How Can Universities Help with College Students’ Health Concerns?


The number of mental problems of modern students grows every day. Anxiety disorders, depression, attention deficit disorder, and hyperactivity syndrome are among the issues that college kids may face. How many universities act in such situations? How can they help? Let’s try to find out.

Deep understanding and awareness of a problem

In the education field, as in society as a whole, issues of dependence on alcohol and drugs, sexual assault prevention, etc., are raised rather often. But mental health issues are still not paid enough attention to. However, it is encouraging that universities recently started sharing mental health info with students.

They replace traditional presentations and panel debates with role plays, short movies, and different interactivities, followed by small group discussions. Among the topics covered in this course is how to detect the signs and symptoms of mental disease, how to take care of mental health, and what resources and assistance are available.

Unfortunately, there is still some stigma behind mental disorders. This is groundless because students’ mental health is just a part of general health. Psyche is also a part of the human body, like the brain, legs, or arms. And we should take care of our psyche. One should always put mental health above all and not be afraid to ask for help if needed. For instance, you might find high-quality health essay examples or ask for professional writing help if you feel ill or cannot do your homework. Free essay examples can inspire you to make your work better. Also, when you get your college paper with proper structure, content, and writing style, you get closer to your goal. Next time, with such an example, you will be able to do it independently.

Free screenings for mental health conditions

What is one more way to help mental health and one more strategy for combating prejudice? The answer is an encouragement to keep an eye on the mental condition in the same way we do checkups on physical health. In this regard, several educational institutions are working to normalize mental health screenings by making them available to their learners at no cost and in an easily accessible location.

Students at Drexel University, for instance, may “receive a checkup from the neck up” at the local Recreation Center, which has a so-called mental-health kiosk. The students are welcome to swing by for a few moments to respond to a short questionnaire shown on a private screen. After the screening, the kids are provided with info on extra services and assistance with mental health.

Discussion of the matter

Students aren’t necessarily verbalizing their mental health difficulties, and many don’t know precisely how to support friends who look lonely, unhappy, or aloof. This happens even though many tools are accessible to them. Simple classes won’t help in such a situation. How do we launch into this discussion?

Many students have access to online simulation programs that teach them how to approach peers who may be going through emotional difficulties and point them in the direction of the proper services. Also, they have the opportunity to learn more about mental health from a small group of virtual students and have a conversation with a virtual pal who is experiencing emotional discomfort. They discover the most effective methods to reply to such a person after experimenting with various strategies and putting them to the test.

Well-being practices during lectures

College teachers may modulate preventive and coping measures in the classroom and support other activities. Professors can spend a few minutes at the beginning of each lesson meditating. Students and professors may also try different five-minute mindful breathing techniques to prepare for the learning process. What is the purpose? The answer is reorienting pupils and concentrating on this “mindful moment.” During such a “nervous system reboot,” individuals maintain a straight but relaxed posture and focus on a sound, a body part, or just a breath.


It is common for higher education institutions to struggle to keep up with the demand for mental health services for their students. Are you an educator, staff member, administrator, or worried parent with a kid headed to college? The initiatives, new online tools, and creative methods listed above may inspire and motivate you. If you are a student, please remember that a high grade for a research paper is not worth your health issues. You should always put your health first and ask for help if you need it.