How Children’s Intellectual Development Affects Their Future College Success


A lot of studies have shown the importance of the early years in a child’s development. It is crucial how teachers and educators choose to adapt to every child in the classroom. But it’s equally important the strategies parents choose. This is one of the topics psychology students who get an education in college study. So, why is it important to develop a child and how can you do this?

Why Is It Important to Develop a Child?

The development of a child is crucial for his future life. In his early childhood, the child learns about the world that surrounds him. In fact, they do this since they are born. As they grow up, they come to understand more of what they see and hear. They start expressing their own needs and wishes. Research has shown that good childhood development will have a positive outcome on their future life, including school performance and health.

If you’re wondering how can health influence learning, you can read an essay or more on this topic. After reading the problem and solution examples by Gradesfixer, we can conclude that the relationship between education and health is not an easy one. Extensive research has consistently shown that poor health leads to poor performance in school and can lead to low educational outcomes. You can check out the sources and read more about how important it is to develop a child.

For a child that will grow into an adolescent and then an adult, they will interact with a lot of people. They will be part of a class in school, they will have colleagues, and be taught by teachers and educators. In all the parts of their lives, emotions will be involved. They will need to make decisions and also learn how to contain their anger, frustration, or fury. These skills are essential not only for their future college success but for life success. The impact of early childhood education is huge and parents are the firsts that could positively contribute to it.

Ways to Develop a Child

Child development knowledge might be something that only experts possess. However, in the last couple of years, more books and educational articles have been written on this topic. It is one of high interest not only for parents but for educators too. There are a lot of tips that can be applied across all families, as these are the pillars for healthy and functional childhood development.

Warmth and Sensitivity

One of the most important needs of a children is that they need support and guidance. They are discovering the world day by day, but their bodies and minds too. They will go through different phases, but it is important to be warm and sensitive towards children in every phase. This is important not only when you are calm, but also on days when children might have too much energy for your own energy level.


Another important tip would be to have routines. These are essential for children as they foster their cognitive development. At the same time, they create a predictable environment for children and this helps them feel safe. Routines can be created both in the family and at school.

As a parent, you can write the schedule on paper and put it in a place where everyone can see it. As the child grows, you can ask them to take on easy household chores too. At school, as an educator, you can do the same thing. At the beginning of the day or the class, you can let children know how everything will go on. Knowing what’s next is exactly what children need: predictability, safety, and security.

Sharing Books, Talking, Playing Games

Early childhood development is essential for the future success of the child. Their intellectual development affects their college success, so it is important to do everything you can to foster their development. Depending on the age of the child, you can share books and read along with them.

Then, you can discuss the subject of the book and its main teachings. Playing games is also a nice way to help your child develop self-regulation skills. Knowing how to manage their strong emotions is something that will prove useful in every domain of their lives. The game “Stop, think, and act” is a nice one that teaches children to do exactly this.

If you want to find out more about this topic, you can start by reading a few helpful books on the topic. How the Brain and Mind Develop in the First Five Years of Life by Lise Eliot or The Whole-Brain Child by Daniel Sieger are our first recommendations. You can also take a look at Piaget’s theory of cognitive development.