How to Impress Someone on a First Date


Dating a word that invites a mixture of various feelings within us! It makes us conscious, excited, overwhelmed and happy too, at the same point in time. A day, when the girl dreams to be the ‘princess’ and the boy wants to be the ‘prince charming’, and such is the state of their heart and mind. Dating is a term that defines a social meeting of two people for fellowship which is much more than friendship and looking forward to being together for an informal or a lifetime relationship like the wedding. The first date could be with your friend whom you have secretly started loving and now wish to propose him or her. It could also be with the boy or the girl that your families have chosen for you, wherein they want both of you to meet each other and see if you guys can be the best buddies for the rest of the life or not. So, two different individuals turning to be the couple is the best line describing the purpose of the word first date, and hence the first date rules carry a lot of importance in one’s life. Here are some tips to impress a girl or how to impress someone on the first date


When we think about our first date rules, the first question that strikes our minds is how to impress someone on the first date and what is the first date rules? Though there are no particular rules defined for dating there are certain essential things that you need to take care of when planning for a year. At times, your appealing look, high status, wealth and power are just not enough to impress someone on the first date and what are first date rules, above all these you just need to be yourself to mesmerize someone you want to be with or someone you love. Love is not bound by any conditions because when it happens, it just happens from the heart. All in all, you need to make the best impression for an effective date, and this is only possible when it is the real you nothing that is fake. Being on time involves knowing each other, creating an understanding, initiating the bond of trust for each other and further all this leads to the vision of our future that whether you will be able to go well with one another or not. So, looking at the uncertainty, it is not sure that the ball will be in your court or not. None of us wants to be heartbroken and face the phase of rejection so here are some influencing tips to impress a girl on a date and on how to impress someone on the first date and what is the first date rules:

Best Tips to impress a girl on a date or to how to impress someone on the first date and what are the first date rules

Be who you are:

Be the real you, who you are, because the one who will wish to be with you forever, would love to see honesty in you rather than the show- off of materialistic things. It will prove as to how dependable and reliable you are and make the decision making easy for the one. But all this does not mean that you do not prepare yourself for the day. Grooming oneself is equally crucial to anything is needed for the day. Always remember the proverb the first impression is the last one! So, there is no second chance to it. There is nor any hard and fast rule to what is needful to do, nor you need to turn the world upside down. You just need to be calm and confident. Mark a few points on board to impress someone on the first date or the first date rules like Dress up elegant and straightforward which adds to your personality, don’t speak too much and whatever you speak should make sense. If you are not aware of what to express, then at least don’t turn offensive or be rude. Let the soft talks begin, and then you can merely add your views or speak in such a manner that combines comfort and happiness to the environment. Be a smart listener too and let one feel that he/she is enjoying your company!

Gift a small gift:

Even if it is your first date to follow all the first date rules, a formal one, you can greet him or her with any simple gift that expresses your gratitude towards him or her. Nothing like a red rose because that would be too early without knowing and developing the feelings for one another but something like a
small gift wrap of a chocolate box will work the best. Though, later the best gift will turn up to be your company for each other for a lifetime if everything goes well. this is one of the best tips to impress a girl on a date.


Be soft and gentle:

Use a polite and friendly tone to whomever you meet someone around whether someone known, hotel manager, waiter, butler or anyone not known well also. For example, if you have a senior couple sitting on the next table, you could just show your respectful attitude by passing a decent smile to them. It shows your positive and friendly attitude because even small gestures leave a significant impact on the heart of the other. Once you are serving, thank the waiter and appreciate them for the excellent service verbally and also by giving a tip.

Don’t keep him/her waiting for too long:

If there knocks any such situation, where it becomes urgent for you to take an incoming call, do excuse yourself by taking permission and then move out to do so. Keep the conversation very limited and short or ask the once to call back once free. It is essential because you have someone special waiting. Once you are in as a part of courtesy, do say Sorry for taking his/ her time and re-start the conversation from where it was clipped. It will show that you were concentrated and are so much interested in talking to him or her. Strictly avoid taking any call before the one or screaming over like anything. This is a tip to impress a girl.

