12 Fun Ideas for Tearing Paper to Improve Fine Motor Skills

tearing paper

Tearing paper is a great way for kids to build fine motor skills. It requires using small muscles in the hands and fingers, which are essential for writing, cutting, and buttoning. Tearing paper can also help kids develop hand-eye coordination, problem-solving skills, and creativity.

In this article, we will share 12 tearing paper activity ideas perfect for kids of all ages. These activities are fun, engaging, and educational, and they will help your child’s fine motor skills develop in no time.

Fun Ideas for Tearing Paper

Below here we have mentioned 12 awesome tearing paper activity ideas. Have a look:

Creating Art with Paper:

First, let kids tear colourful paper into small pieces. They can use glue to stick these pieces onto a big piece of paper. Let them have fun trying things independently and making cool things.

Fun with Colors and Patterns:

Teach kids how to make a simple pattern using two colours. Use torn paper strips. Tear a piece of paper into smaller parts. Show them how to tear the paper into strips.

Creating with Different Textures:

Let us make a cool collage using different things like paper and materials. Tear them into small pieces and stick them on the paper however you want. You can pick from a box of different papers and materials to use.

Here are some different kinds:

  • Shiny foil
  • Regular paper
  • Soft tissue paper
  • Newsprint
  • Sturdy cardboard
  • Magazine pages
  • Baking paper
  • Sticky paper (like tape or stickers)
  • Gift wrapping paper

Tearing Tissue Paper Fun:

A cool activity for little kids from a book called “The Toddler’s Busy Book” by Trish Kuffner.

Start with a shiny foil piece. Put a little baby oil on it and let your kids spread it using a paintbrush.

Give them colourful tissue paper to tear. They can put the torn pieces on the oily foil. The paper sticks but can be moved around or taken off easily.

Drawing a Garden:

Tell kids to draw a tall tree in a garden. Make the garden by tearing colourful paper into small pieces. These pieces become leaves, grass, clouds, and more.

Stick the paper leaves on the tree branches. Then, finish the rest of the garden.

Doing this needs careful focus and helps practice using small muscles.

Snow Picture:

For something different, create a snowman picture. Tear white paper or tissue paper into snowflakes. Stick them falling from the clouds in the picture.

Fun Paper Game:

Tearing paper can be super fun! You pass a wrapped package around in a game called Pass the Parcel. When the music stops, the person with the package takes off one layer of paper.

You can play this at school or at home with your child. Try guessing which toy is wrapped up! It is a fun way to tear the paper.

By the way, using gift bags is easy, but tearing wrapping paper is more exciting. So, why not wrap your child’s gifts and add extra layers of paper for more fun?

Tape Fun:

Toddlers like sticky tape a lot. Just give them a roll of tape (or a few different colours) and let them have fun. They can stick the tape on paper or even on walls and furniture if you’re okay with it. It is their creative time.

Tearing Leaves for Fun:

Pick up leaves from the yard or park. Tear them into tiny pieces.

You can use these pieces to create an autumn picture.

Little kids will enjoy carrying a small box with their torn leaves. While doing this, you can also look for flowers and other natural things.

Gift Paper You Make:

Your family will be happy to get gifts with homemade wrapping paper.

The best stuff to use is the wrapping paper you buy. It is colourful and fun. Like in the picture, stick pretty wrapping paper pieces on plain paper.

Teach your kids to paste the paper carefully so it is smooth and neat.

Fun with Crumpled Paper:

Besides tearing, crumpling paper is fun and helpful too.

Begin with big pieces of paper. Make them into balls and try throwing them into a basket or a target.

After, try using only one hand to crumple paper. It is trickier than you think!

Funny Bag Faces:

Here is another fun thing from “The Toddler’s Busy Book. It is about crumpling.

Tear old magazines or newspapers. Make them into balls. Put them into a brown paper bag until it is full.

Use a rubber band to close the bag. Draw or paint a face on the front.

I hope you enjoy these tearing activities at home or school with your kids.


Tearing paper is a fun and easy activity to help children develop fine motor skills. There are many different Tearing paper activities that you can do with your child, depending on their age and interests. Some simple activities include Tearing up paper into strips, shapes, or small pieces. You can also challenge your child by asking them to tear paper along a line or into specific shapes.

I hope you like the information given in the article. For more such updates on games, stay tuned with us.


What are the benefits of tearing paper activities for fine motor skills?

Tearing paper activities can help children develop fine motor skills in a number of ways. First, they help to strengthen the muscles in the fingers and hands. This is important for tasks such as writing, cutting, and buttoning. Second, tearing paper activities help to develop eye-hand coordination. 

What age group is tearing paper appropriate for?

Tearing paper activities can be appropriate for children of all ages, from toddlers to preschoolers to elementary school children. Younger children may need some help with more complex activities, but they can still enjoy the benefits of tearing paper.

What are some materials needed for tearing paper activities?

The materials needed for tearing up paper activities vary depending on the specific activity. However, some common materials include:

  • Paper of different colours and textures
  • Scissors
  • Hole punches
  • Glue
  • Containers for storing torn paper
  • A surface to work on

How long should I let my child tear paper?

The amount of time you let your child tear paper will vary depending on their age and interest level. Younger children may only be able to tear paper for a few minutes, while older children may be able to tear paper for longer periods. Letting your child tear paper for as long as they enjoy it is important.