10 Things to Include in Your Diet for Hypothyroidism 


The number of people developing hypothyroidism conditions in their bodies is increasing steadily, and the demand for a suitable diet for Hypothyroidism. For those of you who do not know what Hypothyroidism is, it is a condition in which the body cannot make enough thyroid hormones.

The thyroid hormones play a vital role in controlling the body’s growth, repairing cells, and metabolism. And due to the lack of these hormones in their bodies, people with hypothyroidism experience hair loss, tiredness, significant weight gain, feeling cold, and many other similar symptoms.

Around 1-2% of people worldwide are affected by Hypothyroidism, and it is ten times more common in women than men.

Medicines alone cannot cure the condition of Hypothyroidism; the patient with this condition requires a combination of the right nutrients and vitamins, which can only be given through a proper diet for Hypothyroidism. 

A suitable diet combined with the right medicines can help cure the disease by restoring the body’s ability to produce thyroid and minimise the symptoms.

If you want to know about things that should be included to cure Hypothyroidism, you have come to the right place.

This article will tell you about ten things that should be included in a diet for Hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism: Explained 

Hypothyroidism is a condition in which the body stops making enough thyroid hormone. The thyroid gland is a tiny gland shaped like a butterfly at the base of our neck. It is responsible for producing and storing thyroid hormones, which affect almost all the cells present in the human body.

The thyroid gland produces the Hormone when it receives a signal named thyroid-stimulating Hormone; the signal is sent by the pituitary gland that is present at the base of our brain. The thyroid gland then produces the thyroid hormone and releases them into the bloodstream. However, when the gland cannot work properly, the hormones aren’t made or are made in a very less quantity.

In the condition of Hypothyroidism, the thyroid gland does not release the Hormone even if a lot of TSH is sent by the pituitary gland. This condition is called primary Hypothyroidism and is one of the most common types of Hypothyroidism.

Around 90% of primary Hypothyroidism is due to Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis, an autoimmune disease that makes your immune sytem attack your thyroid gland mistakenly.

Apart from Hashimotos Thyroiditis, many other causes lead to Hypothyroidism, some being iodine deficiency. A genetic disorder, any surgery, or certain medications.

There are also conditions in which the thyroid gland does not receive enough Thyroid Stimulating Hormone due to the malfunction of the pituitary gland, which ultimately results in Hypothyroidism.

Thyroid hormones play a very important role in our body; they help in cell repair, control growth, and take care of metabolism – a process through which the body converts food into energy.

Metabolism helps determine your body temperature and the rate at which you burn calories, and this is why people with Hypothyroidism often feel tired and cold and gain weight easily.

Effects of Hypothyroidism 

The thyroid hormones play an important role in controlling the speed of your metabolism; the faster the metabolism, the more calories the body burns.

People with Hypothyroidism have low thyroid hormone levels, resulting in a slower metabolism and fewer calories.

A slow metabolism comes with many health issues like increased blood cholesterol levels, constant tiredness, and weight loss challenges.

 Experts suggest that people with Hypothyroidism should maintain an appropriate weight, which can be achieved through intense cardio, like fast pace running, rowing, hiking, etc.

They also suggest that intense aerobic exercises help in boosting the thyroid hormone level in the body and ultimately speed up the metabolism.

People who have Hypothyroidism may also benefit through increased consumption of proteins. Research suggests that high protein levels help increase the body’s metabolism rate.

Important nutrients to include in your diet for Hypothyroidism.

A balanced diet with all the essential nutrients can help cure Hypothyroidism and restore your hormone levels. Some of the most crucial nutrients to be included in a diet for Hypothyroidism are listed below:


Iodine is an important nutrient that needs to be included in any diet for Hypothyroidism. A deficiency of iodine often leads to Hypothyroidism, it is very common, and nearly one-third of the world’s population suffers from iodine deficiency. So people with Hypothyroidism need to include iodine in their diet, which can be easily done by using iodized salt and consuming iodine-rich foods.

Seafood is one common example of a food that is very rich in iodine. Patients with Hypothyroidism are suggested to include seafood like fish and seaweed rich in iodine in their diet.

But make sure to take it in the right amount as too much iodine may damage the thyroid gland.

Some other sources of iodine include Dairy products, eggs, etc.


Zinc is an essential mineral that helps activate thyroid hormones in the body.

Research shows that zinc helps regulate the TSH levels of the body; TSH is a hormone released by the pituitary gland that signals the thyroid gland to produce thyroid hormones.

So zinc is an essential component to be included in a diet for Hypothyroidism, some foods rich in zinc are oysters.


Like zinc, selenium helps activate thyroid hormones, so they can be used by the body to function properly.

Selenium is also proven to have antioxidant properties that protect the thyroid gland from possible damage by molecules named free radicals.

Including selenium-rich foods in your diet for Hypothyroidism is a great way to cure the condition and boost thyroid hormone levels in the body. Some foods rich in selenium are sardines, eggs, legumes, and brazil nuts.

However, it is advised not to take any selenium supplements unless suggested by a doctor. Selenium in large doses may be toxic to the body.

Common foods to include in your diet for Hypothyroidism


Eggs are one of the best sources of iodine and selenium. The yolk is rich in iodine, and the whites are packed with proteins. Both of which will help boost the thyroid hormones in the body and improve metabolism.


All kinds of meat are rich in nutrients that help cure this condition. Lamb, beef, chicken, etc., all should be a part of any diet for Hypothyroidism.


Sea is a major source of iodine and zinc that help in the condition of Hypothyroidism. Seafood like salmon, tuna, halibut, shrimp, etc.


 All fruits, including berries, bananas, oranges, and tomatoes, are good for curing Hypothyroidism.

Gluten-free grains and seeds

Rice, buckwheat, quinoa, chia seeds, and flax seeds are good food options for curing Hypothyroidism.


All dairy products, including milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.


Water and other non-caffeinated beverages.

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Final Words:

Around 1-2% of people worldwide are affected by Hypothyroidism, and it is ten times more common in women than men.

Medicines alone cannot cure the condition of Hypothyroidism. The patient with this condition requires a combination of the right nutrients and vitamins, which can only be given through a proper diet for Hypothyroidism. 

A suitable diet combined with the right medicines can help cure the disease by restoring the body’s ability to produce thyroid and minimise the symptoms.

If you want to know about things that should be included to cure Hypothyroidism, you have come to the right place.

We hope you liked this article, do let us know if you know any other items that can be possibly added to the diet. 

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