“If It Bleeds” First Cover Launch of Stephen King’s Book

If it bleeds book

The Horror master, Stephen King, is releasing his next exciting and thrilling book, If It Bleeds, in the spring of the coming year. The book is a collection of four novellas, which is in the same format as famous movies like Shawshank Redemption and Stand By Me. The new book cover released is so intriguing and pulling readers’ attention to read it. The new book is assumed to be another triumph of Mr. Stephen King after his first debut release, The Institute.

The book cover features a cat face with a rat embedded in the nose. EW revealed that the book is the new horror tale include four original horror stories in single. EW shares an excerpt from the novel in which it discloses, “ On January 2021, a small padded envelop remitted to Detective Ralph Anderson is delivered to his next-door neighbor, Conrads. Detective’s family is on an extended vacation in the Bahamas, thanks to an endless teachers’ strike in the Andersons’ home county. When Ralph opens the package, he finds a flash drive titled If It Bleeds, presumably referring to the old news trope which proclaims, “If it bleeds, it leads. The drive contains two items. One folder contains audio spectrograms and some photographs. Another one is a kind of report from Holly Gibney, which is on the case that Detective and Gibney, together solved in Oklahoma, ended in Texas Cave. This case is so close to Ralph that changes his perception of reality forever. The audio report, dated 19th December 2020, is the voice of Holly Gibney, sounded like she is out of breath.”


The book title, “If It Bleeds, It Leads,” is not merely come from gore; it an old news adage mean scary, intriguing & alluring. The excerpt release by the EW is a teaser and appeal thousands of people’s minds to hit the book.