List Of Underworld Movies In Order

Underworld Movies In Order

underworld movies in order – The Underworld series of doing something horror moves leans upon a dismal fantasy backdrop. Underworld, the first chapter in the series, which starred Kate Beckinsale, dealt with the character Selene, a vampire warrior who would later become its primary protagonist. Following then, additional sequels of underworld movies in order seemed made, one of which is animated.

Although garnering mostly scathing reviews from reviewers, the Underworld cast franchise has built a dedicated cult audience and earned well at the movie office. Nevertheless, it is still uncertain what the franchise’s future contains. The director of the original movie was presumably tied to an underworld: evolution TV services that were being created back in 2017, but nothing has happened since. Furthermore, Beckinsale has announced that she will not appear in a fifth Underworld payment. 

The following article is going to take readers on an exploration of the werewolves and vampire kingdoms portrayed in the Underworld cast cinema series today. For more than two decades, fans have been treated as fascinated by this collection of thrilling pictures with a distinctive mix of mythology, romance, and horror.

We will scrutinise the subterranean Cinema in Order, commencing with the oldest combat involving Dracula and Lycans and culminating in the present-day encounter for dominion over the underworld!

Get prepared to dig into this interesting cinematic universe comprehensively to acquire additional information about its immortal residents. Whether you are a lifelong devotee or an outsider to the series, you’ll find plenty here for everyone. Grab some popcorn, and subsequently take us on a thrilling journey through the Underworld a motion picture.

Order of Underworld Films:

Additionally, it illustrates a struggle between Michael, a Lycan, and Selene, a vampire, two hybrids. If you’re wondering about consuming the underworld films in order, here is an in-depth introduction to the series. Underworld films are always fun to view.

When it comes to vampires, we can’t forget about Twilight. Should you intend on collecting up on the Twilight films after seeing the Underworld flicks, you can visit our blog on all of them in order.

You must watch every Marvel movie given that the Underworld’s trilogy partially relies on a Marvel leading word, which will straighten up any doubts regarding the relationship between the two film franchises.

Persephone (Kate Beckinsale), a werewolf who operates as a Death Dealer, struggles against werewolves who seek to dominate the world in the Underworld cast series. Motion pictures have become famous for their thrilling action scenes and contemporary appearance.

There is so much which underworld films can offer to a broad spectrum of individuals with prequels and sequels. Here is the order in which they occurred of the Underworld films to people like us who need immediate relief, but don’t be scared of digging deeper to discover more about the classics!

How Can I Watch Underworld Films Chronologically?

The information you need about the Underworld films is offered below. It’s now up to you to pick which one you like or follow this guide to devour the motion pictures in a manner that suits you!

Rise And Those Lycans in Underworld (2009)

Underworld: Rise of the Lycans, an action-horror movie from 2009, is a successor to the first Underworld. The investigation focuses on the licence and long-running dispute between vampires and werewolves, which was alluded to in pass in the first picture. The work of fiction, set in feudal times, is centred on the romance between the legend of Lucian an ancient Lycan slave, and Sonja’s case the elder vampire Viktor’s daughter.

Despite their divergent histories and the considered inappropriate nature of their love, Lucian and Sonja establish secret sex that represents a threat to the tenuous harmony between the two species. When Natasha becomes impregnated with Lucian’s child, Viktor is outraged and has her condemned to death.

This initiates a sequence of events that leads to a full-scale conflict between Lycans and Dracula. Rhona Devi and Patrick Sheen, which play Julian and Sonja’s case respectively, possess excellent roles in the movie, which also features a lot of violent action and breathtaking special effects.

The 2003 film namedUnderworld – 

Underworld, an action-horror thriller dated 2003, introduced viewers to the entire globe of Lycans—werewolves and vampires—and their enduring conflict. The protagonist of the film is the goddess Selene, an experienced vamp warrior seeking to wipe out the Lycans who slaughtered her family before they murdered her as a child.

Selene is suspicious after acquiring about an entire group of Lycans attacked a human nicknamed Michael Corvin and left himself for dead. When Michael demonstrates unexpected abilities Selene understands that he might possess the key to the Lycans’ scheme to produce an amalgam that might jeopardise both races.

