Are you really sick of winter and looking forward to spring? why not start a window sill garden? All it takes is a sunny window with space for a planter and a few supplies from a home center or garden store. If you want, you can even order seeds and soil on the internet. So the next time you’re shopping online or browsing smokingthings, don’t forget to search for gardening supplies you can access through the web.
Decide What to Grow
Before you purchase any supplies, decide what you want to grow. If your sunny window is in the kitchen, try some herbs like parsley, rosemary, sage or chives. Flowers make a nice display, too. Daisies, violas, and marigolds all work well in containers. Be careful if you have pets, however. Some plants are poisonous to cats and dogs, so do some research. Speaking of cats, they love to chew on grass, so a pot of wheat berries will sprout into a nice grazing garden for the kitties.
Gather Supplies
Once you have decided what to grow, here is what you will need to get your indoor garden started.
- A planter that fits on your window sill
- Potting soil
- Seeds
- A large plastic bag
Find a planter that will sit securely on the window sill. You don’t want to risk bumping it and having it fall to the floor. Make sure to put a tray under the pot to catch any excess water, and also make sure the planter has drain holes for that excess water to come out. Fill the planter within an inch of the top with potting soil and water thoroughly.
For those looking to enhance their window sill garden, wrought iron window boxes offer a stylish option that complements any home decor.
Planting Your Garden
Read the directions on the back of the seed packet to see how deep the seeds should be planted. If seeds are large, like marigolds or parsley, you can sprinkle them on the soil and then add an eighth of an inch of soil on top. Press it down firmly. If the seeds are very small, sprinkle them over the top of the soil and just add a thin dusting of soil to cover. Press down on the soil to ensure contact. Now slip the plastic bag over the planter. This will help hold moisture in while the seeds germinate. Set it on the sunny window sill.
Tending the Garden
Keep the soil in the planter moist by spraying it with a spray bottle. It should look like chocolate cake. If the soil looks too wet, open the bag to give the planter some air. When the seeds emerge, continue to mist every few days. Thin the seedlings to give plants room to grow.
Sowing a window box garden is a great way to wait for spring. Get gardening today!