Going Thrifty is Nifty


Remember that pair of jeans that fit perfectly? Remember those shoes that were to die for and super cute? What about that dress that made you look like a superstar? Those clothes may seem like a blast from the past that you’ll never be able to find again, but that’s not necessarily true!

Thrift stores can be a beautiful blast from your clothing past. So, if you’re interested in finding things you love to wear or just want the pleasure of discovering the best consignment shop in Los Angeles, then you’ve come to the right site.

Why It’s Nifty To Go Thrifty

There are a few reasons that shopping at thrift stores and consignment shops is a huge deal. Here are some of the biggest reasons that you should go thrifting when you’re out and about.

High Fashion

Los Angeles is one of the world’s fashion meccas. So, it makes a lot of sense that secondhand stores in the LA area would have some of the most fashionable clothing items. This is where many fashion designers break their clothing lines, scrambling to get the hottest celebrities to wear their designs. Whether or not a star adorns themselves with a coveted clothing item or pair of shoes, many do not wear repeated pieces. The glory of thrift stores in LA is the rich inheritance of spectacular clothes they can receive. 

Nice Profits

Celebrities aren’t the only people in LA that have great taste in fashionable items. By osmosis, denizens of the city are generally well-dressed people. People are also creative about how they make money. Putting clothes and other items on consignment is an excellent way to do just that.

If you have some nice pieces in your wardrobe but are ready to move on, consignment stores are right up your alley. What’s also nice is that many stores don’t just want your clothes, shoes, or jewelry. Many are looking for other things like housewares. 

California, especially Los Angeles, tends to attract high-earning people because it can be an expensive place to live. So, earning some money with things you’re done wearing or using? That’s practical and profitable. It doesn’t hurt that your old treasure can become someone else’s new find. That’s a good deed that helps pay the bills.

Earth Friendly

LA culture is known for the glitz and glam, but it’s also surprisingly conscious of the need to protect the environment. The city used to be famous for smog, but over the past decades, air quality improvement measures have helped with considerable smog reduction. 

How does this relate to clothing and other items? Los Angeles has been going green for decades. From plant-based diets to sustainable clothing, this is a city that knows how to go — and stays green.

Thrift stores and consignment shops go hand in hand with conservation. Instead of throwing things away, secondhand stores give items a new life. Often, discarded items end up in overflowing landfills or as harmful ocean debris. Both are terrible for the environment. 

If you have items that you have been thinking about donating to one of the best thrift shops in LA, know that you are doing your part to bring joy to other people while helping protect the Earth.

If you’ve been on the fence about whether to visit a thrift store to donate or check out a consignment shop to earn some money, it’s time to jump off. Both are great ways to find beautiful things, give someone else the chance to have something wonderful, and make sure the Earth is a healthier place for everyone.