As Selene and Michael rush to find out what’s true about the theory of Lycan plots, they stumble upon a formidable monster elder dubbed Kraven who has his own agenda. They fight vehemently to understand their mutual pasts and forge unexpected collaborations.

The Underworld: evolution of Underworld 2006-

The upcoming film digs deeper still into the mythos of the land of the Underworld movies in order, to research the ancestral roots of the species and the supernatural powers that have had an impact on their course in life. Michael and Selene are being followed by fierce rivals from both sides. These enemies include Marcus, an elderly monster attempting to recuperate his long-dead brother, William the very first and strongest Lycan, and Marcus.

The Underworld: evolution builds on the base set by the first one and develops the lore of the Underworld cast universe, determining the conditions for following films in the franchise.

The Awakening of Underworld 2012-

The fourth entry in the Hades series is the action-horror thriller from 2012 titled Awakening. A couple of decades after the events of the previous film, Selene awakens straight out of freezing hibernation to discover that every detail has changed.

Lycans and vampires have been developed and discovered by human humans, who are at present hunting and persecuting them. Eve, Selene’s hybrid daughter, has an opportunity to change the balance of power in the underworld, consequently, she must negotiate this new reality while defending her.

As Persephone and Eve attempt to flee, they come across a group of humans who are sympathetic to their plight and create new adversaries, including Quint, the ruthless Lycan commander who wants to capture Eve for his own purposes. Along the way, Selene uncovers startling facts regarding their past and the development of the hybrid species.

To protect Eve, Selene conceals away from an entourage of monsters that includes the formidable vampire elderly person Thomas and his apprentice David. Marius, the vicious Lycan leader who wishes to kill all parties and dominate the underworld, presents a fresh threat as Persephone and the other women get ready for a fight.

Selene must face her mortality and her own difficulties, such as self-doubts about her previous choices and present-day talents. The movie also explores the complex intrigues and rivalries within the werewolf and Lycan additionally groups, supplying a fresh perspective on the underworld’s past.

Intense action scenes, outstanding special effects, and outstanding feats from Kristin Beckinsale, Theodore James, and Molly Pulver make Blood Wars a highly respected picture.

Wrapping Up – 

The combat-horror programme entitled The Underworld has grown popular with viewers owing to its distinct mythos, riveting action sequences, and great performances from its primary actors. Over time, the narrative has advanced focusing on the beginnings of vampires and Lycans, the complex power and tribal struggle throughout the groups, and of course, the adverse effects their deeds have had on the planet.

The cruel Lycan leader Marius and the knowledgeable vampire warrior Selene were the first two characters in the series, coupled with the strong vampire elder Viktor, in our list of the best underworld, cast thrillers. The films have regularly had audiences on the brink about their seats with their astounding special effects and adrenaline-pumping sequences.

The Underworld: evolution series kicks full ass because it is the sole business whereby leather-clad vampires seek to use BDSM whips to fight monstrous werewolves. This contemporary Gothic epic, originally debuted in 2003, depicts the tale of a long-ago dispute among vampires against the full-moon creatures known as Lycans. Luna (Kate Beckinsale), a “Dying Dealer” vowing to wipe out werewolves from the earth permanently, is caught in the centre of the conflict. Scott Speedman’s character, Michael, a werewolf/vampire hybrid, confronts Bill Nighy’s guy in a fistfight. It’s all excellent.


  • When was Selene in the underworld: evolution cast born?

When construction on the institution is finished, Selene in the Underworld cast will be about 6-7 years old.

  • Is Sonja the same person as Selene?

Sonja is said to be directly modelled on Selene, according to Dawn of the Lycans producer Patrick Tatopoulos. Because Selene and Sonja have comparable appearances and personality traits, this is obviously reliable.

  • Where is the setting of the underworld: evolution?

The majority of the occurrences throughout the Underworld trilogy are held in Budapest, the bustling capital of Hungary, an entity in Central Europe. The western region banks of the Rhine are also host to the vampire mansion rdögház and the adjacent little village of Szentendre.

  • Was the last film Underworld Blood Wars as per underworld movies in order?

The final instalment in the franchise, Underworld: Blood Wars, was released in 2016 according to underworld movies in Order.