Stay calm & don’t panic:

No one can stop emergencies from occurring in life! God forbids, if you ever get into such a situation on your first date where you need to rush due to any personal difficulty, don’t panic at all instead take a deep sigh and with lots of politeness make him or her understand the urgency of the situation. Looking into his/her eyes, saying sorry gently for cutting the date short, expressing the sincerity will undoubtedly leave a convincing impression. It will also show that you are mature enough to handle any problematic situation.

Accompany her only if she wants:


Last but not the least; when you are set to bid good-bye, etiquette says that women should always be treat as accompanied by men to their home. It is your responsibility as a man to take this initiative and drop the lady at her house but only if she is comfortable to do so. If she is happy to travel on her own, do not insist more than once fairly let her be on her own. You can ask one another to message or call once made a safe reach to the home and can also express gratitude for the lovely date. Never compel the lady for a goodbye hug or kiss or handshake especially when you feel she might not be comfy with all this. Give her ample space.

So, you can only enjoy your first date with the first date rulesor even the future ones with your beloved by being the real you. Expecting the fantasy world to land on the earth like stars dancing and moon singing for you will take you nowhere rather spoil your efforts too. So do everything that is required but nothing exuberant. Leave an everlasting impression on the first date by being the right gentleman and sensible lady. A particular short description for boys and girls that you can follow on your first date rules:

For boys: Girls loved to be pampered and cared a lot so keeping this in mind, emphasizes every small and big thing that can make you win her heart. Dress up well, elegantly with decent clothing. Avoid dressing up too trendy or funky. After all, she wants to meet her dream boy, not a cartoon character. Be gentle and subtle while speaking and be what you are as a person.

For Girls: Generally, boys love beauty with simplicity, sweetness, and brain. Do groom yourself with a facial so that your skin can glow out. Apply a graceful make-up that enhances your look, but nothing such that spoils your natural persona. Choose the attire that is simple yet appealing and above all suits you the best. Carry a small, stylish handbag complementing it. Be soft and sweet while speaking showcasing the best of etiquette. Just like you wish to meet a person who is right in himself, be right at your end also.

For both, boys and girls: Make sure that advanced booking made for dining with the addition of light instrumental music or candle theme. Whoever has planned this date needs to be before time to make sure that everything is up to the mark. Be patient to wait for him/her and as soon as he/she is there greet each other with a sweet smile. Moreover, depending on the comfort of the two, you can initiate a handshake, a formal hug or a kiss. Equal concern and care is a significant part of both ends. Remember, it is the effort of two that can convert the first date into much more to come.

Please Avoid (Don’ts):-

Not only the do’s but the don’ts are also equally important to know so that you lead on to a perfect date with no single mistake at all because a silly error of yours can spoil the complete planning. Here are some of the don’ts that you need to underline while preparing for a first date rules to how to impress someone thoroughly.

  • You just need to be the genuine you. Express only that, that you think, agree, like, dislike, etc. Do not say yes to anything just to impress.
  • Don’t rehearse yourself on any dialogues or daily soap lines because that sounds too dramatic and entirely unrealistic. You will reflect yourself as fake if you do so and none of them either will get to know each other accurately. So, be natural and go with regular conversation.
  • Never become the stylist for one day. Wear what suits you and you are comfy in because that is the best way in which you can carry yourself.
  • Mark a statement by always wearing the perfume with natural fragrance, nothing sharp that distracts the one. Something that pleases the person sitting right before you!
  • Strictly avoid being too personal while discussing or sharing thoughts as you hardly know each other and one might not like you so possessive and interfering attitude.
  • Don’t go with the experiences of your friends or relative instead make your own. From head to toe, make the decision yourself because one is the best judge of oneself.
  • Don’t ask too many questions, ask limited but sensible ones. Make a point that the issues should be the open type which initiates the conversation between the two. Nothing of the sort that ends up the answer with a yes or no else they will lose the interest, and you might sound boring. Remember, it is a date not an interview for the job.

Dating is not a job like an interview; hence enjoy it rather being nervous. If everything mentioned above is in consideration, then no one can stop your first date turning to be a lifetime event. You are sure to impress the one you wish to, on your very first date. Enjoy your first date, take as a friend, create a comfortable environment for both of you and then see the magic. this is a tip to impress a girl. Though it is destiny at times, the result lies in your hand just with few efforts of yours! So, what are you waiting for, start getting prepared, after all, it is your first date!!

take care of your girl and use these tips to impress a girl on a date with all the first date rules.

Images From: Pinterest images