Maintaining a Positive Brand Image on Instagram: Best Marketing Practices

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Since its inception, Instagram has come a long way, evolving into one of the most powerful social media platforms that brands, users, and marketers use to promote their businesses and lifestyle. This is because Instagram provides the needed avenue for businesses to adequately promote their brand and reach out to their target market.

Today, growing and establishing a brand on Instagram is no child’s play, and a lot of views exert influence on algorithmstrategies and planning. Of course, it is full of sense to use specific services to obtain an extra activity, as a reliable ViralGrowing website. You don’t want to post whenever something picks your fancy randomly. Instead, it would be best to have a well-developed, dedicated system that will steer and put you on course to achieve your goals and objectives.

A well-developed strategy will also help your brand make a point or show the audience your point of view while making your ideas look more coherent. Below are seven tips to enhance your Instagram advertising and marketing results while growing and shaping your brand.

Do not forget that you can always make use of numerous tactics in your strategy. However, these are the ones we recommend you prioritize.

By juneaye from Pixabay

1. Optimize Your Instagram Bio

 An Instagram bio is a small area just below your username on your page. The Instagram bio is used to share necessary information about your brand and the content you plan to share. This small area usually includes your brand’s name, profile details, contact information, and service or product description. That’s not all; Instagram also enables you to add a link to your portfolio or website on your Instagram bio.

The way the Instagram profile is structured, the Instagram bio is the first thing users see when they visit your page. Therefore, you must build your bio to be captivating and informative to engage these users. Make sure you share concise and proper descriptions of your product and brand in your bio.

It’s also essential that you share a thing or two about the content you plan to share on your page. Making your profile more fun and relatable is also ideal. Hence, we recommend you use emotions in sync with your brand language and content. You can also include a link and a hashtag in your bio asides from your primary URL. This link will surely help to drive traffic to another social media page.

Also, do not forget to add a relevant link to where you intend to drive traffic to a landing page, product demo page, or website home page. If you can, make use of a trackable link so you can evaluate the traffic and engagement sourced from your IG page.

 2. Create a Content Calendar for Instagram

A robust approach towards achieving maximum output from Instagram as a marketing tool is to be consistent with pushing out content. To achieve consistent publishing of Instagram content, you need to have a content calendar. The content calendar will undoubtedly help you keep to your posting schedule at all times. The content calendar allows you to automate the publishing processes and help push content out when your audience is most active.

You should include the necessary caption, video or graphic link, hashtags, content types, date, day, and time of publishing to your Instagram content calendar. Also, make sure you plan your content forward for at least two weeks. This will give you enough time and flexibility to modify your calendar.

You should note that to keep your audience engaged; you need to use the right mix of formats and content types in your calendar like videos, images, quotes, memes, infographics, and text graphics. An Instagram content calendar will also assist you to easily access your previous posts in situations where you need to republish your previous content.

 3. Experiment with Curated Content

Constantly creating captivating and exciting content can sometimes become overwhelming for marketers. As a result, the best approach to always creating compelling content is to use curated content from related profiles.

By Tumisu by Pixabay

Many marketers are known to use content curation as a breakout from being repetitive and monotonous. This exact concept can also be used in Instagram marketing. To make use of curated content on Instagram, you will need to select relevant pieces of information you think will pick the interest of your followers. Then, you publish such content in your own vocabulary.

Curated content will always be an incredible way to fill the blanks in your content calendar so you can have packed content for your audience. There are also additional benefits that come with using curated content on Instagram, and these include;

  • Networking with fellow brands
  • Connecting with influencers
  • Proper branding as an industry expert.
  • Being up to date with trends

The best way to build a curative strategy is to follow various Instagram profiles that share posts relevant to your audience.  Take note of the content you want to post, use a caption that defines your purpose of sharing and promote your brand alongside it. Always remember to tag the original content creator and give credits where necessary.

 4. Incorporate Relevant Hashtags

A solid game to play on Instagram is the hashtag game. This is because the hashtag is used for various purposes on Instagram. On Instagram, hashtags are used to search for content in the “Discover” tab, and users can follow these hashtags to see various content published under the hashtags. That’s not all; the Instagram algorithm also uses hashtags to create suggestions to multiple users or help find interest-based profiles.

According to a study carried out by Sprout Social, Instagram posts that use hashtags have a 12.6% boost in engagement compared to posts without hashtags. This is why it is essential to make use of hashtags on Instagram if you want to grow and establish your brand. With the ever-increasing competition among Instagram brands and marketers, using hashtags has become competent.

