3 Things to Think About When Dressing for a Date


So, you’ve managed to secure a date – congratulations! While you spend the time leading up to it memorizing conversation topics and practicing your best listening face, you should also devote some time to deciding what to wear. They say that on a date, first impressions are made within seven seconds and that what we are wearing contributes to whether this impression is a positive one or a negative one. But how do we decide what to wear to dress to impress on a first date?

What Are You Doing on the Date?

The first thing you should consider is what the date might entail. Deciding what to do on a date doesn’t just give you an idea of the other person’s personality, but it gives you an idea of what to wear. It’s important to know what you might get up to in order to dress accordingly and not look out of place or underdressed – both of which could end your romance before it begins.

Going for a hike and ‘grabbing a bit of food’ will require a different outfit to sitting down for the three-course a la carte taster menu or heading out to an exclusive club. You wouldn’t wear a full face of make-up and have your hair professionally done to sit in the cinema, and you wouldn’t wear an oversized jumper and carry your gym bag for a night on the tiles.

Where Are You Finding the Date?

How you got talking is also an indicator of what you might wear. Instagram and Twitter DMs have different vibes, with the former more appearance-based, which would require a more impressive date wardrobe.

Dating sites are different, too. Indeed, identifying all the ways to meet women and men to date could help give you an idea of how to dress. For example, EliteSingles is a professionals dating site, so wearing formal or smart work-style outfits may suit the other people you meet on there. Whereas BeNaughty dates will have a more casual vibe and therefore your outfit will be completely different for this.

Source Pexels

What Time Is the Date?

This is another signifier for how you should dress on a date – is the date morning, noon, or night? Believe it or not some people opt for breakfast dates, so you’d expect to either wear your work attire or would dress in a more reserved manner. This kind of date attire would suit a very casual look. Daytime dates are guided by what you might be doing on them – so could be semi-casual.

Nighttime dates give you an opportunity to dress up. For men, this means a crisp, well-ironed shirt, and a pair of smart trousers or dark jeans. For ladies, think night-out attire. Whether the date lasts from 7pm to 9pm or is extended into the early hours, dressing for nighttime should always be to dress for the most formal place you might end up.

Dressing for a date comes down to your style and existing wardrobe. But keep in mind what you’re doing, where you met, and what time you will be meeting can help guide you to make sensible choices with regards to your outfit. Ultimately, personality shines through and guides the course of the date, but a good outfit could make them feel more favorably towards you if you’re dating game is a bit rusty.