How To Care For Majesty Palm?

Majesty Palm

MAJESTY PALM  – An indigenous tropical tree to Madagascar, the Majesty Palms (Ravenea rivularis) can reach around 100 feet. Although it is becoming less common in the wild, it is currently generally grown as an indoor tree, where containing the roots maintains the plants at roughly 10 feet tall.

It has several stems with long, arched fronds of green. When young and fully grown, it resembles a kentia palm as a houseplant. These two indoor palms are among the most gorgeous, so this is a high compliment.

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However, growing it successfully indoor palm tree can be challenging because it needs moist air, a lot of bright light that is indirect, & regular watering. Houseplant specialists frequently describe it as a “demanding” plant.

Majesty palm outdoor grows around one foot indoors palm tree every year unless it reaches a height of between four and six feet, at which point it begins to slow down noticeably. It is occasionally used as a landscaping tree in California, South Florida, and other tropical areas since it grows more quickly outside, where its roots can spread freely.

Majesty Palm Care

The right combination of heat, light, and fertilization is essential for the successful growth of majesty palms. In warm environments with excessive fertilization but little light, plants will extend out in search of more. Plants will scorch if they receive excessive sunshine without an equal increase in fertilizer and water. A bright area containing plenty of water and less fertilizer than you probably believe is probably the best balance for indoor plants.

The majestic palm has a reputation for being a capricious species. It’s usually best to choose plants such as kentia palms, bamboo palms, and parlor palms (Chamaedorea elegans) for beginning indoor and outdoor palm growers.


Even though majesty palms are plants in the understory of their natural environment, giving them as much light as possible indoors is an excellent idea. Move stretched and bleached plants to a brighter location for a few weeks, although avoid exposing them to direct sunlight.


Don’t be concerned that an acidifying peat-based combination will harm your majesty palm because these palms thrive in acidic environments with pH levels as low as 5.0. The best medium for growth for Majesty palms is regular potting soil with extra peat incorporated1. To prevent water-logged roots, these palms require sufficient drainage.


Make sure the potting medium is consistently moist but not soggy. Lower leaves will drop if the soil around the plant becomes too dry in between waterings.

Thermodynamics and Humidity

Between the ages of 65 degrees Fahrenheit, this plant can grow reasonably well. Although it may thrive at normal household humidity levels, it likes excessive humidity. Running a humidifier might make plant life happier in colder locations where wintertime temperatures can get quite dry. Additionally, regularly misting the plant will ensure it receives the humidity it needs. Low humidity can favor the growth of insect pests.


During the growth season, fertilize with a light liquid fertilizer once or twice; do not fertilize at all in the winter. Reduce or cease fertilizing if your indoor palm plant begins to elongate. A nice option is a fertilizer blend explicitly made for cactus.

Applying Epsom salts once a month will provide enough magnesium and stop the leaves from turning yellow. Plants may need additional iron to stop further yellowing & leaf loss. For iron application, according to the directions on the product label.

Majestic Palm Types

Ravenea rivularis has no recognised cultivars. The Ravenea genus has only about 20 species, all of which are thought to be critically endangered. The only species regularly cultivated for use as a houseplant or in gardens is R. rivularis.


Most of the time, pruning responsibilities are as simple as removing any brown or yellowed fronds. To maintain the plant looking excellent, just this is required.

Majestic Palm Reproduction

Majesty palms are grown only from seeds, and the quantity of seeds produced commercially is pretty constrained. It is quite doubtful that home gardeners will be able to obtain seeds. Stem cuttings cannot be used for stem propagation. The Division and detaching the displaced “pups” off their mother’s palm is an effective alternative, nevertheless.

To avoid overly stressing the plant by moving it around, use this strategy if you must report it. Following are the divisional steps:

01 The plant should be gently rolled out of the pot while lying on its side. Avoid pulling the palm out of the pot while it is upright.

02 Look for the mother plant’s pups, or offshoots, that you can remove from the root ball.

03 To relax tangled, soften the root ball so you can untangle the pups, and massage it with your fingers. Use a clean, sharp knife to aid with root separation if necessary. If the puppies’ roots are too lengthy for their new pots, you can even clip them.

04 Put ramifications in containers with quick-draining soil. Do not allow the pots to sit in water; instead, water them in the washbasin until they leak from the bottom.

05 Place the containers in a bright area, similar to the mother plant. In approximately a month, fertilise the young palm trees.

Potting and Repotting Majesty Palm

Due to its slow growth, this palm may require repotting annually, although it is more likely to need it every other year. Use a big, heavy container and exercise caution during repotting to avoid damaging the root ball & stop a palm tree from toppling over. These plants can become top-heavy, so clay or ceramic pots will aid in stabilising them.

The best-growing medium is regular potting soil mixed with extra peat moss.

Moving these plants between an outside patio and an inside area as the season’s change is relatively usual in cold-winter countries. Be sure to bring your plant inside before it gets too cold outside.


A majesty palm prefers a somewhat cooler climate in the winter, between 55 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit. The rest of winter care is unchanged.

Typical Pests

Pests, including scale, whiteflies, and aphids can harm majestic palms. Majesty plant is particularly vulnerable to mealybugs and spider mites because of the low humidity levels. If possible, locate the infestation as soon as possible and deal with it using the least hazardous method possible, like a horticultural oil.

Tips for Making a Majesty Palm Bloom

Until they’re fully developed, majestic palms seldom blossom, and indoor plants hardly ever do either. When large outdoor trees are put in the landscape, they may blossom with white flowers then, followed by red fruit, but there is no need to encourage this because the blooms are not spectacular.

Typical Issues with Majesty Palms

If a majesty palm is struggling, its leaves will change colour to let you know. The reasons your majesty’s palm doesn’t appear as green as you would want are listed below.

Turning-Yellow Leaves

The main issue with majesty palms is yellowing foliage. The following are the causes of leaf yellowing:

■ More light is required.

■ It isn’t receiving enough water.

■ It’s getting too much water.

■ It requires a more humid climate.

■ The plant is lacking in nutrients and requires a light fertiliser.

Becoming brown leaves

The palm is receiving too much sunshine if the leaves become a crispy brown, and it should be put in an area with a lesser amount of light to prevent leaf burn. The plant may not receive enough water if the leaves tips start to turn brown. You probably have an insect issue if you see brown patches forming on the leaves.


In conclusion, the article has attempted to explain “MAJESTY PALM”. I hope the language in this post is clear and understandable. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Q1) How to care for majesty palm?

Ans. The majestic palm is known for having unpredictable behaviour. The plant’s satisfaction with the light, heat, and fertilisation will determine how things turn out.

Q2) How often to water majesty palm? 

Ans. Water every one to two weeks, letting the soil half-dry in between. In brighter light, water more frequently, and in less-bright light, less frequently. Always check the moisture content of the soil before watering.