Tuesday, May 21, 2024
If you’re a sugar baby with a baby face, there’s a good chance you’ve had a love/hate relationship with it at best. When you look young for your age, it can be hard to get people to take you...
It is no secret that toys are essential for toddlers and their development. From building blocks to puzzles, toys provide entertainment, learning opportunities, and socialization. But with so many toys online, it can be challenging to know which ones...
Expectant mamas usually take classes to learn how to change a diaper, soothe Baby when they seem to be inconsolable, and give Baby a bath. They’ll likely have resources to troubleshoot breast- or bottle-feeding. But, as Dr. Hassan Alzein...
Kids nowadays are far more interested in watching TV than riding their bikes. Most kids will choose to watch TV over riding a bike. It is sad because you remember how freeing and adventurous riding a bike was. You...
Mobile phones have become a part of our daily life. Rapidly changing technology and social media platforms have become a constant way of communication for the younger generation. As social media is a double-ended sword, it has benefits and side...
Do you have children living with you in your smart home? It is likely that these children have been curious about Google Home, or any smart speaker for that matter. Living with robots and smart devices get them all...
Raising children in today's world poses unique challenges, so it's more important than ever to ensure our kids stay healthy and happy. Good health habits must be instilled early on, ensuring that we provide the best physical care and...
Hey Mama! You know your babies more than anyone, but do you know their love language? This is a question a lot of parents don’t really think to ask, but communicating with your child using their love language can...
Tearing paper is a great way for kids to build fine motor skills. It requires using small muscles in the hands and fingers, which are essential for writing, cutting, and buttoning. Tearing paper can also help kids develop hand-eye...
In this day and age, children are more tech-savvy than ever before. They have access to the internet and social media platforms, which can expose them to a wealth of information and opportunities to connect with people around the...