What happened at Chernobyl – The meltdown & explosion at Chernobyl is unquestionably the worst nuclear tragedy ever to occur. If you are older than 30, you are familiar with the facts about Chernobyl nuclear tragedy. Here’s a summary in case you don’t know yet “what happened at Chernobyl”

Reactor #4 overheated & erupted on April 26th, 1986, around 1:23 am. Three people died instantly, and thousands more died from radiation due to the discharge of a radioactive cloud.

1 – Sweden reportedly sent the first notice 

Keep in mind that 1986 was a part of the cold war. When something occurred, the Soviet Union didn’t immediately inform the west about it. It takes them days to order their citizens to leave the neighborhood. Swedish nuclear plant personnel, whose sensors detected elevated radiation levels, were the first people in the West to learn about the explosion.

2 – The First Killer is Radioactive Iodine 

If we talk about what happened at/in Chernobyl, The true murderers after the explosion are radioactive isotopes, which are spread by airborne tiny particles that then fall to the earth.

3 – The long-term killers include strontium-90 and cesium-137 

Cesium-137 and strontium-90 pose arguably the most serious threat. Their relative half-lifetimes are 30 and 28 years. With all these two, their consumption poses the main risk.

4. Chernobyl’s radiation exposure is relative.

Different types of radiation exist. Radiation in science covers a wide spectrum of electromagnetic waves. Radio waves are examples of different wavelengths. The light is someplace Alpha, beta, and gamma rays are examples of short wavelengths that are released by radioactive isotopes. They can enter your cells and damage your DNA.

Strangely, your radiation exposure might be extremely low even if you are right next to the primary reactor. We received dosimeter values comparable to traveling over the pole in an airplane while standing in the parking garage and gazing at the molten state reactors.

5 – No one resides in Chernobyl. 

Facts about chernobyl states that Chernobyl has a large population that varies throughout time. The feed town of Pripyat is the ghost town you encounter in most photos. Theoretically, no one resides there any longer. Nevertheless, inhabitants of Chernobyl, a town located a little over 10 kilometers from the plant, regularly come and go.

6 – Chernobyl is still a place where radioactivity can kill you. 

You may assume it’s not horrible if you previously knew “what happened at Chernobyl” wasn’t too bad. There are, in fact, a few pretty hot areas. The fissures within and around Pripyat in which the radionuclides gathered are typically in which these hot spots are identified. Additionally, they are located in parts of the red forest where most of the major fallout occurred and was hidden.

7 – Despite being radioactive, the animals are healthy. 

This is indeed a relative statement. The creatures there develop strange growths & birth abnormalities as a result of the radiation. Within our species, humankind, we wouldn’t tolerate even 1% aberration. This, however, appears to the animals to be a small cost to pay for residing in an area that is largely devoid of humans.

8 – Wormwood star prophecy.

A massive star called a “wormwood star” will usher at the end of the world, according to an angel in the following excerpt (at least, that’s a general idea). Presume whatever this area’s wormwood plant’s name is? You guessed it: “Chernobyl,” also the title of the city that supplied the power plant.

9 – Chornobyl can truly be visited. 

Although we were the first animal Planet team to be approved to investigate and shoot inside this extensive evacuation zone, you may try visiting it as a traveler or participating as a scientist. Although I didn’t spot any American tourists, many vanloads of Polish travelers were visiting the site. There are undoubtedly options if you desire to be daring. From my perspective, I’d strongly advise it.

10 – The Chernobyl experiment was incredible. 

Most individuals find it difficult to find any positive aspects of a nuclear tragedy. You can examine the consequences of the creatures here and contrast these with those found outside the zone, even though you could never intentionally expose individuals or pets to these quantities of radiation. We covered a lot of ground on this in the Chernobyl program. But I won’t reveal everything.


In conclusion, the article has attempted to explain “what happened at Chernobyl”. I hope the language in this post regarding facts about Chernobyl is clear and understandable.


Q1) is it still radioactive at Chernobyl?

Ans- Even though Chernobyl is still radioactive, it is deemed safe for monitored, limited tourism.

Q2) How many deaths were recorded at Chernobyl?

Ans- amongst some of the 200 000 emergency personnel, radiation-induced cancers and leukemia are thought to have caused 3940 deaths.