Know Signs Ovulation is Over

Signs Ovulation is Over

Signs ovulation is over – Understanding how your body’s reproductive cycle works is super important if you want to have a baby or just know more about your fertility. One key part of this cycle is ovulation, a special time full of possibilities and signals if you pay attention. 

In this article, we’ll help you grasp what are the signs ovulation is over and what happens at the end of ovulation. This guide is from India IVF Fertility, a top clinic in Delhi, Noida, Gurgaon, and Gwalior. Let us explore this together:

What is Ovulation Time?

The ovulation period is when a woman’s body releases a mature egg during her menstrual cycle. This egg travels down the fallopian tube, hoping to meet sperm for fertilization. This usually happens in the middle of your cycle and only lasts for about 12-48 hours.

Understanding when this period ends is just as important as knowing when it begins. It is not only crucial for planning a baby but also essential for being aware of your overall health.

Signs Ovulation is over

Knowing signs ovulation is over can give you important information about your fertility cycle. Here are ten signs to be aware of:

Changes in Cervical Mucus

During ovulation, your body makes more clear and stretchy cervical mucus, similar to egg whites. As the ovulation period ends, there is a noticeable decrease in the amount of this mucus, and it becomes thicker and stickier.

Temperature Shifts

After ovulation, your basal body temperature goes up slightly. Keeping track of this daily can give you valuable insights into your ovulation cycle.

Decreased Libido

While ovulating, many women feel a peak in their sexual desire due to hormonal changes. Once ovulation is over, there is a noticeable drop in this heightened libido.

Abdominal Discomfort

Sometimes called “mittelschmerz,” some women may feel a twinge of pain or cramps in their lower abdomen at the end of ovulation.

Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs)

A drop in Luteinizing Hormone (LH) levels, detectable with OPKs, signals that ovulation has taken place.

Stabilizing Mood Swings

The hormonal ups and downs during ovulation can lead to mood swings. As ovulation concludes, these mood swings usually settle down.

Back to a Regular Menstrual Cycle

If you have been keeping tabs on your menstrual cycle, you will observe that the conclusion of ovulation signals the approach of your next menstrual period.

Determining the End of Ovulation

Figuring out when your ovulation period is over can be done by paying attention to your body and the signs mentioned earlier. Monitoring changes in cervical mucus, body temperature, and mood swings can give you helpful hints.

Using Ovulation Predictor Kits (OPKs) is another reliable way to identify the change in your Luteinizing Hormone (LH) levels.After Ovulation

Once ovulation concludes, if the egg remains unfertilized, it will break down or dissolve in the uterus. Hormone levels will decrease, triggering the shedding of the uterine lining and the onset of the menstrual period.

Can You Conceive After Ovulation Ends?

The likelihood of getting pregnant significantly decreases after ovulation ends. This is because the egg’s lifespan is relatively short, around 24 hours. However, since sperm can survive in the female reproductive tract for up to five days, having intercourse in the days before ovulation means you can still conceive even after ovulation has passed.


Knowing your ovulation period and signs ovulation is over offers valuable insights into your fertility. The conclusion of ovulation marks the end of a crucial phase in the fertility cycle and signals the start of a new one. It represents the ongoing rhythm that defines female reproductive health, with cycles constantly ebbing and flowing.

Some FAQs

What are the indicators of low egg quality?

Signs of poor egg quality include fertility problems, recurrent miscarriages, and irregular menstrual cycles. As women age, there is a potential decline in egg quality, leading to possible chromosomal abnormalities impacting pregnancy success.

How can I determine the conclusion of ovulation?

Dr. Kallen notes, “Indicators that ovulation has ended involve the resolution of ovulation symptoms, such as bloating, nausea, and spotting.” Changes in cervical mucus are also observable; post-ovulation, it decreases, thickens, and becomes less noticeable.

How can I know if I’m no longer ovulating?

An excessively long (35 days or more) or short (less than 21 days) menstrual cycle, irregularity, or absence of a cycle could indicate a lack of ovulation. Other signs might be absent.

How can I confirm the end of ovulation?

Ovulation Predictor Kits/LH tests assist in identifying peak fertility and can also help determine the closing of the fertile window. Since ovulation typically occurs 12-36 hours after the LH surge, counting two days after a positive LH test suggests ovulation is likely to conclude or soon will.

What are two indicators of ovulation?

Signs of ovulation may include abdominal cramps, pain or bloating, changes in cervical mucus, a slightly elevated body temperature, and saliva, and breast tenderness. These can vary among individuals.