Know How to Impress a Girl While Chatting


Who doesn’t have a chat head open on his/her phone right now? The answer is clear. Nowadays, everyone has become chat-o-holic. People are more comfortable to express themselves while chatting than talking. That’s why people are getting more and more oriented towards using chat apps. There are many such apps, such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, Hangout, Hike, and much more.

Different people use these apps for various purposes. Some use it for work, some look for writing assistance and find it on how to do it while chatting. If you’re still wondering how to impress a girl while chatting, we’ve got it sorted for you.

Following are a few tips to impress a girl through your messages and make her wait for your texts:

Don’t hesitate to initiate

Instead of waiting, just begin the conversation from your side before anyone else does it. Openly chat with her and clearly say what you want to say. One best way to win a girl’s heart is to be the first person to send her a text at the beginning of a day so that she gets used to it and expects it from your side every day.

Do not try to be fake, just be your original self

If you’re thinking of how to impress a girl while chatting, then don’t fake yourself. All the girls like guys who show them their true selves without hiding anything. Be confident about yourself and stay expressive.

Patiently deal with her

if it’s in your mind that how to flirt with a girl, then just make sure that, then just make sure that being flirtatious is not the best way to win a girl’s heart. Don’t be impulsive while chatting to a girl. If you have initiated and tried hard to be in touch with her, then give her some time to understand it, and she’ll definitely get back to you.

Instead of talking about her, just talk to her

Most of the guys think that a girl stays happy when they speak about her, praise her, and make her the center of the conversation. But that’s not true. The girls like it when the guys talk to them in the usual manner, rather than only appreciating them.

Focus on making her feel comfortable

One of the tips to impress a girl is to always think of making her feel comfortable. Girls never forget the ways guys make them feel unique and different from everyone else. And its only words that can be cherished in her heart as well as chat archives forever.

Keep surprising her

Don’t think of how to flirt with a girl, instead plan tiny surprises for her. The little things that you do for a girl, win her heart. You can make her smile by saying unexpected situations, and talk to her about everything that makes sense or makes no sense at all.

Don’t be available every time

If you would be online all the time, then a girl may take it otherwise. Either she will misunderstand it, or she will start taking you for granted. Make small conversations with her, but just focus on making them memorable and impactful.

Choose an interesting topic to talk

If you are still seeking for how to impress a girl while chatting, then focus on picking the right topic to talk. Don’t just blabber all the time, sound genuine while communicating. Talk about the food, movies, games, and series she likes or you like, and start your conversation accordingly. Try to know her more, and soon you won’t need to think of any topic before talking to her.

Don’t forget to send her Emoticons 

When you’re out of words, try emoticons. Emoticons are expressive as well as cute. And, if you use them sometimes while chatting, it will do no harm. If you have no idea of what to say, send a suitable emoticon to your girl, and she’ll be happier to see your thoughtfulness. It will also help you in breaking awkward moments and continuing the conversation.

Try not to be personal with her

Don’t ever try to invade in a girl’s personal space. If you keep on asking her personal questions that she doesn’t want to discuss, then you’ll be doing something which she would not like at all. Let her be entitled to her own privacy and space.