Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Chanel: Luxury sees most brand value growth in 2019


In the mind of the consumers, the digital brands remain on the top, but in 2019 it is the luxury sector that saw the most growth, according to the latest Interbrand ranking of the Best Global Brands, released on Thursday.

According to the report by Interbrand, Apple, Google, and Amazon maintained their hold on the top three rankings. Facebook, however, dropped five places from #9 in 2018 to #14 this year.

Other names that dominated the top 10 include Microsoft at #4 and Coca-Cola at #5, Samsung at #6, Toyota at #7, Mercedes-Benz at #8, McDonald’s at #9 and Disney at #10 – as top brands.

Meanwhile, some new brands also hold close ties to the digital space with Uber at #87 and LinkedIn, making its debut at #98 and joining the ranks of the world’s most valuable brands.

Still, the power of luxury brands should not be underestimated, as this sector saw a recording growth rate of 11 percent.

Top performers include Gucci, which ranked at #33, jumping 23 percent compared to last year, with a valuation of USD 15,949 million. 

Louis Vuitton was equally in the top 25 at #17, before Chanel at #22. 

Charles Trevail, global chief executive officer at Interbrand, said the brands to grow the most are those that exceeded customer expectations, as they continue to be “more informed, more connected and more demanding than ever before.”

“For decades, the entire discipline of brand-building was based on the concept of brand positioning, but in today’s accelerating markets, customer expectations outstrip static brand positions. Brands can no longer be considered separate to businesses and will be judged on what they do, not just what they say; and about trust, not just delivery,” said Trevail.

“The age of brand positioning is over. In a world where customer expectations will continue to move faster than businesses, static brand positions and incremental change will just about keep brands in the game – but it will take, brave, we would say ‘iconic’, moves, to make brands leap ahead of customer expectations and ultimately deliver extraordinary business results,” addedTrevail. 

Top brands equate top cash flow with the combined total value of the Top 100 jumping 5.7 percent from 2018, reaching $2,130,929m.