20 Home Remedies To Heal The Mosquito Bites

Home Remedies for Mosquito Bites

Seeking how to make mosquito bite stop itching? We have got solutions for you. For most of us, saving oneself from the mosquito bites is an ineluctable part of life. Whether you plan for a candlelight dinner under the open sky or enjoy fresh air in the balcony of your luxurious home, there is no place where the entry of mosquitoes can be prohibited. Some or the way, they catch hold of us. Almost everyone’s skin is sensitive to their irritative bites. It is nothing less than a nightmare to be bitten by mosquito and get mosquito bite swelling. So, here we will acknowledge some of the amazing home remedies for mosquito bites that will relief you from the trouble of mosquito bites. Here is a list of home remedies for mosquito bites to stop bites itching in seconds.

1. Green Tea Bags:

Apart from weight loss, green tea can be of a great help to you in many ways. It is one of the best home remedies for mosquito bites swelling and stop bites itching in seconds. As you know that green tea possesses anti-inflammatory properties which makes it an awesome antiseptic too. The green tea bags are highly robust in antioxidants as well which serve as an antihistamine cream when fed up of the irritation caused on the mosquito bitten area. You need to just place a moist green tea bag over the bitten portion and see how quickly the bothersome inflammation, redness and itching disappears and within no time you will forget that there was something troubling you the last minute.

2. Baking Soda:

Baking Soda is also one of the best home remedies for mosquito bites swelling. Are you searching where you kept it last time in your kitchen? As it is one of the most less used ingredient hidden in the shelf of the kitchen. Take a small bowl with few drops of water poured in it and mix one tablespoon of baking soda in it. The cure is ready. Before you apply it make sure your hands are properly cleaned because at times dirty hands might result to infection. Now apply the mixture softly over the bitten area and let it dry for some time. Then clean it by using lukewarm water and a soft cloth or cotton ball. To add on, for instant relief from itchiness, you can mix any ammonia containing household cleanser with baking soda. Try this only if you do not have a delicate skin but this is sure to benefit you.

3. Apple Cider Vinegar:

Do you feel like killing each and every mosquito in this world when their bite perturbs you? It is but obvious, after all who likes to be troubled. So, to get relief from the mosquito bites, this golden imbued liquid will help you a lot. Here, this liquid refers to the Apple Cider Vinegar which is bestowed with pleasing medicative attributes and palliates one from the pain and ragging caused by the pointed mosquito bites. Now how to make use of Apple Cider Vinegar? Take a small bowl and make a sludge paste by mixing corn flour and apple cider vinegar. Apply to the bitten area properly and wait till it dries. As soon as dried, wash it with warm water. If you have some important work to carry, then after apply the mixture cover it with a bandage. Clean it once you are free. It is as simple as mentioned but far better when tried. Experience the magic yourself!

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4. Honey:

Honey is such a gift of nature which can be called as an ‘All rounder’. The word all rounder has three A’s in it – antibacterial, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. Right from enhancing the beauty to curing any disease, honey is a miraculous blessing. So, how can its name go missing when it is about curing the mosquito bites! Honey has praiseworthy moisturizing elements within it and hence it turns out to be one of the fantastic cures for healing the mosquito bitten place on your body. All you need to do is to practice a little amount of honey on the bitten portion and leave it to dry. Mind you that being sweet in taste, honey might call for more mosquito bites so prefer applying this remedy in such an area where mosquitoes do not reach to you.

5. Tea Tree Oil:

Here comes another endowment from nature! Tea tree oil, which is also popularly known as an amazing medicine intended to lessen inflammation and inhibit the growth of the bacteria and viruses. It not heals the mosquito bitten region but also protects it from further infection. The moment you apply the tree oil, all your puffing, swelling and tumefying begins to heal thereby making you relaxed and comfortable. So, what are you waiting for, go and get it to stop bites itching in seconds.

6. Aloe Vera:

We should be thankful to the Almighty for empowering our nature with so many wondrous things. If we begin to count on the list, there is no end to it. Again, Aloe Vera is one of them which is commended with the maximum views to heal the problem of mosquito bites swelling. Considering its inflammatory elements, it also assists in relieving oneself from the irritation caused due to itchiness and also settles down the mosquito bite swelling of the bitten area. It is one of effective home remedies for mosquito bite. Are you thinking on how to apply? Here is the answer, you need to cut an aloe vera leaf around the basal of the plant and peel of its one side and apply gel on the bitten portion from the other side. Make sure that you don’t peel the complete leaf else you won’t be able to hold the leaf due to slippery gel. Don’t worry if you do not have an aloe vera plant at your home or nearby. In the meantime you can aloe vera cream or moisturizer from your dressing rack and apply it immediately. But this is just an alternative, not a correct solution. Prefer to get the natural form of aloe vera for quick results. Another option could be to mix calamine with an aloe vera lotion. Go for the one which is available at that point of time so that you can be relieved a bit.