On a single post, Instagram allows you to use a maximum of thirty hashtags. And even though it’s pretty tempting to make use of the whole allowance, with related hashtags to your brand and content, you shouldn’t. Instead, you should have a strategy to make the best of several hashtags. A lot of experts suggest the use of 11 hashtags per post. Furthermore, you should try as much as possible to avoid overly popular hashtags.

You should develop a hashtag strategy with a balanced combination of self-made, industry-relevant, low search volume, and industry-relevant hashtags.

5. Leverage Instagram Stories

On all the social media platforms combined, it is reported that Instagram’s stories feature has one of the highest engagement rates. This makes Instagram stories a potent tool for your brand to engage, connect and impact your audience in a matter of seconds. An Instagram story is a sharp image with gifs or video clips, text, and/or a link that your followers can easily view from the top of their app in the space of twenty-four hours.

Instagram stories can promote your brand and content and engage your followers in several ways. For instance, you can decide to share a featured product or preview your new Instagram post linked to the accurate content. That’s not all; you can also ask your audience via your Instagram stories to ask you any question using the “Ask me anything” feature. These questions will help give you a better understanding of your brand’s position in the market and how your subsidence perceives your brand.

You can also have a poll on your Instagram stories to help increase follower’s excitement and engagement for your following product or service launch. Hosting a series of content snippets is also an option on your Instagram story. You can make use of various captains, mentions, hashtags, filters, emoticons, and stickers on your stories to make them more engaging and alluring to your audience.

 6. Increase Your Instagram Reach and Followers

With more than 25 million active business brands and profiles on Instagram, increasing your reach and follower count has become vital to the success of your business. The competition to gain the attention of Instagram users among IG businesses has become fiercer than ever before. Therefore you must use every available resource to gain follower count, likes, shares, reach, and engagements on your Instagram page.

By coffeebeanworks by Pixabay

To organically build your reach and follower count, a good idea would be to pay for advertisements to increase your engagement, conversion, leads flow, and followers via Instagram ads. Instagram Ads is the advertising section of Instagram, and like any other social platform, it offers to advertise users’ brands and businesses using targeted ad campaigns. Instagram Ads have proven to be an effective way to reach out to a specific target audience, increase followership and engagements.

Instagram Ads offers audience segmentation based on people’s interests, likes, interactions, and buying behavior. To make use of Instagram Ads, you have to know that there are several formats to choose from, like video ads, photo ads, collection ads, carousel ads, and story ads. Based on a study carried out by Adespresso, the average cost-per-click for an Instagram ad is around $0.70 to $0.8 but differs based on your special ad requirement.

If you’re well conversant with Facebook, you can also perform your Instagram ads via the Facebook Ads Manager tool. All-in-all, using Instagram ads is an efficient approach to achieving your desired follower count, likes, shares, reach, and engagements on your Instagram page in the long run.

  7. Get Instagram Influencers on Board Instagram

Social media influencers have established a community of audience on a platform, be it Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, or YouTube. They share relevant and valuable information and content that resonates with their audience.

Social media influencers are known to influence their followers’ decisions concerning a product, brand, or idea within their niche.  A lot of these influencers are well present and established on Instagram, and a lot of brands and businesses are now known to make use of their services.

Instagram influencers help brands and businesses to reach out to target groups of Instagram users that fit the businesses’ or brands’  target audience. A lot of reports now suggest that brands and businesses are increasingly investing in Influencer campaigns on Instagram. As such, Instagram now tops the list of the most impactful and vital social media channels for influencer marketing.

To make use of Instagram influencers for your brand, you must first search for the ideal influencer with the right community that meets your target persona. You shouldn’t just look for an influencer with a large audience with more diverse followers. Make sure you target micro-influencers too that have a small but engaged and focused community of followers. Ensure you’re able to identify your ideal candidate. You should network and work with these influencers to reach out and persuade their audience to engage your brand posts and Instagram profile.


Instagram continues to prove to be an incredible marketing tool for businesses and brands to connect and reach their target audience as they look to build their online community. As a result, Instagram should be a top priority for all businesses and brands regardless of the size and shape. Instagram has been an effective platform over the years, and that hasn’t changed.

It’s a platform with the highest engaging audience where brands can showcase their brand personality for users to comment, share, like and engage with their content. Brands can also share their content in a more balanced and chronological approach compared to other platforms such as Facebook. As a result, they can have accomplished incredible organic reach and achievements.

With many businesses now on Instagram, there’s a need for your brand to stay ahead of the competition to ensure maximum engagements. To do this, ensure you implement the seven tips discussed above, as it is a sure way to help your brand morph into its best form.