What to wear in Portland Year-Round Packing List?


To most people, Portland is one of the best vacation spots in the Pacific North West. It attracts several tourists, just like ants are attracted to sugar. It is one of the must-visit places globally as it is surrounded by scenic beauty. This city is cradled between two mountains and is just a few hours drive from the coast. People who love to travel and enjoy the natural landscape should visit this place. It is also one of the most well-known and most visited cities in North West, which is not only a destination for nature admirers but also others. The city is also famous for its vibrant coffee houses, food, outdoor experiences, festival celebrations, shopping, etc. If you are planning a vacation to Portland, there are a few things you should take care of. 

Portland clothing style

You might be quite interested to know that Portlanders love to look different from the world. When you enter the city, you might feel like you’ve traveled back in time to the 1990s because they like it that way. If you love to wear hippie fashion, you are most welcome in this city because that look will be treated as completely normal there. You could carry some plaid, distressed denim to wear their look and not feel different among the lot. Imagine going to a 90’s concert; what do you see? People with skinny jeans, baggy t-shirts, scrunchies, and craft beer in their hands rocking to the music? Yes, that can be described as Portlanders enjoying themselves during outdoor activities. 

You do not have to worry about their dressing, fashion, and style because we are here to advise you on what you should carry to Portland. We will provide you with a list according to the different seasons so that you do not have to worry about visiting the city anytime the whole year. 

What to wear in Portland in Spring?

Spring is one of the best seasons when nature is in full bloom, and especially in a place like Portland, Spring could be adorably artistic. Spring is when people love to take long evening or morning walks or sit under the ornamental trees. The city can be fully enjoyed this season because this season brings the city to full bloom. Spring also brings warmth as the temperature rises, though slowly and steadily. You can calculate the temperature, rising from the ’50s to ’60s and then finally touching the 70s until June. The most interesting thing is that it rains here in spring, yet; the sun’s warm rays don’t get trapped by the clearing fog. If you are visiting Portland during the Spring season, then you need to carry these items for sure –

  • Portland packing list for Spring

Though you might not be able to wear a sundress or summer dress during this season in Portland, you could surely go for all the rainbow shades. Springs can be a bit nippy in this city, so you might have to cover yourself more to be protected from the changing weather. Visiting Portland during spring means that you would have to carry layers, scarfs, boots, and light sweaters. You might want to carry colorful clothes so that you bloom along with the flowers of the season. Several trees and flowering plants are growing along with the residential colonies, lanes, sidewalks, commercial buildings, etc., which might cheer you up to be more bright and colorful. Do not forget to take your umbrella, gumboots, and rain dress because it rains a lot in the Spring season.

What to wear in Portland in Summer?

Summers can be quite hot or warm in Portland, just like South California summer types. Portland lies a bit further from the coast so that the heat may soar up to the ’80s. It depends on the year; the summers can be tricky in this city as sometimes the warmth might reach up to the ’80s. On the other hand, some years have witnessed temperatures ranging from the ’50s to ’60s. 

This is the perfect time for you to carry summer dresses, daytime dresses, shorts, bikinis for the coast, tank tops, shrugs, and slit skirts. This is the time of the year that witnesses sunny days with plenty of warm sunshine. You should take out all of your summer collections if you visit the city during summer. But you would want to carry some layers and thin sweaters if you plan to go to the coast side of the mountains. Here is what you should pack for your visit to Portland in the summer –

  • Portland packing list for Summer

If you want to make heads turn and eyes pop when you pass by, you must wear something different. It would help if you opted not to go for the 90’s style or the hippie style and take a turn at the latest trends. You might want to wear maxi dresses, maxi skirts with different colorful prints, and solid sunny tops to go with them. Carrying shorts, short dresses, and hats can be useful as they would keep you cool. Do not forget to play with bright colors to get great tan pictures of yourself in the sunny weather along the coastline. Wear your bikini or swimsuit to show off your gorgeous body near the coasts and enjoy outdoor sports. You could carry both hiking shoes for the rough terrains, hiking, and sandals for the plains for footwear.

What to wear in Portland in Fall?

The arrival of the fall means the retreat of the sunny days and the beginning of foggy and cool days. The summer starts retreating quickly, though; sometimes, you might experience warm days. The temperature, which had risen to the 70s, fell as low as to ’50s by the mid of fall in Portland. There will be chilly fog in the morning hours, followed by warm rays of the sun peeking into the day. This means it can be quite a mixture of the warm and the cool seasons. You have to be quite aware of the weather to decide what to wear when and where. Here are a few things you should pack for your trip to Portland during the fall. 

