Know What is Cellulitis and All the Associated Details


Cellulitis is a very usual and painful skin infection that spreads rapidly if not treated in time. It appears to be slight redness in the skin, which enhances to swelling and burning sensation on that part of the body. So, what is cellulitis? It is an infection that affects the skin on the legs, hips, and thighs. The virus that cellulitis lives in warm moist areas like the lungs, intestines, and the skin of the feet. If you think that you may have cellulitis, then see your doctor for a diagnosis and treatment plan. This type of infection is a chronic and painful condition that can occur in any one or more of the ten areas of the body, but it can take from two weeks to years for the infection to spread throughout the body.

Symptoms of Cellulitis

The most common Cellulitis symptoms include swollen skin in specific locations and a headache. These symptoms may diminish on their own and not be chronic or severe. The common treatments for what is cellulitis include ointments and injections that can help clear up the infections and help ease the pain.

  • Intense Pain and Inflammation in Lower Body

The most significant symptom of cellulitis is intense pain in the lower part of the back or legs when the affected area is touched. There may also be redness and swelling in the affected area, as well as discomfort. Sometimes people feel pressure from their swollen veins; that is why they have pain in their back or legs. There can also be fever and chills in the affected area. Pain in the groin area is usually present as well.

  • Rashes and Aching Joints

Other symptoms of cellulitis are sharp pains in the hips and thighs, rashes, aching joints, and stiffness. Because this condition often comes and goes, it is difficult to tell whether you have actually had cellulitis. However, there are some tell-tale signs that will help you to determine if you have cellulitis. If you have any of these tell-tale signs, then you should get treated as soon as possible.

  • Swelling and Itching

You can be a little vague about the type of symptom that you have cellulitis or something else. For example, if you’re suffering from a painful joint that is swollen and itches, then you may have cellulitis. However, if you have a high fever with a general feeling of exhaustion, you may have a virus instead. It is important to be diagnosed by a doctor. If you have any of these tell-tale signs, then you should get the right treatment as soon as possible. Many people who have cellulitis will also have strep throat, which can be even more serious.

Why It’s Dangerous?

Cellulitis is a rare form of infectious bursitis that is often described as “cellulite.” The word “bursitis” is used in this context to indicate the inflammation of a bursa (one of several types of lymphatic fluid that lines blood vessels) filled with fluid and typically found inside the cheek, the ear, the base of the skull, the umbilicus (the branch that connects the heart to the diaphragm), and the lower part of the groin. When the bursa becomes swollen and inflamed, it results in painful swelling that makes it impossible for the skin to move freely. This discomfort and pain make people feel very uncomfortable and make their life very difficult.

  • There are many reasons why cellulitis is dangerous and why the treatment must be taken seriously. This condition can lead to gangrene if the infection spreads beyond the area of infection. As a result, patients who suffer from cellulitis should be placed under observation by doctors for one to two weeks. In some scenarios, antibiotics can be prescribed for cellulitis patients. If the infection is serious, it is recommended that antibiotics be used.
  • The second reason cellulitis is dangerous is because of the risk of the formation of an abscess. An abscess is a filled pit that can form in the tissues of the mouth and throat. If the abscess is allowed to remain untreated for more than three months, it can cause the death of the tissue. It is also common for the infection to spread to the lungs and the heart, and to the other internal organs such as the liver, the spleen, and the kidneys.

When to See a Doctor

  • Anyone who suspects that they have cellulitis or witness such symptoms should visit their doctor as soon as possible. They will then be able to order laboratory tests and observe the disease through ultrasound. Though it’s tough to avoid a trip to the doctor when you’ve developed cellulitis. But the news is good if you go in on your own, it can generally be treated with over-the-counter creams and other forms of treatment. The only real exception is if you have had recurring cellulitis before. If so, you will need to talk to your doctor about your treatment options.
  • Surgery is another option, but that does not always work. Unfortunately, most doctors will not be able to perform surgery. Even then, the risk involved is fairly high. You may have several treatments and medications at your disposal in the event that surgery is performed. You should only go in for this type of treatment if the pain from your cellulitis is severe. Some people who have had this condition, especially severe, find that it can be life-threatening.
  • Even when it is diagnosed as being cellulitis and not a worse disease that you have never heard of, you still need to have your doctor look at it. A medical professional can help you learn what your options are and how long you should be out of work.

How to Prevent It?

  • People who have been diagnosed with cellulitis should avoid activities that cause damage to the muscles and the immune system of the body, such as working in positions that may put excessive strain on the joints.
  • It is also important to take care to protect the surrounding tissue, such as the eyes, with gloves
  • This also includes minimizing the consumption of coffee, soda, and other soft drinks, avoiding the consumption of foods high in fat and cholesterol, and drinking more water. The prevention of cellulitis starts with you.
  • Also, it is better to take care of your body by regularly going for a shower and brushing your teeth, flossing, and keeping your nails trimmed. Moreover, it is better to wear socks and loose clothing in the cold season. You must also clean the affected area on a regular basis.
  • Lastly, if you suffer consistent problems, you must consult a doctor. If the symptoms are already severe, a doctor may prescribe antibiotics. However, there are still chances that the cellulitis may recur in the future. Therefore, it is always best to take precautionary measures even before the symptoms become severe.