Movies That Hollywood Stars Regret


We all have bad days at work. Every single one of us can think of times we spoke out of turn, bad decisions that led to regrettable outcomes, and actions we should never have taken. For most people, though, our regrettable work choices are known only to the people we work with and perhaps our friends and families if we choose to tell them. For Hollywood A-listers, things are a bit different.

When a Hollywood movie star chooses the wrong film project, the results are immortalised for everybody to see for the rest of time. Whether it’s because they misjudged the quality of the script, they desperately needed the money, or they didn’t know what they were getting themselves in for, many of the biggest stars in the history of cinema have appeared in films that they’ve come to hate over time. Some of them might surprise you. With apologies to anyone who’s about to have their favourite movie ruined by the things they’re about to read, here’s a collection of movie stars who hated some of the films they’re best known for.

Kate Winslet: Titanic

Kate Winslet is one of the finest character actors that Britain has produced in the past century. Anyone who’s in any doubt about that needs only refer to her outstanding recent performance in “Mare of Easttown,” which has been described as a career highlight by almost everyone who’s seen it. What many people will always know her best for, though, is her breakout role as “Rose” in “Titanic” with Leonardo DiCaprio in the 1990s. Winslet would give anything to change that. The part came very early in her career and brought her global fame at an age she was ill-prepared to handle it. She also finds it unwatchable. She thinks she did a terrible job on her American accent and was given poor directorial advice about her performance. In short, she didn’t have a great time. It made her a household name, but she’d be happier if it never happened!

Andrew Garfield: Spider-Man

Spider-Man might be a very old comic book property, but the character has probably never been more popular than it is right now. The latest Spider-Man video game is a big hit on the new PlayStation 5 console. You can’t spend a day on social media without seeing the Spider-Man meme. You can’t even get away from the character at online slots websites, where “Spider-Man Attack of the Green Goblin” is one of the most popular superhero-themed online slots of them all. We don’t know whether that’s what tipped the balance for former Spider-Man actor Andrew Garfield or not. Maybe he saw the meme too many times. Maybe he played the online slots game at Rose Slots New Zealand and lost too much money on it. Maybe he got tired of the costume. Nobody really knows, but what we do know is that Garfield was “fired” from the role in 2015 despite being under contract for two more films. He was replaced by Tom Holland. Garfield has never said what went wrong, choosing only to say that he “didn’t compromise himself.” It sounds like he had a bad falling out with somebody.

Halle Berry: Catwoman

Every year, the “Golden Raspberry” awards are held in America. They’re the diametric opposite of the Oscars. The “Razzies” are there to celebrate all the worst things about the last year in film, including awards for worst actor and worst movie. Because of the nature of the “awards” ceremony, very few performers turn up to collect their trophies in person. Halle Berry is one of very few people who did. She was given “worst actress” for “Catwoman” in 2005 and accepted the award because she wholeheartedly agreed with the decision. She knew the film was terrible, and she was happy to laugh at herself. During a withering acceptance speech, she directly accused Warner Bros of forcing her to appear in an awful movie and effectively derailing her career. She’s probably looked much more closely at contracts before she’s signed them ever since.

Alec Guinness: Star Wars

“Star Wars” is kind of notorious for the fact that most of the people who were in the first trilogy of movies didn’t enjoy themselves. Carrie Fisher felt that it typecast her for life, as did Mark Hammill. Even Harrison Ford, who went on to have a much more successful movie career than his co-stars, wasn’t a fan. None of them hated it quite so much as the legendary Sir Alec Guinness, though, who openly admitted that the only reason he accepted the role of Obi-Wan Kenobi was the massive salary associated with the part. Guinness felt that the script was full of “banal, childish fantasies” and regretted the fact that the films gave the whole world a taste for the genre. In his autobiography, he recalls refusing to sign an autograph for a young fan unless the fan promised never to watch “Star Wars” again. That’s some next-level hate, Alec.

George Clooney: Batman

Back in the late 1990s and early 2000s, TV and movie producers thought that George Clooney could sell almost anything. 99% of the time they were right, but there’s a notable exception. It’s just a shame that the notable exception is one of the most iconic roles in history – that of Batman. The Batman series was on a roll throughout the 1990s until Clooney showed up. Michael Keaton kicked things off in 1989 with “Batman” and followed up superbly with “Batman Returns” in 1992. Val Kilmer showed up in 1995’s “Batman Forever” and did an OK job. He didn’t return to the part, though, and Clooney’s arrival in 1997’s “Batman & Robin” became the stuff of Hollywood legend for all the wrong reasons. In fairness, Joel Schumacher’s bizarre approach to production (including adding nipples to Clooney’s rubber Batsuit) didn’t help. Clooney feared he might have tanked the whole franchise, and he was almost right – it was almost a decade before another “Batman” film was made. Clooney later went on to say that he thought he was landing himself a lucrative recurring role, so he didn’t pay much attention to the script. That turned out to be a costly mistake for both the studio and his own reputation.

There are, of course, other examples of films where performers have taken a part and then lived to regret it, but few so high profile as the ones we’ve mentioned here. Alec Guinness hating “Star Wars” came as the biggest shock to us, but what do you think?