  • Portland Packing List for Fall

Tans, browns, blacks, and reds are this season’s trends, as you will see people mostly living around in these shades. Even the fall would invite you to come out in your cool shades with scarfs, hats, boots, and other fun layers. You could see people walking around wearing leggings and transparent shirts or tops. If you plan to visit the mountains, you might want to carry your sweats, thick leggings, and hiking shoes to climb up the chilly mountains. And if you want to rock in the 90’s look, go for a plaid shirt/top, scarf, knee-length boots, and jeans. That’s the perfect look of the 90’s fall.

What to wear in Portland in Winter?

The city experiences rainy, cloudy, chilly, and some peek by the sun. The chilly weather could be moderated from the ’50s to ’40s and as low as 30’s too at times. You might feel cold on the few snowy days that show up, but you mostly need to worry about the rains that can be pretty constant. Here is the list of a few essentials you might need in Portland while you pay a visit in the winters –

  • Portland packing list for Winter

The wet, chilly days need to be withstood with the help of thick layering above a thin layering along with gumboots, an umbrella, and a rain suit. Due to rain, you will have to carry waterproof clothing with you, and clothes with gray, muted, or neutral shades are the season’s trend. These colors go well with the gray background set up, but colorful clothes should be carried too for the less often sunny days.

Snowy days are not a typical scene in the city, but if the weather forecast shows an upcoming snowy day, you should carry heavy coats, thick socks, snow boots, mufflers, etc., to keep warm. The rain can show up at any moment. Hence, you should always have a layer of waterproof clothing, outerwear, and footwear. It is always better to dress up in layers so that you can dress or undress, adjusting to the current type of weather. You should wear closed-toe shoes or bellies, especially the ones which are waterproof so that in case of a downpour you do not get wet. 

What to pack for Portland: Essentials?

Portland is a city that enjoys different kinds of festive seasons throughout the year in the surrounding towns. If you want to or plan to attend them, you might want to dress up properly for them. Winters and fall can be tricky as you might experience chilly, foggy days and downpours. It is better to layer all the time so that you could take off or put back anything anytime, and you would be comfortable alright. Some essentials are –

  • Boots – there is a lot of variety in boots, but if you are planning to carry a single pair, you should make sure that you carry a pair at least mid-calf length or knee-length. It is for your leggings and jeans to stay protected from wetness and keep you warm throughout. 
  • Sandals – sandals can not only be worn during summers but can also be worn for festive gatherings, beachside, and for shopping in the local market.
  • Layers – try to be laid up in layers to wear or remove any apparel and change your look comfortably.

Portland accommodations

Some of the most famous and notable hotels in the city are Hotel Vintage and The Nines, or you could stay in some fancy boutique hotels like the Ace to Airbnbs by the riverside. You could find accommodation in all places, from fancy, high-standard to cheap and spooky places to stay. Renting Airbnbs is what most of the tourists do where you could comfortably enjoy or rest, but you could also go downtown and opt for some cozy place. When you rent an Airbnb, you get classy, elegant rooms and get access to a kitchen. You get to enjoy many home-like amenities while opting for a stay in the Airbnb, like a washing machine and kitchen; it lets you get the feel of a local stay. 

Portlander transportation

There are many options for the public or tourists to move around the city. Transportation can never be a problem for tourists who visit Portland any time of the year. The city has transportation facilities ranging from the MAX Light Rail to renting bicycles. Still, the best way to take a tour of the city or to pay a visit downtown you could either drive away with your car or even rent a car for the same. You also have other options like the Portland Streetcar, public bus service, ride-share apps, etc., which would drop you at your desired location. 

What to do in Portland?

As we have mentioned earlier, Portland is a city that enjoys celebrating various festivals all around the year. Hence, you could visit and enjoy any of them. The summer season can be an excuse for you to visit the famous Cannon Beach where you would meet many localities and enjoy the weekend with family. A trip to the Columbia River Gorge can be the best place to visit during the fall. You’ll find mesmerizing waterfalls caressing the mountains gently. You could also find small places to eat while in the Gorge. Portland’s other places to visit are Portland Art Museum, Stumptown Coffee Roasters, Pittock Mansion, etc.Â