Make your own lipstick: easy ways to make lipstick at home

make your own lipstick

Oh god! Not again, buying expensive lipsticks and wasting money. Don’t you feel a little dumb buying costly lipsticks when you can make your own lipstick at home, your homemade lipstick. Is it difficult to make homemade lipsticks? The answer is no, it is very easy to make your own lipstick. These homemade lipsticks do not harm your lips because there are no chemicals in it. You can get your own choice of color lipstick without spending a large amount of bucks on them.  You can also trust your self-made lipstick blindly.

Here are some ways to make lipstick at home and use it without any fear of harming your lips.

# Using beetroot powder

  1. This way to make your lipstick at home requires only three ingredients that could be found in any health food store or local craft shop.
  • Collect all the required ingredients

1 tablespoon beeswax

1 tablespoon shea butter

  • tablespoon beetroot powder
  1. Melt beeswax and butter. Mix all the contents in a heat- proof container
  2. Heat and stir. Use a stove to heat the mixture and stir it well until it is melted.
  3. Make sure that you lend your ingredients well. Once all the ingredients are melted, remove the heat source and stir the mixture well to see that you have mixed all your ingredients. Check that there are no lumps of beetroot powder.
  4. Put the mixture in a storage container. You can use any lip balm container or any plastic container.
  5. Refrigerate it for 1 hour. Allow the mixture to cool in the refrigerator for one hour before use.

This is a simple way to make lipstick at home.

# Using mineral pigments

  1. Collect all the required ingredients from your nearby local store.
  • The list of requirements

1 tablespoon jojoba oil

  • tablespoon beeswax

1 tablespoon castor oil

  • tablespoon grapeseed oil

flavors of your choice

pigments of your choice

  1. make a choice from your pigments

pigments come in various colors. You can choose either one pigment or can mix two or more pigments to get a unique color.

  1. Mix pigments together {optional}. If you are mixing two or more pigments, you may use a coffee blender, pestle or mortar to grind them.
  2. Keep the pigment mixture aside in a small bowl.
  3. mix all the oils and waxes in a heat-proof container. Use a small spatula or popsicle to stir the mixture well.
  4. Heat the mixture well on a stove and check that there are no lumps in it.
  5. Add your pigment in the oil and wax mixture. Take ¼ tablespoon of your pigment and mix it well with the oil and wax mixture and ensure that it is well stirred.
  6. Check the color. Use a small popsicle stick to apply the lip color on your hand to check its richness. If the color is not good enough then add some more pigment.
  7. Now put the mixture into a container or into an old lip balm box.
  8. Keep it into refrigerator for 1 hour and let it cool down.
  9. Now it is ready to use.

These are two recepies to make your own lipstick at home. Aren’t these amazing ways to make lipstick at home? What do you think?