Among members of Generation Z, the online phenomenon known as “Shifting Reality” has been viral on the video-sharing platforms Amino and TikTok. 


is shifting realities real – The phenomenon was first noticed on the former, which featured detailed instructions for virtually transporting one’s body (or at least one’s mind) into alternate universes. Hogwarts is now the most-visited parallel world, and the movement quickly spread to TikTok, where it has seen explosive growth in popularity and participants. Many ask is shifting realities real and fundamental because they are curious about it. 

Kristen Datto, a fan of the anime My Hero Academia, claims to be an expert, in reality, shifting because she has been to that show’s other universe. At 18 years old, Kristen posted what would become a viral video on reality changing on October 24, 2020. Let’s discuss everything you should know about the answer to the question is shifting realities real in detail. 

Datto describes shifting as “an act of transporting your mind to a whole different world that you have envisioned” in her instructional video titled How to Change Realities 101. Every reality is possible, identical to or distinct from one’s own. She said that reality shifts are not entirely unexplainable by science, but neither can they be said to be wholly natural.

These people, who call themselves “shifters,” say they can instantly transport themselves into the fictional setting of a book or TV program. They accomplish this by scripting or outlining the characteristics of their ideal world, including where and how they would want to appear. It allows them to shift mentally into the reality they have imagined.

Even though many TikTok videos, such as “The Raven Method,” show you how to make a move, Kristen is not convinced that following such a guide is necessary.

Your mental focus causes a change. A method’s only purpose is to help with mental imagery and focus, as listening to music may help with studies. Kristen claims in her video that all one has to do to make the transition is to “establish an intention to shift” and then sleep on it. TikTok videos and other proponents of reality shifting agree on one thing: you have to get your brain working and your body to sleep.

Experts have cast doubt on the integrity of reality shifting, calling it nothing more than hypnosis and lucid dreaming.

The Many-Worlds Interpretation of quantum physics, sometimes known as the multiverse hypothesis, provides a possible scientific foundation for the concept of reality-shifting at its most fundamental level. Yet the idea of switching to other universes is not supported by science. Moreover, many people still need to become more familiar with whether is shifting realities real l in detail. 

According to Laura Rosser Kreiselmaier, a psychotherapist located in Nashville, changing realities experienced by TikTok viewers is essentially a “kind of self-hypnosis”. She thinks that today’s youth are seeking creative solutions to the existential question of whether or not human civilization can continue on Earth.

 Hence, the covid epidemic has disrupted everyday living, childhood, adolescence, and the transition to adulthood. In light of this, “it isn’t unexpected that individuals are trying to find out how to manage or maybe induce for themselves a, quote,’ reality’ that is more pleasant,” Kreiselmaier said to The Washington Post.

Nicole Hernandez, a Hypnotist told Cosmopolitan that the reality-bending seen on TikTok is just a kind of lucid dreaming or self-hypnosis, echoing the thoughts of many users. In addition, she said that the techniques used by TikTok shifters to break into other worlds are essentially different forms of hypnotic induction:

Hernandez told Cosmopolitan that the wildly popular “raven method” of shifting uses the same approach for counting down from 100 to 1 while envisioning their chosen world and that hypnotic inductions are merely a succession of rituals like this. When asked, she said

“These rites serve as recommendations that enable [people to] disconnect from the real world and connect with the world of their imagination or inner life. Hypnotic inductions help people unwind and enter a hypnagogic state—a normal phase of consciousness between awake and asleep. You are completely aware and can direct the hypnotist-suggested visions in this condition.

In the wake of the COVID-19 outbreak, reality shifting has been labeled by psychologists as an “emergent online dreaming culture.”

There has been a rise in reality-altering Google searches since social isolation was mandated in the wake of the worldwide COVID-19 epidemic in 2020, according to a study produced by Dr Somer and published in ‘Current Psychology’ in October 2021.

Because of the worldwide danger presented by the epidemic, young people are probably seeking solace in other mental pursuits. But, as Dr Somer and his colleagues have noted, reality shifting has “psychological elements of an emerging online daydreaming culture” when it occurs in the virtual world.

The research also drew parallels between reality shifting and daydreaming, noting that when one daydreams, they often transfer their mental processes onto a made-up set of images. Specifically, it stated:

“Like the deliberate and active process of causing Reality Shifting, daydreaming may need the individual’s agency for engaging in mental reflection freely to construct experience representations.”

Alternatively, Director Pamela Rutledge, at Media Psychology Research Center, told Insider that reality shifters include meditation in their shifting tactics by focusing their mind on a single item, suggesting that meditation may be the foundation of reality shifting.

“Whether you call it self-hypnosis or meditation, all the ‘how to shift’ videos agree that shifting is a type of both.” But, other shapeshifters aren’t fond of the idea that lucid dreaming, self-hypnosis, or daydreaming are to blame for their extraordinary abilities. For instance, Kristen Datto told The Washington Post that she disagreed with the doubts cast on their approach.

I’ve been told I’m insane by several of my relatives. To which I respond, “It’s OK.” I can’t convince you otherwise if you don’t want to believe in it or know it’s true. So I’m leaving to enjoy those worlds while you remain here.

The practice of reality shifting may have severe psychological consequences, as several former TikTok users have revealed. Although clinical psychologist Joshua Klapow told Insider that altering reality was “not intrinsically problematic”, it becomes a topic of worry when a person utilizes it “more and more to escape their existing existence”.

“Like any other activity, [shifting] leads to an unhealthy and unbalanced existence the more it dominates. Moreover, for people vulnerable to dissociative disorders like psychosis, it might exacerbate symptoms, as Klapow pointed out.

The above-listed portion explains the answer to the question is shifting realities real in detail.