What to Look Out for When Purchasing Gold Bracelets

gold bracelets

Gold not only oozes luxury and class, but it also symbolizes financial worth.

The precious metal produces the ideal selection of accessories that hardly grow out of fashion.

Gold bracelets for women will always be classy, stylish, and eye-catching regardless of the occasion.

Genuine gold is beautiful, long-lasting, and retains its worth over time.

Many women across the world have developed a special liking for gold bracelets and wear them to stand out from the crowd.

Are you planning to buy gold bracelets for women?

Do you know the characteristics of a good gold bracelet for women?

If you don’t, here are tips to help you know what to watch out for.


Gold bracelets for women come in various designs that give them an appearance similar to a hand band or a bangle.

Still, their design features exceptional features that differentiate them from ordinary ornaments.

Many bracelets feature a chain design that’s similar to a mini necklace. It can have metals and cuffs or customized to meet the wearer’s preferences.

When choosing a gold design, select a piece that complements your personality.


Not all bracelets that glitter are made of pure gold. Today, there is many imitation jewelry in the market, with only few jewelers using real gold to make bracelets.

What this means is that there are minimal gold bracelets for women that contain 24 gold carats.

This is where determining the difference between gold filled and gold plated bracelets becomes important.

Gold Plated Bracelets

The base of these bracelets is not golden. It’s immersed in molten gold to produce a golden coating or surface.

It’s a reasonably-priced alternative to authentic gold jewelry.

With their light gold plating, they appear like real gold but will wear off over time.

Gold plated bracelets are popular in the market.

Gold Filled Bracelets

These utilize 24 gold carat alloys.

Often, they are made of a combination of various metals that give the bracelet a sturdy surface.

Unlike their gold plated counterparts, gold-filled bracelets don’t fade, chip, or tarnish over time.


Durability is a critical factor to consider when choosing gold bracelets for women.

The quality of gold you buy determines the durability of your bracelets.

If you’re looking to buy highly durable bracelets you should ensure that they comprise of pure gold.

Failure to do so exposes you to delicate jewelry that is easily damaged. If you can afford it, ensure that your bracelets are made of high-quality heavy gold.


Cost is a crucial factor to consider. Often, many people opt for cheaper bracelets in a bid to save some money.

However, cheap can be expensive and pure gold doesn’t come cheap. What’s more, you end up buying delicate pieces that hardly last long.

Regardless of how aesthetically attractive they are, desist from buying gold plated bracelets.

Does this mean you can only buy costly gold bracelets for women?

No. Numerous jewelry designers specialize in designing gold bracelets complete with precious pearls and gems at affordable prices.

Establish a reliable jewelry dealer for good quality pieces. Your dealer should provide proof of their certification and credentials.

Reputable jewelers offer a return policy and a warranty period against their jewelry.

When buying a high carat expensive gold bracelet you want to be sure that you can replace it should there be damages.

You also want to buy your jewelry from a shop that has a vast range of designs and offers resizing services.



Whether you’re buying gold bracelets for women to treat yourself or for a special occasion, buying gold ornaments can be a captivating experience.

Gold is a fine metal that maintains its value. It’s also sturdy and can last long with suitable care.

Pure gold bracelets can be expensive and you don’t want to invest in poor quality jewelry.

Research extensively and identify a reliable jeweler from whom you can purchase good quality ornaments.