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7. Witch Hazel:

Another effective and one of the recognized home remedies for mosquito bite is Witch Hazel. It is a source of essential oil which is robust in antioxidants thereby making it easy to heal the unpleasing effects of mosquito bites like: puffiness, infections, contusions and itchiness. Big thanks to its moisturizing and anti-inflammatory constituents. All you need to do to apply this is to mingle few drops of purified form of witch hazel with the calamine application on the affected portion to incur relief from the entire nuisance caused by a mosquito. Always think of solution, rather than cursing the problem!

8. Ice Pack/Ice Cubes:

Choose something that is chill and cool! The cooling effect of ice cubes is effective home remedies for mosquito bites. If you have forgotten to fill the ice tray, there are many other frozen things also, like: packed French fries packet or frozen peas packet in your fridge. So even they can serve you equally as ice cubes for the same cause. Just wrap such packets with a neat and clean cloth and apply it. Its chilling impact helps to decompress mosquito bites swelling on the mosquito pricked portion and stop bites itching in seconds. Within no time, you will forget all your worries and enjoy the day as normal.

9. Warm Water:

After trying something cool, now is the turn to opt for something warm. If the place bitten by mosquito seems to be swelled and puffed up, you can apply warm water to it. For an exact idea, it is better to warm the water at 85⁰C temperature. Take a bowl and pour warm water into it and then dunk a clean piece of cloth into it. As soon as that cloth absorbs the water, you can gently press the cloth on the affected area. The other way out could be to take a warm water bath. It will moisten your skin and impart you relaxation against the itchiness. The mosquito bites swelling will also seem settling down gradually. Isn’t it an easy and quick idea?

10. Aspirin or Acetaminophen:

Very few of us know this fact that Aspirin or Acetaminophen can assist us in attaining relief from the mosquito bite pain and irritation. It is also effective to stop bites itching in seconds. All thanks to our advanced medical world. Both of these are the most commonly used non-steroid pain killers. Their anti-inflammatory property provides you with an instant easing on the swollen area induced by mosquito prick. Inspite of taking the tablet, the better idea is to powder the tablet by crushing it and disperse it on the area causing irritation. Even the syrup of aspirin can be applied for speedy cure. The choice is yours but the cure is sure!

11. Meat Tenderizer:

There are enough of options available for the remedy and one of them is Meat Tenderizer. It works very well on the mosquito stung area and this is due to the enzyme called Papain present in it. Papain is a proteinase enzyme obtained from the unripe papayas which is used to tenderize the meat. Thus meat tenderizer turns out to be an excellent source of papain as it assists in crushing the protein left in the mosquito saliva thereby nullifying the impact of poison that the sting bequeaths on the bitten portion. Also, it comforts the person from itching and infliction. It stop bites itching in seconds.

12. Alcohol:

Did you ever think about any other use of alcohol apart from enjoying as a beverage? Well there are many other benefits of Alcohol and one of them is serving as an amazing home remedy for mosquito bites. Alcohol is acknowledged for its curative antiseptic elements. Dip a cotton ball in the bowl of alcohol and apply it gently on the bite to forestall infection and botheration caused by prick of mosquito. It also lends a feeling of comfort to alleviate mosquito bites swelling and stop bites itching in seconds. So, even if you do not prefer taking alcohol, do keep a small bottle of it for curing such problems. After all, you never what can turn out to be a savior in your tough time!

13. Basil:

Since ages, this natural herb has been used as a superb mosquito rebarbative to stop bites itching in seconds. Right from adding flavor to some exceptional tasty dishes, it also relieves a person from the pain and trouble caused by mosquito bites. Just pluck some basil leaves and crush them. Then put on its juice on the bitten area to say good bye to the entire nuisance caused by the mosquito which includes itching, irritation, smosquito bite welling and puffiness. There are many Tamil Brahmin families who have numerous basil plants grown in their courtyards. Give a try and enjoy the magic!

14. Mouthwash:

Hope you have a mouthwash with the content of menthol in it, just dab it over the mosquito bitten area and experience the relief from all the annoyance caused by the mosquito prink. This is because of the cooling properties of menthol that provides you an immediate comfort. Moreover, it is also known for its bactericide, anti-inflammatory and medication elements which imparts you a safeguard against any such insect bite. So, keep your mouthwash in place and don’t misplace it here or there because you never know what can help you and when. It is one of the best remedy to stop bites itching in seconds.

15. Coconut Oil:

Affluent with anti-bacterial, antioxidant and antiseptic holdings, Coconut Oil is an awful ancient home remedy which works wonders. The most important thing before applying coconut oil is to make sure that it should be unprocessed, original and of splendid quality, for the best and quick result. This oil is famous for its cooling effect which renders an instant relief in pain. But how does it work actually? The moment it is applied to affected area, it forms a sparse layer for the protection against the bacteria and dust and hence safeguards the bitten place from getting infected in the form of wound. It also assuages itchiness and mosquito bites swelling and stops bites itching in seconds

16. Fuller’s Earth:

Fuller’s earth is popularly known as ‘Multani Mitti’. Apart from lending grace to the face, it plays a significant role in being a useful home remedy to stop bites itching in seconds. For getting relief against the discomfort caused by the mosquito bite, you will need to prepare a paste by mixing fuller’s earth and water together to get rid of . Now apply this paste as mosquito bite cream on the bitten place with clean hands or sterilized cloth/cotton ball. Now let it dry for about two hours and undergo its magical results with your own eyes. In addition, you skin will also become soft and clean. Last but not the least, the hydrous aluminium silicate imbibed in it, assists in kicking off the dirt from getting sticked to that peculiar portion thereby not letting it get infected.

