WHAT DOES THE X MEAN ON SNAPCHATOne distinctive feature of Snapchat is its users’ secret coding language. Snapchat users utilize various codes as well as symbols to represent different words. Consequently, even for seasoned Snapchat users, much less brand-new Snapchat users is quite challenging to comprehend. 

‘X’ is one of these codes. Have you noticed an “X” in your Snapchat account but cannot interpret what does the X mean on Snapchat? We’ve got you, so don’t worry. We’ll review the numerous definitions of ‘X’ on Snapchat and discuss what it refers to in this article.

And by relationship, I mean the acquaintance you have on Snapchat. If you are familiar with Friends emojis, you are probably aware that Snapchat rewards specific friendships via emojis depending on how much engagement you have with a specific individual. The X mark beside one of your contacts’ names indicates that it has important information to share with you.

What Does The X on Snapchat Mean? 

What does the x mean on snapchat? Almost every Snapchatter demands to learn this information. On Snapchat, you would see this grey X mark beside the name of a contact or individual that is not one of your friends. If you have not decided to add them to your friend’s list, this X mark reminds you that you need to do so. Alternatively, you can delete them by trying to tap on Clear Discussion. 

If you notice an X beside someone’s name in your conversations, there are four possible reasons why they aren’t your Snap friend.

1. You have still not agreed to that person’s friend request. 

The main cause of a grey X appearing next to someone’s Snapchat name is that you haven’t joined them or agreed to their request to be added to your List of friends on Snapchat.

2. You took the person off your list of friends. 

The other possibility is if you unfriended the individual on Snapchat but won’t clear them. You can still text them because of this. 

3. They haven’t yet added you to one‘s friends list. 

It’s possible that the other party has not yet joined you or declined your demand to be included on their Snapchat List of friends.

4. The other party has taken you off their friend’s list. 

The final explanation is that they might have blocked or taken you out of Snapchat. They may have unadded and banned you on Snapchat when you are certain you have approved their demand, but there remains a grey X beside their name.

Read More How To Fix ‘Snapchat Not Loading Snaps’ issue? 

Is the X on Snapchat a sign that you have been unadded? 

The X does not always indicate that you were removed. This X mark beside contact information may appear for a variety of reasons. However, if you join people on Snapchat and haven’t deleted them, they may have unfriended you or taken you off of their list of Snapchat friends if you notice a grey mark beside their name.

How to Get Rid of Snapchat’s Grey X Icon?

What does the x mean on snapchat? Knowing what the grey X in the Chats area of Snapchat implies makes it simple to act to get rid of it. You can attempt the many methods listed underneath to erase the X mark from Snapchat based on the circumstances.

  • Accepting their friend request will eliminate the X that appears next to their name if you have not done so already. 
  • Whether you’ve taken that individual from your list of friends, you must add them again to eliminate the X. However, you could either Block them, decide to Report them or select Clear Conversations to get rid of the X mark if you do not wish to add people back. 
  • Tell someone to add you immediately if they have taken you from the list of friends to eliminate the X.

All 3 of the following scenarios have one feature in common: neither of you is buddies on Snapchat. By selecting Clear Conversations, you can select whether to add, ban, or dismiss friend suggestions based on your preferences.

Read More- Tips to Trim and Crop a Video on Snapchat?

Wrapping Up

With all of that, I’ve concluded my blog and am hopeful that you now understand what the X symbol on Snapchat means and how to get rid of it. And yes, you could always ask more of these questions about Snapchat in the commenting area beneath. 

So that’s all for now, guys. Be careful! For more questions like these about social networks, gaming, and technology, keep checking out Path of Ex. Until then, good-bye!

In conclusion, the article has attempted to give you information about “what does the x mean on snapchat”. I hope the language in this post is clear and understandable.