The Top 10 Healthiest Countries in the World: Where to Go for a Healthy Lifestyle


If you are looking for a destination that offers not only beautiful scenery, culture, and cuisine, but also a high quality of life and well-being, you might want to consider visiting one of the healthiest countries in the world. According to the Bloomberg Global Health Index, which ranks 169 nations based on various factors such as life expectancy, environmental conditions, and health risks, these are the top 10 countries that excel in promoting and maintaining the health of their citizens. If you are a gambling fan and want not only to travel but explore the gambling world of these countries, we recommend you to visit the Gamblorium, you will find the most trusted online casinos there.

10. Israel

Israel is the only Middle Eastern country that made it to the top 10, thanks to its low levels of diet-related deaths, high life expectancy (83 years), and universal health care system. Israelis enjoy a Mediterranean diet that is rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish, and olive oil, which has been proven to have many health benefits, especially for the heart. A strong sense of family and community is important to them, which contributes to their mental and emotional well-being.

9. Norway

Norway is one of the happiest countries in the world, according to the World Happiness Report, and it is easy to see why. The Nordic nation boasts a stunning natural environment, with clean air and water, abundant wildlife, and spectacular landscapes. Norwegians also have a high standard of living, with free education and health care, generous social welfare, and low crime rates. They are physically active and enjoy outdoor activities such as hiking, skiing, and cycling. The vast majority of residents eat a balanced diet that includes seafood, dairy products, berries and whole grains.

8. Singapore

Singapore is a small but mighty country that has one of the best healthcare systems in the world. The island city-state has a high-quality public health infrastructure, with accessible and affordable services for all residents. Singaporeans also benefit from a diverse and nutritious cuisine that reflects their multicultural heritage. They eat plenty of rice, noodles, vegetables, fruits, and lean meats, as well as spicy dishes that boost their metabolism. Singaporeans are also active and fit, thanks to their government’s initiatives to promote physical activity and wellness.

7. Australia

Australia is known for its laid-back lifestyle, sunny weather, and friendly people. It is also one of the healthiest countries in the world, with a low obesity rate (22%), high life expectancy (83 years), and universal health care system. Australians love their outdoor activities, such as surfing, swimming, biking, and camping. They also eat a lot of fresh and local produce, such as seafood, meat, dairy products, fruits, and vegetables. Local residents are known for their strong sense of humor and optimism, which helps them cope with stress and difficulties.

6. Sweden

Sweden is another Nordic country that excels in health and happiness. Swedes have a long life expectancy (82 years), low levels of chronic diseases, and high levels of physical activity. They follow a healthy diet that is low in carbohydrates and high in good fats, such as fish oil, nuts, seeds, and avocados. Locals like to eat plenty of fermented foods, such as yogurt, cheese, and pickled herring, which improve their gut health and immunity. Swedes also value their social connections and leisure time, which enhance their mental health and well-being.

5. Switzerland

Switzerland is famous for its chocolate, cheese, and watches, but it is also one of the healthiest countries in the world. Swiss people have a high life expectancy (84 years), low infant mortality rate (3 per 1, 000 live births), and low prevalence of smoking (19%). The locals have a high-quality health care system, with mandatory health insurance for all residents. Swiss people enjoy a balanced diet that includes dairy products, meat, fruits, vegetables, and cereals. They also love their outdoor activities, such as hiking, skiing, and biking, which keep them fit and happy.

4. Japan

Japan is the country with the highest life expectancy in the world (85 years), and it has been attributed to its healthy diet, culture, and lifestyle. Japanese people eat a lot of fish, soy products, rice, vegetables, and green tea, which provide them with essential nutrients, antioxidants, and omega-3 fatty acids. The inhabitants practice portion control and mindful eating, which prevent overeating and obesity. Japanese people also value their social relationships and traditions, such as family gatherings, festivals, and rituals. They also practice meditation, yoga, and martial arts, which improve their mental and physical health.

3. Iceland

Iceland is a small island nation that has a big impact on health and wellness. Icelanders have a low obesity rate (21%), low levels of stress, and high levels of happiness. Locals also have a clean and natural environment, with geothermal energy, hot springs, and volcanoes. Icelanders eat a lot of fish, lamb, dairy products, and berries, which provide them with protein, calcium, and antioxidants. They also drink plenty of water and milk, which hydrate and nourish them. Icelanders are also very active and adventurous, with hobbies such as swimming, horseback riding, and hiking.

2. Italy

Italy is the country that gave birth to the Mediterranean diet, which is considered one of the healthiest diets in the world. Italians eat a lot of olive oil, whole grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, and wine, which protect them from heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. They also eat moderate amounts of fish, cheese, and meat, which provide them with protein and iron. Italians also have a relaxed and joyful attitude towards life, which reduces their stress and anxiety. Locals value their family and friends, which support their emotional and social well-being.

1. Spain

Spain is the healthiest country in the world, according to the Bloomberg Global Health Index. Spaniards have a long life expectancy (83 years), a low incidence of chronic diseases, and a high quality of health care. They also follow a Mediterranean diet that is similar to Italy’s, but with more seafood and less meat. The Residents enjoy their siestas (naps), which improve their sleep quality and mood. They also have a vibrant and lively culture, with music, dance, art, and festivals, which enrich their lives and happiness.