17. Shea Butter:

This is sure to be there in beauty kit… check it out! So you have found it. You can use it as mosquito bite cream. Now swob a little on the mosquito bitten area and gently massage it so that it can be absorbed properly and reach to inner tissue cells as well for quick healing. You must be wondering how she a butter can help in such a way. Well, it is the miracle of Vitamin A present in it which reposes from itching and its humidifying elements assures speedy cure thereby not letting it get infected. So, next time when you buy Shea butter, make sure you buy at least two: one for your beauty kit and other for safety aid box. An anti-allergic and antiseptic treat for you!

18. Sandalwood:

The breathtaking fragrance and ultimate coolness of sandalwood leaves everyone mesmerized. It is obtained from the rare sandalwood trees of rarified jungles. But there are very less people who know that sandalwood can even be used for achieving comfort from the bothersome mosquito bites or caused from any other insects. All you need to know is the process of applying it. Take a small bowl and squeeze one teaspoon of fresh lemon juice in it along with one teaspoon of turmeric powder and little sandalwood powder. Make a paste and apply it to the affected area. Now let it dry for a period of 15 to 20 minutes and then rinse it off with cold water. This formula will ease you from itchiness and eliminate your redness.

19. Turmeric:

This is one of an amazing home remedy which comes right away from your kitchen’s treasure. From enhancing the beauty to increasing the taste of the food, Turmeric also serves as a mind blowing mosquito repellant or as a mosquito bite cream. Turmeric is also rich in antiseptic elements that have superb healing and curing qualities. It also does not let the infection occur. To apply over the mosquito prinked portion, take a small bowl and mix a pinch or two of turmeric in little water and put it on that portion. You will notice the relied straight away and all the perturbation will seem flee away soon. In case, if the bite has converted to wound, you will need to integrate turmeric powder with butter and apply this. You will see a lot of difference after this application and the wound would not turn more infectious and will turn fine soon.

20. Neem:

Neem is known all over the world for its magical medicinal properties and it is nothing new about it. Since ancient times Neem is used as a medical treatment for many diseases, for long healthy hair, for adding flavor to food and for a healthy skin. Its advantages are uncountable and thus it is the first choice of many when anything needs to be healed. It also possesses the wonders of three A’s and they are: antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. There are many ways in which you can use neem. Take a big container of water and boil it with some neem leaves and then strain it and use it for bath. Not only the trouble caused by mosquitoes will be solved, but all the bacteria that cause infections and are not visible will also be killed. Another way could be to prepare the juice of neem leaves by squeezing them and apply to the mosquito affected area. You will see the redness and mosquito bites swelling disappearing within no time. Moreover, there is one more way to make the use of neem and that is to apply neem oil on any such infected place. You can apply such oil generally as well so that mosquitoes do not dare to even touch you.

Few Additional Home Remedies for Mosquito Bites Swelling and Itching:

Do not be dispirited if any of the top given home remedies did not prove much help to you because here comes few more options and they are as given under. So give a try:

  • Apply the oatmeal paste as a mosquit bite cream on the bitten area and rinse it off as soon as it dries.
  • Sprinkle some table salt if you want to relief yourself from itching on the bite.
  • To relax the prickling sensation caused by the mosquito bite, you can spray any of your antiperspirant deodorant on it.
  • Even the application of plain vinegar will ease the itchiness quickly.
  • To bid good-bye to the redness and itchiness, gently rub the inside portion of the peeled banana.
  • Put some clove oil on the bitten area and after few minutes wash the same with soap and water.
  • To cure itching, you can even chafe a fresh garlic clove over the affected area.
  • To reduce the tingling sensation of the mosquito bite, place a hot metal spoon in the peculiar place.
  • Apply little Vicks (vapor rub) as it also contains menthol and helps to ease this trouble.
  • To impart cooling and reduce the redness and itchiness, apply any of the plain toothpaste or mosquito bite cream.

Do not dishearten yourself if one remedy does not help you out, go for the other one. There are ample of remedies which will definitely help you a lot against the bothersome bite. This is because different things interpret different results varying from one person to other. As everyone has their own experiences, do share with us also if you have any of the tested ones with a successful result.

Words of Caution:

  • Before you choose any of the above remedies for mosquito bites swelling, make sure that you are not allergic to the one that you are applying, else the situation might get worsen. In case, if something such has happened, rush to the doctor immediately and do not try for any other remedy please.
  • If you are an expecting mother or feed your baby with your milk, then consult your doctor before trying any of the above highlighted remedies. The reason is because the body and the skin undergo various sensitive changes during such time. So, take care and stay fine!

Do share about what did you try among them and got succeed! Also, let us know which of the above given home remedies turned out to be a rescuer in your bothersome time.

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