the immune system’s suppression is one of the main side effects of taking Cellcept. Particularly in those with weakened immune systems, several meals can further erode the immune system or raise the risk of infection. The following foods should be avoided or consumed in moderation when taking Cellcept:

Uncooked or raw food

Raw or undercooked foods, such as meat, eggs, & shellfish, can contain pathogenic microorganisms and worms that can infect people with compromised immune systems. It is advised to fully cook these items and avoid raw oysters, sushi, and other shellfish.

Authorized food

Natural dairy products, cheese, and juices may also include unhealthful bacteria that can infect people with compromised immune systems. It is advised to limit or avoid consuming unpasteurized foods.

High-risk foods for infection

Foods like sandwiches, meat products, hot dogs, or soft cheeses that are more likely to contain bacteria must be avoided or eaten with caution. Listeria monocytogenes, a kind of bacteria that can cause serious infections in persons with compromised immune systems, may be present in these items.


When taking CellCept, you should restrict or avoid alcohol as well as other food groups. The functioning of the liver may also be in danger if you drink alcohol, raising the possibility of adverse drug reactions. Your well-being must come first when using CellCept; therefore cutting back or quitting drinking is essential.

A Balanced Diet which should be Maintained

Because some foods should be avoided, it’s critical to keep up a balanced, healthy diet when taking Cellcept. Overall health can be supported and immune function can be boosted by eating a diet high in vegetables, fruits, lean meats, and whole grains.

Consult a dietitian or healthcare provider for personalized recommendations.

It’s essential to know which meals to avoid if you’re using CellCept since they can interact with the drug and reduce its digestion or effectiveness. You can make sure you are receiving the most of your treatment by avoiding these meals.

Citrus fruits like grapefruit and grapefruit juice should be avoided while taking CellCept. These may raise the concentrations of the medicine in your body, which could result in side effects or difficulties. When taking CellCept, it is advised to completely avoid grapefruit products.

When taking CellCept, drinking alcohol should also be restricted or avoided. Beyond raising the possibility of side effects, alcohol can harm the liver. It is advised to either limit or fully avoid alcohol to safeguard your liver and preserve general health.

It is best to avoid eating fatty foods and high-fat meals before taking CellCept. These foods can decrease the effectiveness of the drug by limiting its absorption. Choosing nutritious, healthier foods that boost your immune system and general well-being is suggested.

It is best to get in touch with a healthcare professional or a certified dietitian to make sure that you are taking CellCept while adhering to the diet that is best suited to your individual needs. 

They can offer tailored advice based on your medical situation and treatment strategy. You may optimize your food decisions and improve the efficacy of your medicine by getting professional advice.


Cellcept is a powerful drug that can treat autoimmune illnesses and prevent the rejection of donated organs. However, it’s critical to be mindful of the foods that may react negatively with the medication or exacerbate its side effects.

Patients can minimize their risk of problems and get the most out of Cellcept by reducing or avoiding their intake of milk and dairy products, ants, high-fat foods, uncooked or undercooked foods, unfiltered foods, and foods with a high risk of contamination. Before modifying the diet and medication schedule, speaking with a physician or pharmacist is crucial.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1) While using CellCept, may I eat or drink grapefruit?

Ans. No, it’s advised against ingesting grapefruit pulp or juice when using CellCept. These can raise the body’s drug concentrations, impacting how well it absorbs and works.

Q2) If you’re using CellCept, is drinking okay?

Ans. While taking CellCept, alcohol use should be restricted or avoided. The risk of adverse effects and harm to the liver may rise with alcohol consumption.

Q3)While taking CellCept, should I stay away from fatty foods and meals?

Ans. High-fat meals and fatty foods should be avoided right before taking CellCept. These foods may reduce the medication’s absorption.

Q4) Do I have to adhere to a certain diet when taking CellCept?

Ans. To promote general health and immunological function while using CellCept, it’s crucial to keep a diet that is nutritious and well-rounded. It is best to speak with a medical professional or licensed dietitian for individualised nutritional advice.

Q5) Where can I obtain tailored nutritional guidance while using CellCept?

Ans. It is advised to speak with a medical professional or a qualified dietitian for individualized dietary advice while using CellCept. Depending on your particular requirements and health situation, they can offer advice.