What is castor oil? Casor oil benefits for your skin and hair growth


If you are into beauty and skincare, you must definitely have heard about CASTOR OIL. If not, no need to worry as we are here to help. Castor oil is a natural remedy that is used globally as a skin allergy deterrent, eyebrows, eyelashes and hair growth. Now, talking about WHAT IS CASTOR OIL? It is natural oil retrieved from Castor seed of the Ricinus communis.       

There is a wide variety of uses and benefits of this product for pretty much the whole human body. Although these benefits are not all backed by scientific studies, these are still widely accepted. In this article we will understand how to use castor oil for eyebrows growth, castor oil for eyelashes and its other uses.

How to use castor oil?

It can be used for a variety of purposes and the way in which it must be used will be different as per individual’s own requirement.

It looks so harmless
  • For hair growth – It’s recommended to apply it about 1-2 times in a week. Just apply a bit of product on your scalp and let it stay there for 15 minutes to a few hours before washing it out.
  • For eyelashes & eyebrows – As mentioned earlier, it can be really beneficial for hair growth. Now, this is not restricted to head hair as it can also be used to grow your eyebrows and eyelashes. Just apply a dime size amount of the product on your eyebrows and eyelashes. Be sure not to drip any droplets in your eyes as you never know how your eyes will react to this.
  • For Acne and Skin – As it contains essential fatty acids, it assists in getting the skin’s natural moisture back. Apply it lightly on your face and movie in round motions.

Now, moving on the uses of Castor oil as a whole and why should you consider adding it your daily healthcare collection:

Benefits of Castor Oil

Castor oil benefits
Benefits of using castor oil
  1. Anti-Ageing

Castor oil contains necessary antioxidants that make the ageing process slower. Oxidants in our body are responsible for the effects of ageing and antioxidants are believed to resist this process.

  1. Anti-Acne

No one in this wide world is fond of Acne and pimples on their beautiful faces. Well we can’t really blame them for obvious reasons. Acne is caused by many reasons like an ongoing disease, hormones, stress, etc., but the main reason it is caused is due to bacterial clogging that causes pores to clog and cause acne. Castor oil comes to the rescue again as it is believed to have antibacterial components that prevent acne and heal dead skin cells.

  1. Stronger and thicker hair

As earlier stated as well, Castor oil contains omega-6 fatty acids that help you get stronger, longer, thicker and shinier hair. These fatty acids travel to the roots of your hair and make them stronger. They are also very vital in removing the problems of dandruff. People have been using Castor oil for hair growth for very long time now.

  1. Cure cysts and moles

If it is mixed with a pinch of baking soda is applied on the infected area, it is known to relieve the pain, if any and cure it. After the application of castor oil it dissolves the cysts and moles, thus curing it.

  1. Anti-Sunburn

Due to the anti-inflammatory properties of castor oil may not be suitable as an straight up alternative of a sunscreen but once you are sun burnt it can be used to ease the pain that is followed after the sunburn. Along with this, it also reduces the skin peeling as it has moisturizing qualities reduce the effects of the sunburn that cause peeling off of skin.

  1. Moisturizes

We all know how important it is to keep a moisturizer handy, especially in the winter as our entire skin gets dry and patchy. It is recommended by Doctors that this oil could be applied to the skin to keep it nourished and moisturized.

7. Prevents Hair-loss

If you are suffering from the nightmares of Hair-loss then this product could be really useful for you. People have been using castor oil for hair growth and to prevent hair loss as well.

Above mentioned benefits may be the key Castor oil uses but they are certainly not the only ones. Other benefits are Anti-constipation, smooth lips, prevent arthritis, etc., Along with these benefits there are some side-effects of using it as well.

Side-effects of castor oil

For Hair – It may lead to a rare hair disorder – hair felting that causes the hair to be entangled in a mess and form a knot. This condition is irreversible so the only solution is to cut off the affected hair. In some cases the scalp may become itchy as well.

For Skin and face – The side effects of using it on skin are very limited. The applicant may develop skin itching and rashes as a result of the allergic reaction.

As a whole, its benefits are way more convincing and vast then its side-effects but again these benefits are not backed by proven scientific experiments but are widely believed to be true.

So, what did you conclude? Will you use castor oil for eyebrows growth? Will you consider using castor oil for eyelashes? Make sure to let us know in the comments section down below.