Is Eating Food Late At Night Actually Bad For Health – Myth or Truth Behind Late Hours Eating


Research conducted last month by the American Heart Association released a new scientific statement that shows the ill effects of eating late at night is actually bad for heart health. This news from AHA makes the buzz around everywhere and continuously casting on every evening and morning shows.

The actual statement from the American Heart Association is a bit serious and needs to get more cautious about it. They said, “Allocating more calories earlier in the day might help reduce cardiovascular disease risk,” it further followed by the disclaimer statement that is “large studies tracking patients’ cardiovascular health over a long period are needed to show how meal timing and patterns impact disease risk.” That means how eating patterns affect body health is still a very much unanswered question.

It is a time to smug, for the people who eat their last meals at 6 pm and do not eat anything till the next day morning. Servey shows that only a small group of people follows such an eating pattern, and most of the population eat late at night. If you are someone who has dinner around 6 pm and does not eat anything after that till morning, then you are one of the healthiest people on the planet. However, most American households eat their dinner near around 7 pm, whereas their European counterparts mostly eat their last meal later hours of the night.

Talking about the adults, almost most of them tend to eat snacks frequently between their dinner and bedtime. This is the question of concern about their health. Such frequent eating habits have a significant impact on one’s health and increase the cause of chronic diseases like diabetes, obesity, or risk like heart stroke.

What Do the Research Shows About Falls Eating Patterns and Ill Effects on Health

The first thing to consider first, this statement is not based on the response made in the new study. Instead, the authors have looked back at the studies done already by the researchers on different meal patterns and checking their frequency to reach the conclusion point.

There were studies based on the correlation between late eating patterns and risk factors related to cardiovascular. Still, the authors didn’t find any hard conclusion and said the association is not causation behind such issues.

As a fact, it is not approachable to say that if two things occur together, it does not necessarily mean that both are related, and one causes the other. There are tested studies conducted on the group of people that shows the relation between the impact of different meal timings and their risk factors that are small and are of short in duration on health.

IS EATING LATE At Night Really BAD For Heart Health?

Our body naturally follows Circadian rhythms that are responsible for affecting the digestion, hormonal, and metabolism system. Thus, it is not necessary that meal timings affect the body’s health in response to at what time we have our meals.

However, one thing to pay attention is that what and how much amount of food you eat at a time, this is what matters. The author of this study points out that, simply making a plan to improve or adding extra to your meals, make it more nutritional and increases the quality of the meal. This is what the real factor that matters for one’s health

Before eating or changing the timing of your meals, first consider the amount of calories and quality of the meal you are going to eat. If you want to take your last meal straight at 6 pm, then stop eating any kind of fast food on the way home from work. Eating any kind of food just before the last meal can hamper hunger, and you won’t be able to eat a proper meal.

However, if you have your last meal at 8 pm, then preparing a meal for yourself at home is a great idea, and in that way, you can also make a healthy, nutritional meal for yourself. This has great benefits on one’s health and does not have any metabolic risks to regular body function.

But, if late-night eating causes you to eat many calories, then you should not consume any such food as it impacts your health. Eating higher calorie food late at night also responsible for increasing weight and damaging the digestive system. Such low quality and high-calorie food increase the risk of unwanted weight gain and may be dangerous to your heart health more than the timing of your meal intake.