Saturday, May 18, 2024
So you are looking to get in shape for some future event or just to impress your crush but you don’t have enough money in your pocket to join a gym. What do you do now? I know just...
It’s very comforting to think of becoming healthy and fit. But what’s challenging is actually to do the same. Reaching the defined fitness goals doesn’t come easily. When you start something, you stay energetic and enthusiastic for your purpose....
Have you ever felt like there’s just not enough hours in the day sometimes? We’ve all been there before, and sometimes with everything you have to get done in a day’s time, there really aren’t enough hours in the...
This post is based on the benefits and how regular exercise prevent cancer and other chronic diseases. It also reflects instances from new study surveyed to know the importance of regular exercising Researchers from a new study stated that regular...
Kate spade is making an entry in the activewear accessories category with the launch of a new sports smartwatch collection.  Kate Spade New York announces the launch of its newest touch screen smartwatch. The Sport Smartwatch is powered with Wear...
Intermittent fasting is a method of eating meal after giving a certain hour of rest to the mouth.  It is also known as intermittent energy restriction, in which one eats as per setting meal timing and reduce the intake...
Practicing yoga means taking care of your whole body and your mind. And yet, someone needs to take care of that mat as well and guess who that someone is? Well, of course, it’s you! Nobody will certainly come...
In the race of getting successful and achieving everything that you want to pursue, sometimes you start neglecting yourself. Due to the ridiculously busy schedules you follow, you don’t get time to exercise, and detox. But, you don’t need...
When it comes to fitness, everyone tends to buy a smartwatch or fitness trackers, today our smartphones can also be of great benefit when it comes to fitness. But these are not the only gadgets that can help us...
As adults age, it becomes more important than ever that they remain active, incorporating physical activity into their daily routine. However, many seniors simply don’t know where to begin when it comes to maintaining their strength and flexibility. Fortunately,...