Rules For Washing Face The Right Way

Rules For Washing Face The right Way

How to wash your face? Yes, it may seem the most simple routine, but is not. Washing the face correctly takes time and attention and doing this the right way can make a huge difference in acne breakouts and beaming skin.

More than focusing on the number of times you wash your facer focus on how to properly wash your face.

No matter your skin texture, type, and condition, following a good cleansing routine is essential.

Removing makeup, grime, and dirt help to prepare the skin for skincare routine and also promotes skin renewal and regeneration process overnight.

We have mentioned some basic rules and Do’s and Don’ts of face washing routine. These tips will level up your skincare regimen. 


Remove all the makeup off your face.

Before beginning with the cleansing routine, work in with a gentle makeup remover, especially at night. Skin pores usually purge at night, and when clogged, everything will look congested. 

If you have clogged pores, use a double cleansing routine. Using a natural oil first and then mild face wash to get rid of the oil. You can use micellar water to remove makeup around your eyes. A cotton swab can be used to clean the tightened areas.

Use lukewarm water to wash your face.

Let’s disclose one myth: pres are not doors. Hot water does not open them, and cold water cannot close them.

Extremities of water temperature can cause irritation on the skin; therefore, always stick to the middle ground. You would want your skin to get flushed after you wash your face.

Use a sonic cleaning brush.

Sonic cleansing can be a big help for oily skin. Sonic cleansers use pulsations to clean the pore thoroughly. One popular sonic cleansing tool is Clarisonic. It comes with various brush heads; each has a different purpose from acne reduction to radiance. If you have sensitive skin, then you might consider limiting the use of this tool to prevent irritation.

Try Micellar water for the skin.

Micellar water contains micelle molecules that can attach to debris and makeup and break it down. People who do not wear makeup can use micellar water as a facial cleanser. If you are away from home with no water excess, you can get away with micellar water; it does not even need to be rinsed off.

Use a soft towel to pat dry face.

It’s time to rethink about air drying. Leaving face wet and dripping will not hydrate the face; instead, when the droplets evaporate, it can cause dryness on the skin. 

Always pat your face gently with a soft, antimicrobial towel. Be careful around the eyes, as the under-eye area is extreme sensitivity.

Use the recommended amount.

Wondering why your cleanser is not working properly? Then it’s time to check how much you use it. When you buy expensive cleansers, it is easy to get tempted to use less amount than recommended to prolong the use.

It’s time to stop doing that!

You can read the label to find the right amount. Products go through tests and trials to determine the effective amount of use.

Toner should be the last step.

Although this step is not a part of face washing, it is important for rebalancing the skin. Toners have a very light and liquid formula, used originally to reset the pH balance of the skin, to protect from bacteria and germs. 

Some toners come with extra benefits that target specific skin concerns. Check the label to search for ingredients like:

  • rosewater, for anti-aging properties
  • chamomile, for its calming qualities
  • salicylic acid or witch hazel to fighting acne

Apply toner with the help of a cotton ball: swipe it on your entire face or the concerned area like T-zone.

Experiment with different routines

One best way of testing different routines is by reading and experimenting washing routines of people who have skin type similar to yours.

For instance: if you have oily skin, washing your face twice a day can keep the acne in control. People who don’t like experimenting with makeup and skincare trust water only.

Washing the face the right way is the best and first step towards maintaining the natural state of the skin. Rest work depends upon mists, moisturizers, face masks, etc. the food you eat and your exercise routine also play a major role in your skincare game.

The best method of determining how to wash your face properly is to figure out individual cleansing goals and limits and start from there.


Avoid using soap bars on the face

Unless the soap is formulated for the face, it should be avoided at any cost. Soap bars can alter the face skin’s pH balance, allowing more risk for yeast and bacteria growth. 

The best way to wash your face is by using Facial cleansers and cleansing balms; they are made to suit the delicate skin on the face. People tend to look for foaming face washes because no foam means no cleansing. But in fact, foaming can strip the skin’s natural oils. 

Don’t Scrub with Washcloth.

Scrubbing can damage the natural skin barrier. Using fingertips is the best way to clean your face: do it for a minute or two. 

In exfoliators look for ingredients like glycolic acid, salicylic acid, lactic acid, and fruit enzymes. Leave these products for 60-90 seconds and let them do their job, remove dead skin and clean pores to provide a healthy glow.

Do use too many tools.

There is too much buildup of bacteria on loofah and sponges: which proves that using these may not be a great idea; unless you are ready to clean them regularly with bleach solutions. Your hands are your best tool.

Don’t make your chin the end spot.

Jawline and neck are also prone to debris and dirt buildup, just like other parts of your face. They need extra care too. When you give your face a cleansing massage, move your finger in a circular motion in an upward direction to keep the skin naturally lifted and tight.

Don’t over-wash

People tend to forget that they are washing the face while showering. When you include more washing routines, it can get a bit excessive, especially for dry skin. Try to cut back on face washing.

Don’t Exfoliate too much

The skin’s natural barriers help in protecting the skin and retain moisture. When you use a cleanser or scrub with beads will make your skin feel soft after usage, however daily usage of these products can damage the outer layer skin.

Over exfoliation can result in skin hypersensitivity. This can lead to breakouts, irritation, and stinging feeling when applying skincare products. 

Stay away from cleansers with the exfoliating ingredients like beta-hydroxy acids, and alpha-hydroxy acids because these are powerful in damaging the skin instead use natural cleansers.

Type of cleansers to avoid:

  • bar soaps
  • harsh, foaming cleansers
  • perfumed or dyed
  • daily exfoliating cleansers

Don’t skip the moisturizer.

Like toning, moisturizer helps keep the skin hydrated—some people like the after wash, tight feeling, which is caused due to excessive dryness.

Your skin can feel sensitive, crack, or even peel. Moisturizer protects the skin from drying. If the skin continuously feels dry after washing, try switching cleansers. Pick an oil-based cleanser or a mild cleanser. 

Must have a cleansing tool kit:

  • A gentle, mild cleanser, or maybe two (for double cleanse)
  • Antimicrobial cloth to dry face.
  • A sonic cleansing brush, for oily skin
  • Optional: micellar water makeup removal and when traveling

Final Words:

Knowing how to wash your face correctly can help big time in improving your skincare game. There is a thing as over washing, which can cause skin damage resulting in irritation, sensitivity, and ripping off the natural moisture of the skin. Using the right cleaning skins appearances and methods to clean your face will make a huge difference in the appearance of your skin. In this article, we have mentioned some dos and don’ts for how to properly wash your face. Follow these rules and tell us which step made a difference in your cleansing routine.