What Are Cabana Rooms?


Do you find difficulty in finding a place to relax or change your outfit after swimming or any open spaces like beaches? Yes, we all do find it difficult to find shelter in such places. But thanks to modern technology and innovation, we have a solution for this as well. The only solution which is perfect in all aspects is the cabana room. Now the question arises, what is it, how does it work, where can we get it or how can we construct it, how big does it look, and so on. You don’t need to worry about all these things, here we have brought this article especially to serve all the related-use and information about a cabana. 

In simple words, a cabana room is just like a small portable tent or you can say tent-like structure which is designed in a way to give you shade in the areas where you struggle to find one. People mainly use it at places like- the beach, alongside a pool, or in any such open space, but apart from all these places you can fix it anywhere you want to. Along with giving shade under them they also serve the purpose of a changing room. 

In addition to its benefits and uses it is not only used for the shade or changing purposes but also used as a mini kitchen where you can cook and enjoy your meal alongside the beach or anywhere. But in case you use it for the purpose of cooking then fix it to a place near water or where you can easily find water to cook your meal. Doing so will help you with the easy preparation of your delicious food. The best thing about cabanas is- they are both temporary as well as permanent, it’s totally your choice which one to rely on. 

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Characteristics of a cabana (use, size, material, etc.)!


Cabana room is a small free-standing tent-like structure that is mostly seen near the beaches, swimming pools, and many such open spaces. Though it serves multiple purposes, the main meaning of a cabana is to provide shade. And under that shade a variety of activities can be performed like- you can change your outfit and relax, it is perfect for cooking a meal after having fun on the beach or in the pool. In fact many of the hotels in places like- Las Vegas or Miami you will see a permanent cabana on their poolside. 

Not only when you stay in some luxurious hotel or a place gives you the liberty of enjoying the amenities and fun of a cabana. You can also buy or construct one and fix it in your own space. Many hotels and elite groups of people often book it and use it for the purpose of throwing/arranging private parties. This concept of doing private parties under the cabana alongside the beach is so popular among people worldwide. 


The main confusion arises when it comes to selecting the material for a cabana room construction. However, there are a wide variety of materials available for the making of a cabana, like the material used for its frame is- metal, wood, or composite plastic. But the materials used for constructing its walls or roofs are different, they are generally made up of thatched materials, wood, plastic, or fabrics, it all depends on the use. So choosing it wisely considering a few of the important factors is very important. Now the point is How?

So as an answer to your question, which is the most suitable material for a cabana construction and How to choose it? Here are some points that would surely give you clarity for the same. 

  • The most important factor that matters the most while selecting the material for a cabana is the weather conditions. Considering the weather where you live or the place where you are planning to place a cabana room is mandatory. 
  • The question which is most commonly asked is the cost. Since cabana comes in a variety of materials, every material has its different cost. Also, based on the type of material you choose, every material requires maintenance accordingly. Though the material is affordable for you but also focus on the level of maintenance associated with the type of material. Whether you will be able to manage it or not. 
  • In the list of materials, like- plastic, wood, metal, and fabric, there are a few pros and cons associated with each type. If we compare plastic and fabric with wood and metal for the upfront then wood and metal are more durable and could resist all the weather conditions better than plastic and fabric. 
  • Continuing the above point, though wood and metal are better at the same time, they need maintenance at regular intervals which is kind of a drawback. But it is not that big of a disadvantage, if you can manage then it’s perfect, go for it. 


In addition to the variety of options based on different characteristics of a cabana room, here is one more i.e. size. They come in many different sizes. The smallest of all is the one that is four by four feet large, this cabana is no less than a mini bathroom. The other available sizes are- 40 by 80 feet, 10 by 10 feet, 12 by 12 feet, and 12 by 16 feet. But among all the available sizes the most common cabana size that is generally found everywhere is the 10 by 10 feet. 

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Final words!

If you are struggling for a place to change into a swimsuit or from a swimsuit or want a shade to relax alongside the pool or on the beach then a cabana is the perfect solution for every problem. You can simply construct it in your house in your backyard and can chill at weekends or holidays. A cabana room is a tent-like structure that will give you shade and protect you from the sun and its after-effects. The most amazing part of a cabana is that it does not necessarily need to be fixed permanently. It can be fixed as both- temporary as well as permanent. So, construct one for yourself soon but yes do not forget to consider the above points mentioned while choosing the material for your cabana.