TEETH CHATTERING IN DOGS – Our dogs occasionally act in the most unexpected ways, including making odd noises or reacting strangely to objects. Things like touching your dog’s stomach can make its leg kick, or your dog could be licking anything to death when its teeth start to clatter. In several instances, you may hear clicking and then notice your dog shivering and giggling as though they’re outside in the cold. But what causes dogs to chatter their teeth, and is this alarming?

What causes canine teeth to chatter in the initial place? And does it warrant worry?

Continue reading to learn everything about what may be making your dog’s teeth clatter and when you should call your veterinarian.

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What causes my dog’s teeth to chatter?

There are various causes for a dog’s teeth to chatter. While most of these are not too serious, some are. Knowing the typical reasons for canine teeth chatter will help you determine whether your dog’s behavior warrants concern, however foolish it may appear.

Teeth chattering in dogs can be caused by physical, behavioral, and health-related factors:

Physical Causes

A physical issue can occasionally cause teeth chatter. Among the possibilities are:

Cold temperatures

Your dog may tremble when it’s chilly, just as you might. The teeth might start to rattle as a result of that. Small dogs without thick coats or fur, such as Chihuahuas or Dachshunds, are particularly prone to it. In general, avoid leaving your dog outside for an extended amount of time when it’s extremely cold.


Dogs explore their surroundings using their tongues and nose. They even possess a unique sensory organ at the base of the nasal passages called the vomeronasal organ. They can smell and taste at the same time because of this. Because they are using their overall vomeronasal system, it’s very likely that your dog may clatter their teeth while sniffing.

Behavioral Reasons

  • Fear, stress, or anxiety-Anxiety, tension, or fear. Dogs with anxiety issues or generalized anxiety disorder (i.e., fear of thunderstorms, loud noises, etc.) may clatter their teeth. If your dog’s teeth start to chatter under stressful conditions & you realize they are susceptible to worry or tension, this could be the cause.
  • Excitement- Certain dogs chatter their teeth when they are happy and looking forward to something good. While you go back to work or if they are anticipating food, you may hear your dog chattering about their teeth.
  • Social engagement- When a dog senses danger from another dog or a person, its teeth frequently begin to chatter. It is usually best to keep your dog and another dog apart if their teeth chatter when they are together.

Is the chattering of my dog’s teeth a cause for concern? 

Your dog’s teeth have started to clatter. How do you behave? The circumstance should dictate how you respond.

Your dog’s conduct is probably explained when there is an evident cause, such as excessive cold, social contact with hostile dogs, or pure enthusiasm. Even though it’s rare that anything is seriously ill, it is always a good idea to call the veterinarian if you have any concerns.

Nevertheless, take your dog inside immediately if they’re snoring since they are cold. It’s time to speak with your veterinarian if you believe a health issue is causing the chatter. Address any issues with your dental health immediately. You shouldn’t ignore the periodontal disease, decayed teeth, tartar buildup, and other typical dental issues.


If you’re concerned about the behavior of teeth chattering in dogs, call your vet’s office. He or she will help you get to the bottom of your dog’s behavior and point you toward a solution.

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Q1) What Leads To Teeth Chattering In Dogs?

Ans: The most typical cause of canine teeth chatter is periodontist infection. Bacterial accumulation, which results in gum irritation and destruction of the tooth, bones, and supporting tissues, is indeed the cause of such an excruciatingly painful disorder.

Q2) Why does the jaw of my dog tremble?

Ans: When a dog is highly aroused, if they sniff a female approaching heat, or even when they discover something new, it’s not unusual for their jaw to tremble. Whenever they felt intimidated, certain dogs would chatter with their teeth and tremble their jaws to divert the other dog’s attention.