Infernal vs Abyssal language: A Detailed Comparison

infernal vs abyssal

infernal vs abyssal – The devil’s or demon’s magical and spoken language in Dungeons & Dragons cosmology is abyssal language. You know it also has its alternative name, i.e., Infernal language. Dark Speech represents the infernal tongue. Infernal (Demonic) is one of two languages known to most demons and devils, the other being Abyssal (Devilish). Demons and devils can speak Abyssal, but it is not their mother tongue. It is not a unified language like the languages of other creatures. It also has different dialects, each with an intricate and complex structure. In contrast to Infernal, Abyssal has no native equivalent for words that refer to specific places or creatures.

Background Information: infernal vs abyssal

The abyssal language does not have any native equivalent for words that refer to specific places or creatures because demons and devils do not create such place names or creature names on their own. Instead, the Abyssal language comprises a list of endless nouns.

These nouns have no inherited meaning in Abyssal. Infernal vs abyssal– They have only cosmic significance, as they were once names of divine beings or angels who fell from heaven. The infernal tongue also has no equivalent for such words because demons and devils do not create such place names or creature names on their own.

Instead, the Infernal language comprises a list of endless nouns. These nouns have cosmic significance because they were once names of divine beings or angels who fell from heaven. Gods and other celestial entities are known by many names posthumously inherited by their followers, which in turn are known by many titles and epithets.

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What about Abyssal?

It is a language used by demons and devils that resides inside the multiverse. It has the power to create super-human entities, demigods, titans, etc. If any being wants to become a devil or demon, they must first learn its language because it is not only a language but also the magical words to channel magic to create life or summon another entity or cast a spell or create something new or anything else like this. It is also used when two devils fight each other in Hell. 

Hence, it is an essential language for anyone wishing to be recognized as a devil or demon. The only way to know these secrets of the Abyssal language is through its source, i.e., the devils and demons. Dark Speech represents the Infernal tongue. It is the language used by demons, devils, and creatures. The use of infernal Speech is typically driven by magic or anything that requires or allows it to be spoken (i.e., Songs). 

The language has numerous dialects, such as Kurgan, Tsolyani, Khazalid, and many others, varying depending on the country where Golarion appears. Tutelary magic grants power over an individual word; this power may be utilized in many ways through specific incantations designed to bring out specific results at will (i.e., Spells).

What Does Abyssal Sound Like?

The fundamental sound in Abyssal is that of the letter “K”, though its exact pronunciation varies widely. The Dark Speech is always spoken with excellent volume and intensity, much more so than all other languages on Earth, at least from the humans’ point of view. The Infernal tongue is usually spoken quietly but has a fairly distinctive sound. Finally, an entire language, Abyssal, is a common tongue among devils and demons.

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What about Infernal?

The infernal tongue is spoken chiefly quietly but has a fairly distinctive sound. The language is always loud and intense, more so than all other languages on Earth, at least from the humans’ point of view. It is considered to be a harsh howling sound. It is usually written in red or black ink on parchment doused in some fresh blood from a sentient being killed by the writer.

Real-World Influence:

In the world of Dungeons & Dragons, Abyssal and Infernal are based upon multiple European languages such as Latin and Common Tongue. From a cosmological standpoint, the two are mutually dependent and inextricably linked to one another on their planes of existence (Hell and Earth). Infernal vsAbyssal are often confused with each other, but they are quite different. Infernal is a demonic language, an infernal tongue often spoken in Hell and conducted by devils. Along with the Aklo of D&D, it is one of only two known languages for demons. The Dark Speech can be heard as Abyssal used by devils about the d20 Modern setting.

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Conclusion: infernal vs abyssal

Abyssal language is a mighty, legendary, and magical language. No one can understand its power and energy unless they learn it from the devils and demons. But this language is not easy to learn because devils are very secretive about it; that’s why we humans can only hear demons’ horrible voices when they speak this language.