How to Solve Aging Skin Problems

Solve Aging Skin Problems
Solve Aging Skin Problems

As we grow older, our skin goes through drastic changes in line with our aging process. That is, you may start to notice some loose facial skin, dryness, or get prone to bruising. Such conditions develop as your skin begins to thin or lose its elasticity. Yet, did you know that you can slow down this natural aging process using simple remedies and routines at home? Yes, your habits, diet, and lifestyle can make your skin look younger or older than your real age. Below are quick tips for dealing with aging skin challenges:


The first signs of aging come in the form of wrinkles. Unless you are proactive in maintaining your youthful look, these wrinkles turn your bubbly looks into dimmer you. Hence, limit your duration out in the sun. If you must be out, ensure you wear ample sunscreen. Avoid smoking. Plus, get enough sleep of between six to eight hours a night.

Dry and Itchy Skin

As we age, we tend to lose the oil glands below our skin. In turn, the skin can be dehydrated and itchy. Keep your skin soft and smooth by taking a bath in lukewarm water. Do not overstay in the shower as your skin will dry even more. Add some drops of baby oil into your bath water to cut itching. Use organic moisturizers to keep your skin moist all day.

Age Spots

Age spots, liver spots, or sunspots are tiny dark marks typical with persons above the age of 50. They come about after prolonged exposure to the sun. Though they look like cancerous growths, these age spots are harmless. Still, they make one’s skin look blemished and unpleasant.

To treat age spots, you’ll need to consult SpaMedica for the right medication or treatment for you. Procedures such as freezing, dermabrasion, and laser treatment get rid of may help. Also, prevent age spots by wearing ample sunscreen all day. Avoid going into the sun between 10 am and 2 pm when the sun rays are at its peak.

Skin Cancer

Exposure to harmful UV radiation from the sun can cause skin cancer. Persons who are above 65 years of age are most likely to develop this type of cancer. Reduce your risk of skin cancer by wearing sunscreen with an SPH 30 or higher. Avoid indoor tanning procedures that expose you to harmful rays.

Live a Healthy Lifestyle

You can prevent premature skin aging by maintaining a healthy lifestyle. That is, reduce your alcohol intake. Quit smoking. Opt for safe skincare products. Be keen to avoid repetitive facial expressions that form wrinkles with time. Eat a balanced diet with lots of fruits and vegetables. And exercise daily.


As we age, our skin loses its ability to heal itself. More so, our immune system begins to slow down. Hence, you must make plans to address the complications that come with aging skin. Follow the above tips as an excellent anti-aging routine starts in your youthful years.